Lisa asks, 'do you think we could work together in Santa's workshop'? Sam's response is no because she would end up doing all the work! This leads both to declare 'no I'm the boss'! However, Sam does have a solution; work in different areas of Santa's workshop. Perfect! Lisa is concerned about Sam's sheepdog bangs and has figured out why she is always late. Are you time blind? Should the airlines charge flyers for carry-on luggage and what's up with the sugar shortage? Do you fondue and can everyone get a support chicken? Can we all agree freshly washed pants are problematic. Should we really be smack talking about Dolly? Will Sam ever find those DQ coupons from 3 years ago? When you dislike something do you have the data to back it up? Is the best use of toilet paper putting it in the fridge? To tip or not to tip? Opinions are plentiful in this episode so check it out, it might just make you shake your head!
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