Feeling a little snug in your panties? Lisa has a panty predicament when she realises her day 8 panties are a bit snug in all the wrong places! TMI!! Can repeating daily affirmations have a positive impact on your wellbeing? Lisa has her happiness donuts, what are your go-to happiness foods? Are you like Lisa and have a pair of glasses for every occasion? Is the PDA between Taylor and Travis getting to be a bit much? Do dogs ever wonder how many other dogs peed on that pole? Are you team toaster strudel or team savoury toaster scramble? Bringing your own food to a restaurant is it a tik tok prank or real life? Should we reinvent the baked apple with a twist and are we entering our printed boarding pass phase of life? Tune in for a mix of laughs, learning, and an undeniable reminder to keep shaking your head at life's amusing moments.

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