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Was It That Funny?


Have we overused the smiley crying face emoji because was the text really that funny? Do emojis help us lie to each other and have they replaced the dot dot dot? Lisa's scale says she's amazing and Sam is giving herself a high five in the mirror. The ladies went grocery shopping and Sam was talking to herself again while Lisa got judgmental with the food. The mullet is making a comeback, should it? McRib vs Tim Hortons pizza who should not exist? Does being drunk excuse a picture of your penis showing up on IG? Would you rather be a hippo or a dinosaur, remember one still exists. Are you on the pumpkin spice trend? The Boom Baby Bakery is rolling out new fall foods and let's not discuss Harry Styles sexuality. Bennifer is everywhere so being the second Jennifer has gotta suck! What passive-aggressive work phrases are in your arsenal and more importantly are you a lip licker? A whole lotta questions with very few answers! Give yourself the gift of laughter and listen!
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