Source: Someone became a plant mom! Yes, Sam has a new succulent and Lisa deems it the perfect plant. It needs nothing and she doesn't have to give anything back! Not quite like raising a baby, if only God had considered Lisa's take on child rearing! What's your signature…
Source: Don't send fruit to a funeral. That's just weird and it isn't the 70's! Sheesh! Does a fruit basket have a purpose? Lisa is pissed about the lotto, again and Sam has secured her fakefan status with the Blue Jays. Can anyone help Lisa find a new show…
Source: Could this episode be Lisa and Sam's 5th year meltdown? Does Sam admit that Lisa drives her crazy? Regardless, it's their 'We Made It' podaversary episode! Lisa sets Sam up to fail and it ends up on a tik tok. Would you reward bad behaviour? The topic of…
Source: Dear toaster, why can't there be a window so you can check your bread? The ladies dive deep and reveal they have trust issues because of the toaster! How do you feel about charcoally toast? Have you heard enough about the Oscar 'slap'? Well, Lisa and Sam share…
Source: Do you feel like you're a hamster on the wheel of life? Lisa has moved into the wheel and she can't stop it! Sam had an alarming interaction at Shoppers. The ladies are fired up and a petition is in the works to bring back Goodie Rings, will…
Source: Who do you think wants to be magical and make bridges disappear? Lisa claims to have the magic in her and will now be referred to as 'The Marvellous Lisa'. Sam has plans of her own that include ice, brooms, and rocks. Do you sleep well? What kills…
Source: Lisa is standing up for poutine, and Sam wonders why people would send hate mail to Canadian restaurants that serve poutine. It's poutine, not Putin people! Sam might have a slight toothache, and Lisa decides to freak her out talking about the archaic practices of dentistry. Lisa is…
Source: Lisa is paying Sam a compliment because it's World's compliment day. She believes that we have become un-mannerly, and Sam questions the validity of that word. Unfortunately, they soon realise that there are only two manners in the world, and they aren't sure what constitutes basic decency. This…
Source: Lisa is tired of the bullshit that's been happening over the past two years with the use of the name Karen. She wants to start a movement called the anti Karen Karen movement because we're so over it! How about we use all those other great words out…
Source: Lisa would like you all to meet Jerry, the kettlebell. He is her emotional support kettlebell, and he goes where she goes. Sorry fithoop your last week's news! She hasn't had a chocolate bar in two weeks, so could the water at least taste like chocolate, for heaven's…
Source: Lisa is excited about Jonathan, the 190-year-old tortoise, but only because she wants to go for a ride! Giddy, up turtle! She sees herself straddling him and riding off into the sunset! Sam thinks all Jonathan is worried about is eating leaves and sleeping! Groundhogs of the world,…
Source: Lisa is determined to become a fast walker. She tries to keep up to those other fast walkers even though she has more of a sauntering pace! Cheating on her fitbit has occurred to her, and maybe she needs to analyse her stride! Why do we keep eating…
Source: When Lisa asks, you 'wanna wordle,' you pray it's not something weird and just roll with it. She is obsessed with the new word game wordle and realises five letter words are totally in her wheelhouse! Lisa is widdling down the wordle and Sam claims she could be…
Source: Lisa wants to up her hydration and believes it would be very adulty of them to have a water bottle, which then Sam breaks the news; she's already got one! She then ponders is water, water? Huh? Would you eat a hotdog with fruit loops? The ladies think…
Source: Lisa needs a problem solved and it has to do with bagels. She likes some of them but feels pressured to like all of them. Sam does her best to walk Lisa through her angst but it goes in a different direction when they discuss savory or sweet.…
Source: Sam thinks she might need a buffet in her life and that leads them to go down memory lane about the classy, trashy, and fancy buffets! It was always about the many options of food all brought together in one place! However, Sam believes the salad bar was…
Source: It's been a bit of a week for Lisa having the difficult decision to swallow or spit...her scalding coffee! I bet you thought it was something different, Sam did! Lisa claims it was so hot it hurt her heart! Sam is holding her forehead due to Lisa's glasses…
Source: Lisa is having all types of issues with her winter wardrobe but her boots being too booty, well that just makes no sense! Sam gets corrected on how she is pronouncing booty and Lisa feels Sam is part of her boot problem. What?! Lisa starts singing a song…
Source: Lisa has finally realized she is living in a no win world when it comes to breakfast?! She confesses to being in a breakfast choice spiral! However, croissants and chocolate bars are sustaining her but this has Sam questioning why she still has a muffin top if that…
Source: Lisa is stirring up a hornets nest with crazy talk about french fries but that gets derailed when they disagree on what is classified as fast food. Lisa believes food court food is different than drive thru food just because of a window! Sam disagrees but when Lisa…
Source: Lisa has put her foot down and declared burgers undignified! She sites unruly lettuce, slippery tomatoes and the drippy sauces as the culprits! Sam being Sam asks if a restaurant burger has too much stuff what does that mean for her beloved Big Mac, is it kicked to…
Source: Lisa asks if Sam has ever wanted a punching bag. This reveals a life long dream of Sam wanting to learn how to box or kick box. Lisa is all for it if she can train her cause she's watched all the Rocky’s! Sam isn't sure that's enough…
Source: The ladies are a day late and Lisa thinks their mojo is off! Lisa needs a friend and Sam needs to clarify if this is an HHG thing or a Sam thing before committing to helping. Lisa is experiencing a midlife crisis, she thinks she might be eating…
Source: They're baaaacckkk!! Yes, Lisa and Sam survived their lake vacay! However, it almost derailed due to buns! How do buns ruin a vacation you ask! Well, if you're Lisa you reject the grocery store based on the due date of said buns and immediately put everything back and…