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Train Wreck! (made with Spreaker)


Only Lisa and I can still screw up a FB live even when we have John helping us. WTF! The beginning was a train wreck but we figured it out and got down to business. The ladies are still showering during the pandemic and Sam has rediscovered her love of music. I miss you, George Michael.  Lisa and Mike bonded over the Netflix documentary 'Tiger King'. I'm not sure if this needs to be made into a movie but Hollywood has other ideas! We can't believe that the royals have been compromised and Lisa will not be impressed if the Queen dies! She goes on about pandemic beets and pudding which honestly makes no sense! We get on a roll talking about allergies, obsessive dusting, Wendy Williams, cutting hair, clubbing, the pigeon man and the awesome response to our recent FB posts! It's just a short teaser episode but hopefully, it will make you laugh!