What do you get when you put roller skating and happy hour wine get a new sport called Skwining!!! Yes!! Music, disco balls and wine are the ultimate combination! Do your clothes non verbally tell you how they are feeling and when did Arvil Lavigne's music become retro? Lisa is obsessed over her boss's glistening salad while Sam can't help herself but comment on Lisa's hair woes. Did Lisa unexpectedly blow up a FB post with talk of stuffing and do you let out your inner rockstar while singing in the car? When did the COOP start carrying Girl Scout cookies and why do we remember the songs of our youth but forget every password? Lisa and Sam are not happy with the Gen z's kicking their favourite emojis to the curb. Sam weighs in on her top poutine pics and Lisa throws shade and the new horror movie Terrifier mostly because it has clowns. Martha is going au naturel for coffee and people are showing their underwear again and Sam blames Kylie Minogue! It's a light hearted conversation and with a bit of a twist!
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