What Do You Name?


Lisa gets to the heart of the matter when she asks Sam "what's up with the collegiate look"... Sam was channeling her inner student with a sporty sweatshirt. The color threw Lisa off and references were made to Barney! Lisa finally announces she has made a decision about what job she has taken and here's a hint,  she is dressing a lot like the HHG! Lisa dabbles with eggs, Sam may have PTSD, the HHG is drinking on a work night and doing strange things with KY Jelly! Lisa's sister gets us talking about aging rockstar's and Rob Lowe! Some of them have faired better than others, right Ozzy! Why do we give people nicknames, is it a sign of affection or have we just forgotten their actual name? Listen in as Lisa and Sam reveal who they have nicknamed and what bodyparts have new names!