March 21, 2025

Unlearn16: Politics And Beyond

Unlearn16: Politics And Beyond
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Unlearn16: Politics And Beyond

Get ready for the ultimate surprise—a visit from Jo aka Unlearn16! She’s spilling the tea on her epic video creations, sharing her take on the political landscape, and giving us the scoop on her upcoming book. Of course, Lisa has to give Jo a shout-out for teaching Sam about politics (and yeah, she’s not wrong)! But there’s more—Lisa's got beef with soup, and her lazy weekend has left her feeling anything but refreshed. Meanwhile, is Sam falling for those sneaky Starbucks commercials? And is anyone else besides Lisa obsessed with mouth tape—does it actually help or just mess with your sleep? Oh, and could France really take back the Statue of Liberty? Who’s got the shipping info on that one? Buckle up for a wild ride as Lisa and Sam dive into the chaos of life, with the always entertaining Unlearn16 in the mix!


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Lisa [00:00:06]:
So, you know, whenever I start something off, Samantha, with Dear anything, it means I have an issue with it. And I'm not trying to sound like I have issues with everything, because I don't. I'm not that girl. However, dear. Soup, Samantha. I made soup today for lunch. Can of tomato soup from Campbell's. And Where'd the taste go? It's gone.

Lisa [00:00:28]:
There's no taste. Zero taste. No taste at all. Where'd it go?

Samantha [00:00:33]:
Can we blame the cook on.

Lisa [00:00:36]:
All you do is add water. All you have to do to make soup properly according to the directions is ask your mom if you're allowed to use the stove. That's all. My mom. She dead. She's okay with me using the stove. She's good with it.

Samantha [00:00:51]:
Well, thank goodness for that, right?

Lisa [00:00:54]:
I'm just saying there's no. The taste is gone. Where did the taste go in soup?

Samantha [00:00:58]:
I feel like I need to find fault with you because perhaps you bought the wrong tomato soup.

Lisa [00:01:02]:
What do you mean? I bought Campbell's.

Samantha [00:01:04]:
If you bought low sodium, that's your fault.

Lisa [00:01:07]:
Everything's low sodium. They've taken salt out of everything. They've penalized all the salt lovers, and now they've given you a shit with no salt. So, yes, it was no salt.

Samantha [00:01:16]:
And you live in a household with no salt and.

Lisa [00:01:19]:
No, but I live in no salt. I live in a no salt world, right? I live in the. It's kind of salt. It might be salt, but it's not salt. That's what I live with. Right. The it's not salt shaker.

Samantha [00:01:30]:
Oh, God.

Lisa [00:01:31]:
There's no. Remember when you were a kid and all soup tasted like was yumminess and goody like, goodness, there's none of that in the soup now. They took that away with the salt.

Samantha [00:01:44]:
It's disappointing.

Lisa [00:01:45]:
Totally disappointing. I feel. You know what? I feel like you're just mocking me. Actually, I feel like you're not feeling.

Samantha [00:01:51]:
My view because I don't care that it. This is. I don't care that this is su.

Lisa [00:01:55]:
You don't see how much fish to.

Samantha [00:01:57]:
Fry on a daily. Lisa, on a daily basis, there are bigger fishes to fry than have in beds.

Lisa [00:02:02]:
You know what? Today, this was my biggest fish that I was frying. Actually, this was my fish today, this soup. And I come to you, said best friend, and this is what I get. It's not a big enough dish for me to fry, you know?

Samantha [00:02:16]:
I'm sorry, do you not know me? Did you not know that I would mock you for this?

Lisa [00:02:21]:
I know, but don't you know, when I start something off with deer, it means it's serious. Like, Lisa means business. She's really upset and disturbed. Don't roll your eyes. I felt that maybe.

Samantha [00:02:33]:
I felt that maybe it should be straight stronger than just deer soup.

Lisa [00:02:37]:
No, I don't need it to be stronger. Deer soup says it all. Deer soup.

Samantha [00:02:43]:
Okay, so, world, we need to feel sorry for Lisa because she had a bad soup day.

Lisa [00:02:48]:
A bad soup day. Oh, my God. Right?

Samantha [00:02:51]:
Bad soup day.

Lisa [00:02:52]:
It was bad, bad soup day. It was very bad soup day. H. I can't with you. I can't. I need. This is the thing, right? Lisa's looking for a new best friend, one who understands and empathizes with her soup issues.

Samantha [00:03:06]:
Oh, yeah. Good luck, everyone. She's a handful and she complains about soup.

Lisa [00:03:12]:
I could complain about bigger things. I could complain about the bigger fish to fry, but I don't. I just pick the small fish.

Samantha [00:03:18]:
You don't have a bigger fish.

Lisa [00:03:19]:
You have soup. Yeah, because that was my fish. That was my fish. Today was soup. My fish. Today was soup. Samantha.

Samantha [00:03:27]:

Lisa [00:03:30]:
Just saying.

Samantha [00:03:32]:
Welcome to another episode of I Shake my Head with Lisa and Sam.

Lisa [00:03:37]:
Hello, friends of the podcast. I'm shaking my head right now.

Samantha [00:03:41]:
Hello, everyone. I hope everyone is well.

Lisa [00:03:44]:
Hope it's been a great week.

Samantha [00:03:46]:
Having a conniption.

Lisa [00:03:47]:
Having a bad.

Samantha [00:03:48]:
She's having a conniption because of soup. She's not talking about soup.

Lisa [00:03:52]:
Let me know if you've noticed this big, drastic change in soup, please. It's there. You have to just be aware of it. We need to be aware of these things.

Samantha [00:04:01]:
I feel like it's a you thing and not anyone else.

Lisa [00:04:03]:
I'm a vessel of information, and I'm vesseling and letting people know that there's a problem with soup.

Samantha [00:04:10]:
There is no such word as vesseling.

Lisa [00:04:13]:
I am vesseling.

Samantha [00:04:14]:
There's no such word as vesseling, and no one should want you to vessel for them. I am vesseling.

Lisa [00:04:22]:
I am vesseling information about soup. Friends, the podcast. I am your vessel, and I'm vesseling it.

Samantha [00:04:29]:
She's not your vessel. You don't need this in your life.

Lisa [00:04:32]:
I'm your vessel.

Samantha [00:04:33]:
She's a nut bag on a good day.

Lisa [00:04:35]:
I am your vessel. I'm.

Samantha [00:04:36]:
She's complaining about soup forever.

Lisa [00:04:38]:
I am vesseling you what you need to know about soup Vesseling. That's what I'm doing. Samantha, grow up.

Samantha [00:04:45]:
Oh, my God. Okay, now, if you're listening to this, you must love us. So, guys, this is just a reminder. Download subscribe and share us with a friend and leave a review if you have a chance. That would be nice. We'd like a little feedback. Some of us handle it better than others.

Lisa [00:05:01]:
Yeah, I handle it just wonderfully. Samantha, sometimes it depends, right? If they're, if they're commenting on her negatively, maybe not. Although I think it's only me that's been negatively commented on, commenting on Lisa's hair. Don't keep those comments to yourself, please.

Samantha [00:05:18]:

Lisa [00:05:18]:
Yes. Only if they're negative. If it's not negative, that's fine. That's totally different. Okay, we got a big show, but I got to talk about this first. We talked about it. We said on Friday, Samantha, what are your plans this weekend? What did you say?

Samantha [00:05:34]:

Lisa [00:05:35]:
And I said, me too. I'm going to do absolutely nothing. I didn't know if I'd be able to live up to the hype of that or not. I did. I did nothing. I didn't leave the house. I didn't get one ounce of fresh air. I stayed in my comfy stuff.

Lisa [00:05:52]:
I did clean myself, but I stayed in my comfy stuff and I just sat and did nothing.

Samantha [00:06:01]:
Do you realize that you just had to clarify that you took a shower?

Lisa [00:06:06]:
Because I figured you were going to call me on the carpet with that. This is how paranoid you've made me over the years. Thank you very much, bestie. I think it's important that people know that just because I'm having a lazy time doesn't mean I'm not upkeeping the vessel.

Samantha [00:06:23]:

Lisa [00:06:24]:

Samantha [00:06:24]:

Lisa [00:06:24]:
The vessel has to be upkept because.

Samantha [00:06:27]:
You got a vessel.

Lisa [00:06:28]:
I'm a vessel and I like to vessel. I'm vesseling. So anyways, I did nothing. You know what I did? I watched a four episode show on Netflix.

Samantha [00:06:39]:
Oh, what was it?

Lisa [00:06:40]:
Adolescence. I told you you were going to watch it and then you didn't.

Samantha [00:06:43]:
Oh, no, I did not.

Lisa [00:06:45]:
It's critically acclaimed and it's British.

Samantha [00:06:48]:
Is it now?

Lisa [00:06:49]:
And you like all that shit, so.

Samantha [00:06:51]:
I do like British, yeah.

Lisa [00:06:53]:
You just won't watch it because I.

Samantha [00:06:55]:
Said I was surprised you were watching it.

Lisa [00:06:59]:
I know. And it was really hard to understand, right? Because I don't understand British very well. It's like one of those languages that I don't do. Aren't my strongest one. When I'm trying to understand English, it sounds, no offense to all of our English friends, it sounds, when it's on the tv, a little mumbly.

Samantha [00:07:18]:
It's not mumbly.

Lisa [00:07:19]:
Sounds a little mumbly. That's Why? I couldn't get into that. What was that other one that was. That was on about the bartender and he did.

Samantha [00:07:27]:
A bartender?

Lisa [00:07:28]:
Yeah, it was like a Netflix series. He won all the awards on the last show. On the last award show. It was a Netflix series. Come on, Ms. Netflix. You know which one it was? It's British.

Samantha [00:07:38]:
I don't.

Lisa [00:07:39]:
Yeah, it's crazy. She's psycho. She's crazy and she's stalking them. Come on.

Samantha [00:07:46]:
For real reindeer?

Lisa [00:07:49]:
What was it?

Samantha [00:07:50]:
The reindeer show?

Lisa [00:07:51]:
Yeah, that one. I couldn't watch that because it was too mumbling.

Samantha [00:07:53]:
Baby reindeer.

Lisa [00:07:53]:
Yeah, I couldn't watch that reindeer. It was too mumbling.

Samantha [00:07:56]:
Was it a show or was it a movie?

Lisa [00:07:58]:
No, it was a show, a series.

Samantha [00:08:00]:
Oh, okay. I never watched.

Lisa [00:08:01]:
I. I think maybe you're not miss Netflix after all.

Samantha [00:08:04]:
I don't. I don't care about baby reindeer because it was somebody who was psycho.

Lisa [00:08:09]:
Yeah. That makes all the good shows, right?

Samantha [00:08:11]:

Lisa [00:08:12]:
That's what makes a good show. I'm just saying. You know what? It did, your show at the end of it all, at the end of that whole long weekend, you know, what it did made me feel more tired. There's a reason why we're supposed to get off our ass and do something. Right? Because it made me so ex. I was so exhausted of being lazy. Right. I didn't know if I loved that feeling.

Samantha [00:08:34]:
Only you can have the opposite effect.

Lisa [00:08:37]:
Totally. Right. It totally just tired me out. Yeah. So I don't know if that's totally.

Samantha [00:08:41]:
My gig, but that's so sad.

Lisa [00:08:44]:
Might have to, like, maybe just do half of it or so. Half of half the weekend lazy, half.

Samantha [00:08:48]:
Not like one day lazy.

Lisa [00:08:50]:
Maybe one day lazy. One day.

Samantha [00:08:52]:
But what does productivity look like for you?

Lisa [00:08:55]:
Not a whole lot different than lazy, actually. Not a whole lot different. But there must be something different. There must be something different. I don't know if I can put my finger on it. I don't know. Okay. It's not necessarily involving work and stuff like that.

Lisa [00:09:08]:
Like, it's not. It's not physical. It's definitely not physical.

Samantha [00:09:12]:
Oh, okay. So productive isn't. Like your mind is productive.

Lisa [00:09:17]:
Doesn't need to be.

Samantha [00:09:18]:
Okay, so how. How would not doing anything and then being somewhat productive. Like, what are the differences I don't know. Would pay attention to?

Lisa [00:09:29]:
I don't know. Like what? Like. That's a good question, Samantha. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I got up a few more times. Maybe.

Lisa [00:09:37]:
I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I put on a pair of Pants that had a button, maybe.

Samantha [00:09:44]:
Did you do laundry?

Lisa [00:09:46]:
Yeah, we did laundry. We did laundry.

Samantha [00:09:47]:
Did you clean your house? Nope. Mm.

Lisa [00:09:49]:
Mm. Took a break. I took a break.

Samantha [00:09:52]:
Took a break.

Lisa [00:09:53]:
Took a housekeeping break. Right. You know the phrase who's coming over? Right? And we don't live like pigs Anyway, so I just felt like a break.

Samantha [00:10:01]:
Well, this is true.

Lisa [00:10:02]:
That's all. That's all. That's all I gotta say about that. I'm just saying. Okay. I don't know if it was. I don't know if it's all that I thought it was gonna be. Right.

Lisa [00:10:10]:
I feel you like those weekends better than I do.

Samantha [00:10:13]:
Yes. You should try harder then.

Lisa [00:10:14]:
Well, maybe. Maybe practice makes perfect, they say.

Samantha [00:10:17]:

Lisa [00:10:18]:
I don't.

Samantha [00:10:18]:
I don't know.

Lisa [00:10:19]:
I don't know.

Samantha [00:10:20]:
Oh, my God. Okay, well, I watched, unfortunately, a Starbucks commercial, and then I was like, oh, oh. And I realized I have. I have become susceptible to Starbucks commercials because now I want to go get the iced lavender matcha because it looked like spring and I felt like it might taste like spring.

Lisa [00:10:42]:
Well, to me, lavender is going to taste like perfume.

Samantha [00:10:45]:
No, it's different.

Lisa [00:10:46]:
And you want that in your. Whatever. What is a matcha? Whatever a matcha is. What's a matcha?

Samantha [00:10:51]:
It's matcha's like green tea.

Lisa [00:10:54]:
Why can't they just call it a. Like it.

Samantha [00:10:55]:
You don't like anything that. You don't like anything besides hot chocolate.

Lisa [00:10:59]:
I like a coffee. And I don't mind a vanilla latte. Thank you. Anything else I don't love? Right, Right. I don't want a cold tea.

Samantha [00:11:09]:
Well, and this was an iced lavender matcha, which now I feel like I need to go to Starbucks and have, like, I feel I need to experience it.

Lisa [00:11:15]:
It sounds like it's going to be pur. With flowers.

Samantha [00:11:18]:
It's purple on the top with matcha on the bottom.

Lisa [00:11:20]:
And what color is matcha?

Samantha [00:11:23]:

Lisa [00:11:24]:
So it's green and purple.

Samantha [00:11:25]:
It's green and purple.

Lisa [00:11:26]:
Looks. Sounds like vomit.

Samantha [00:11:29]:
It is.

Lisa [00:11:30]:
Doesn't sound good. Doesn't sound good at all.

Samantha [00:11:33]:
But I'm just saying, like, it's been a long time since I've been influenced by a commercial because I could give a rat's ass about half the stuff that's shown on Taco.

Lisa [00:11:41]:
Okay, but Taco time commercial comes on. Where you at? You're craving a burrito.

Samantha [00:11:45]:
No, I always crave a burrito.

Lisa [00:11:48]:
That's your go to.

Samantha [00:11:48]:
It's my perfect food.

Lisa [00:11:50]:
Which makes no sense because it's weird how that can Be your perfect food. And that is, like, so far away from my most perfect food.

Samantha [00:11:58]:
Well, we're not the same people, you realize.

Lisa [00:12:00]:
I know, right. But then I wonder, do we have things in common? And then that's just another whole ball of wax, right, that.

Samantha [00:12:05]:
Oh, God, no, no. We both like a good breakfast.

Lisa [00:12:09]:
We do. We like a good breakfast.

Samantha [00:12:10]:
And we enjoy bacon.

Lisa [00:12:11]:
And we enjoy. Yes, right.

Samantha [00:12:14]:
And we enjoy it when we get a good ex. Benny.

Lisa [00:12:16]:
Right? That is what this friendship's based on.

Samantha [00:12:19]:
We are bonded together by breakfast.

Lisa [00:12:22]:
God forbid they take away a breakfast.

Samantha [00:12:23]:
We're toast, we're done, we're screwed if it's lunch.

Lisa [00:12:27]:
Yeah, I don't think we really try not to do lunch, actually, because we never agree. We don't. Right. Because I don't. I don't love a lunch.

Samantha [00:12:37]:
You don't love lunch?

Lisa [00:12:38]:
No, it just seems like a lot of.

Samantha [00:12:39]:
I love a burrito.

Lisa [00:12:40]:
You? Yeah. Seems like a lot of meal to me for some reason, in the middle of the day.

Samantha [00:12:44]:
A lot of meal.

Lisa [00:12:45]:

Samantha [00:12:45]:
I mean, you had soup today, so, I mean, obviously, like.

Lisa [00:12:49]:
Yeah, but. But I'll never have it again, probably now because I hate it. Oh, God.

Samantha [00:12:53]:
So now what, like, they've so offended you that you're never going to eat soup again?

Lisa [00:12:58]:
Yeah, I didn't like it. Why would I eat something I don't like?

Samantha [00:13:02]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [00:13:03]:
That's what I'm saying.

Samantha [00:13:03]:
I still feel like it's something you've done.

Lisa [00:13:06]:
Oh, I hope you have that new drink from Starbucks. And I hope you hate it. That's. That's my hope for you, my friend, is I hope it gives you a stomachache. Right. That's what I hope. I hope it costs you $6 and 50 cents and it upsets your tummy.

Samantha [00:13:22]:
Whatever, dude.

Lisa [00:13:23]:
Right, That's. That's what I'm hoping for.

Unlearn16 [00:13:26]:

Samantha [00:13:27]:
Okay. All right, well, we gotta go. We gotta. We gotta. We got a guest waiting. We have. We've got something to talk about.

Lisa [00:13:35]:
So excited.

Samantha [00:13:37]:
We have a special guest with us today. You may follow her on TikTok and IG as unlearn16, where she teaches us so much about everything. And perhaps, like me, you stick around just for the adventures in grocery shopping. Welcome back, Joe.

Unlearn16 [00:13:53]:
Oh, thank you so much. Thank you guys for having me back.

Unlearn16 [00:13:56]:

Unlearn16 [00:13:56]:

Lisa [00:13:56]:
Always great to have you back, Joe. Anytime. We can pen.

Unlearn16 [00:14:00]:
This is like, late for me, so it's like 8:30, so you might get some slips. You might get me a little bit more on the edge. That's what I'm Usually winding it down at 8:30.

Lisa [00:14:11]:
Totally. And you know us, right? We are unpolished and unfiltered on a good day. So no worries here.

Unlearn16 [00:14:17]:
Hey, I like it. I'm ready.

Lisa [00:14:18]:
No worries here. Yeah, no, we're just happy. We're happy you made some time for us. We know you're busy.

Samantha [00:14:24]:
So glad.

Unlearn16 [00:14:24]:
So you guys, so much. We've tried this a little bit. We've tried this a few times. And I'm like, yeah, that's good. And I'm like, I missed it. I'm like, can you guys just text me before it happens like that day?

Lisa [00:14:35]:
And that's the worst thing you could have done now, right? Because now I think that we're automatically besties. And now we got her text free.

Unlearn16 [00:14:41]:
It's so much easier. I said to a really good friend of mine, I said, amy, listen, I'm. I'm in no position to pay anybody to do anything for me. I said, but when I'm in that space or what one day, what do I need? Like, what's your magic number? And she's like, why, what on earth could I do? I said, I would love it if I never had to organize structure or like email or any of that. And you just text me, Joe, at 3:00 today. You have this, you have this. You have. I never have to buy another plane ticket again.

Unlearn16 [00:15:15]:
I like it.

Lisa [00:15:16]:
Maybe have one.

Unlearn16 [00:15:18]:
I got a good deal. I. And everybody's like, oh, you got a good deal in. I. I feel like I've messed it up. I'm going to get on that plane and I'm going to end up in like, I don't know, Sudbury. And I thought I bought Calgary. Something's gonna go wrong.

Lisa [00:15:34]:
You can do it. You can. If, if Lisa and Sam can travel. You can travel.

Unlearn16 [00:15:37]:
Yes, I like traveling. I just miss a travel agent. You go, remember when you used to go to that really nice lady and I know I'm being sexist there, but there were no men traveling. You sit down, you'd say when you want to go, they'd print everything. They put it in that nice little folder for you. Oh yeah, travel documents. And you just walk and then you'd hand it over. Yeah, I don't think it's any quicker to do what we're doing now.

Lisa [00:16:01]:
No, it's not. We're just wasting doing it. Right. We don't know how to do it, but yet we're doing it.

Unlearn16 [00:16:06]:
We have to hire seven people to watch us do it ourselves and try to put the passport in the right thing and print our own boarding pass. And then it doesn't fit. And it fits on this air. I don't want any part of it.

Lisa [00:16:16]:
So we're still needing the help. Yeah, they're still having to come help us.

Unlearn16 [00:16:20]:
You're just making us try and look like idiots first. And then they're like, oh, it's. It's a God's. Like, never do I want to be recognized more than somebody who, like. Now if somebody who doesn't like me, I'm in big trouble. But if somebody likes me and works for, like, Air Canada.

Lisa [00:16:34]:

Unlearn16 [00:16:35]:
Like, oh, thank God.

Lisa [00:16:36]:
Right? You're gonna have an automatic in.

Unlearn16 [00:16:38]:
He's just out. Help me now.

Lisa [00:16:41]:
How are you when you rent a car? Are you like.

Unlearn16 [00:16:44]:
Are you.

Lisa [00:16:45]:
I'm a car renter, and I'm horrible.

Unlearn16 [00:16:47]:
Hey, I like, that seems awful.

Lisa [00:16:49]:
Oh, it is. It's the worst. And then you don't get. Nowadays, same thing. You book your car. I like a small car. You never get a small car. They're like, we just give you any car now.

Lisa [00:16:57]:
And I'm like, but why do I have to pick a car?

Unlearn16 [00:16:59]:
Then I'm going to tell you the world's worst story. So when I was a teenager, my dad lived in Florida. And so I went down with a friend of mine, and he was going to rent us a car so that we could drive around while he was at work. So we go down to the car dealership. He rents us a car, we get in it, me and my friend, and I go, does this smell weird in here? And then I didn't want to be a jerk. That's like, your car smells. But so I just left it alone. Guys, it's 3,000 degrees in Florida, and every day we got in the car, it just got worse and worse and worse to the point where our windows, we.

Unlearn16 [00:17:34]:
We would open the windows, but it really wasn't helping. And I'm like, how can outside air not be helping this smell? Anyway, my dad came home one day, and the car's in his garage. And I pulled it out. Guys, it's gonna get gross. So.

Lisa [00:17:48]:
Oh, oh.

Unlearn16 [00:17:49]:
Warning, and I'll say it politically correct.

Lisa [00:17:52]:

Unlearn16 [00:17:53]:
As I pulled out of his garage. Beautiful. Brand new. On the bottom of the. The concrete, there was a stain, a reddish hue. Oh, no. About this big. On his floor.

Lisa [00:18:08]:
Oh, no.

Unlearn16 [00:18:09]:
And we pull out, and he's like, did you guys hit something? I said, no, we didn't. And so what had happened? Something. A squirrel or a rodent of some sort climbed up There. Got in there. Obviously had long since met its maker before I even rented the car.

Lisa [00:18:26]:

Unlearn16 [00:18:27]:
Because it was already smelly.

Lisa [00:18:29]:

Unlearn16 [00:18:30]:
And whatever it was was pressed up against something hot. Is that a carburetor?

Lisa [00:18:35]:
Day after day after day after day melting yet. Ew.

Unlearn16 [00:18:39]:
Guys, I can still smell it right now when I talk about it.

Lisa [00:18:42]:
You could probably taste it if you really worked hard on it.

Unlearn16 [00:18:45]:
That's like a hundred years ago. I can still smell it.

Lisa [00:18:47]:
Oh, that's horrible.

Samantha [00:18:48]:
I love that story.

Lisa [00:18:49]:
I've never had anything like that. But I tell you, I become. I become the jerk who's not. Who's not happy with anything.

Samantha [00:18:54]:
I walk away. If I'm traveling with her and she's renting a car, I walk away.

Lisa [00:18:58]:
And I don't even know. I don't even know what comes over me. I don't even know what happens. All of a sudden, just something takes over and I'm not. I'm automatically not impressed.

Unlearn16 [00:19:06]:
It's horrible.

Lisa [00:19:07]:
It's embarrassing. Embarrassing. It's not cool.

Unlearn16 [00:19:09]:
It's the worst.

Lisa [00:19:10]:
It's not cool.

Samantha [00:19:11]:
You know what? I am curious, though. Like, you've been so busy schooling all of North America, apparently.

Lisa [00:19:18]:
Thank you, Joe. I'm. I'm saying it. Sam. We owe Joe. I owe Joe so much. Because you taught Sam politics. First off, you taught her American politics.

Lisa [00:19:30]:
And. And thank you. Because I love politics. All of it. But it's hard to have a conversation with my girl, Sam, because she hates it and doesn't know any of it. And then. And then came you again.

Samantha [00:19:41]:

Lisa [00:19:41]:

Unlearn16 [00:19:41]:
Okay, so sometimes I wish I didn't know anything. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah. Like, I. Honestly, right now, I. Ignorance would be so much.

Lisa [00:19:49]:
Totally. Right.

Samantha [00:19:50]:
It would be bliss. Yes. But I will say this. That I'm not sure what we were taught at our age in high school or elementary school about Canadian politics. Because there's just. I think a lot that when we were in school got missed. Maybe. Or maybe we didn't pay attention.

Unlearn16 [00:20:07]:
I don't remember if it was in the curriculum when we were kids. No.

Lisa [00:20:10]:
We learned about the fur trade.

Unlearn16 [00:20:13]:
It's a lot, right? A lot of years of the fur trade. I'm pretty sure I know how to skin one. Turn it into some sort of eat.

Lisa [00:20:20]:
One if you need to, and coat.

Unlearn16 [00:20:24]:
But in high school, I remember taking grade 12 or grade 13 politics. That was just an elective, so I took that. But that was purely accidental. But ever since I've been teaching, there's so. For the last 23 years. Anyways, grade tens have to take a civics. A half a semester of civics and a half a semester careers. So civics is like a minimal introduction.

Unlearn16 [00:20:50]:
Most of the kids just think of it as a bird course. I. I prefer civics. I think it should be the whole semester. And because I think that's. Kids actually would like it, like, to get deep into that kind of stuff, and they love fighting about stuff. And that's why in grade eight, because the structure of my school is different than elementary is. I just added a course, and it's called Global Issues.

Unlearn16 [00:21:13]:
So I just. Every. Every year when I teach it, I have four new units. We are always. I always have a politics unit. It's just sort of driven to different things so that the kids get. You know.

Lisa [00:21:26]:
Yeah. For sure. They need to learn.

Samantha [00:21:29]:
When you start. I need to ask when you. When you start your tiktoks about tariffs, subsidies, the US Anything, how do you. Do you sit down and do you think about it? Because your delivery seriously is perfect.

Lisa [00:21:49]:
Like, is there a lot of swearing in the background before you start recording? Like, oh, my God, are you kidding me? Because that's what I'm thinking.

Unlearn16 [00:21:56]:
I think if it's. If it's a chalkboard thing, I think what I usually do is I usually will have just, like, points that I want to get through. So with the tariffs, I would just break it down.

Lisa [00:22:09]:

Unlearn16 [00:22:09]:
You know. Okay. First, I want to talk about the. I'm gonna. I would never write down what I'm gonna joke about, though, If I write that down, like, all of the. All of the stuff I say while I'm wiping off the board, just whatever I'm thinking. Because if I try to be, you know, if I try to pre plan, it's never funny.

Lisa [00:22:28]:
No, you can't script that. Right.

Samantha [00:22:30]:
And that's. And that's how we run, too. Like, we have points that we would like to talk about, but we aren't. We.

Lisa [00:22:36]:
We don't know what's. Until we start talking. Right.

Unlearn16 [00:22:38]:
Yeah, I don't. Yeah. It's just. I don't really go by that, like, today or tomorrow. I'll put one out where I'm sort of teaching Caroline Levitt about why France is important. And you should probably give that back because not only, like, I talk about World War II.

Lisa [00:22:57]:

Samantha [00:22:58]:

Unlearn16 [00:22:58]:
And then I go back And I said, P.S. the reason why you won the Revolutionary War was France.

Lisa [00:23:04]:
So was France.

Unlearn16 [00:23:05]:
You might want to tread softly.

Lisa [00:23:08]:
It's so, like, it's just so good. Right. Because I mean, obviously you know your stuff, you're on point, but it's just, it's, it's the whole, it's just your whole demeanor.

Samantha [00:23:17]:

Lisa [00:23:17]:
It's like, it's like people love you for how you like, Like I can't deliver something like that. I'm going to not come across awesome like you. I'm going to come across horrible.

Unlearn16 [00:23:28]:
I think it depends. I think everybody, if, if you're, if that's the thing you like talking about and that's your bit, that's your banter. I think I also do it a lot, like off camera. I mean, for 23 years I've been doing it. So it's just, you know, and if you, if a lot of people are like, well, you're, you're such a performer. I'm like, well, as a teacher, you either become a performer or you quit.

Lisa [00:23:50]:

Unlearn16 [00:23:50]:
Because there's no right.

Lisa [00:23:52]:

Unlearn16 [00:23:53]:
You need to figure out how to keep their attention.

Lisa [00:23:56]:

Unlearn16 [00:23:58]:
And so that's part of it. I, sometimes when I do those full rants, when I go, when there's no cuts.

Lisa [00:24:06]:

Unlearn16 [00:24:07]:
Sometimes I'll get frustrated with those. Not because it doesn't go well, but I'll just slip on a word.

Lisa [00:24:13]:

Unlearn16 [00:24:14]:
Sometimes I'll just leave it. But if I go on like a four minute rant and I'm like at 3:27 and I, I say the wrong word or I pronounce something in a ridiculous fashion, I might leave in the pronunciation thing or if I say something inappropriate, then I'm like, oh, for crying. You know, because then I gotta write the whole thing.

Lisa [00:24:37]:
Yeah. Start fresh. So it's a lot of, it's a lot of work.

Unlearn16 [00:24:41]:
Sometimes with the more angry and amped up I am, if it's really upsetting, like if it's a little bit more emotional, I find I'll make more mistakes and then I'll get more enraged.

Lisa [00:24:52]:

Unlearn16 [00:24:53]:
And then sometimes I might just cut it into sections. I'm like, okay, well, I'll get through this section and then I'll have a, I'll have a walk off moment or something.

Lisa [00:25:01]:
Yeah, I saw one that you did. I'm not sure how long ago it was, but it was where I think must have been not too long ago because I think you were just going on, I think you're on your March break and you were going to that, what's that sports store in Toronto and you and you were judged. Oh, about buying Sporting Life. Let's give them a shout out, shall we? Right.

Unlearn16 [00:25:24]:
They didn't even respond to that thing. So we, I think hysterical. But I. There's so many people in the comments that are like, it's a garbage store. And it, it's always been pretentious. It's that I understand that I. What I was walking into. I just thought since nobody was in that freaking space, it might be different.

Unlearn16 [00:25:44]:
I just, you know, and he, and he did speak to me, but it was like he just wasn't aware. And I joke like, you're just not aware us how stupid I am.

Lisa [00:25:53]:

Unlearn16 [00:25:53]:
Like a. You look at me and think, I don't have the money. But even if I don't have the money, at the end of the day, it's really wealthy people that are going to be a much harder.

Lisa [00:26:02]:
So totally. We both, Sam and I are retailers. Right. We retail background. So we get it. Right. It's not, it's. It's, it's.

Lisa [00:26:12]:
It's every. That's what I think resonated with me because. Because for years we've trained people in retail to not judge people because you just don't know what like, like you're. Like you're on your day off. Right. I might not be looking my best. I might be looking my worst. Maybe I just ran out for five minutes.

Lisa [00:26:28]:
But when I, when I saw it, I'm just like, oh, that as a retailer, that drives me crazy. Right. That, that we still do that.

Samantha [00:26:35]:
But okay. But to add to that, then that person who was helping you, Joe, didn't look at you to see how you were dressed because you are always impeccable. No matter what you're head to toe. Something always happening.

Unlearn16 [00:26:48]:
I hat like this. But what they would have. First of all, they would have thought I was way younger than I was and. And then they would have judged probably how much and that I was somebody's kid. I know that's hysterical because I'm 49. But he was far away from me and he would have just judged sort of an aesthetic. And I. Regardless of how much money I spent on my clothes, which I don't think he wouldn't recognize.

Unlearn16 [00:27:14]:
I think it was more. It's the area of Toronto too. I'm not a huge fan of Juggen Eglinton. I thought it would be cool to roll into Sporting Life because I hadn't been there in a while. Um, but it, you know, but not so much.

Lisa [00:27:30]:
But as always, you handled it just in true Joe fashion. Got your message out there.

Unlearn16 [00:27:35]:

Lisa [00:27:36]:
Right. And it was awesome. It was just awesome.

Unlearn16 [00:27:38]:
Get it somewhere else. It's fine. I mean, in all fairness, I was gonna go to Scotty's. I'd already been to Scottie's, so I kind of knew there was cool stuff there. It's just that I thought they were gonna have a much bigger selection. And the funny part, before I went there, I wasn't thinking about buying a jacket or new pants.

Lisa [00:27:54]:

Unlearn16 [00:27:55]:
And I'm like, oh, I like that. I like that. So this idiot lost out on snowboard boots, bindings, a new jacket and pants, and I had to get a helmet because they told me I couldn't go snowboarding anymore without it.

Lisa [00:28:07]:
Okay. Yeah. So, like, there's the whole. I don't know what the price that is, but I imagine it would have been a pretty hefty price.

Unlearn16 [00:28:13]:

Lisa [00:28:15]:
It's not the one you want to let walk away. Yeah. Yeah, That's. I thought that was kind of crazy when I saw that one. I'm just like, oh, no. But did you.

Unlearn16 [00:28:27]:
More often than I. My grandma. So my grandma used to have this very lovely diamond kind of clustered ring, and my grandfather got it for, I don't know what, a wedding anniversary. And my grandma, depending on where we would go, would put it on or take it off, and I'd be like, what are you putting it on for? She goes, well, we got to go to the bank today. So we're going to go to the bank today. They're going to treat us nicely, and I. I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly. Or we gotta go buy.

Unlearn16 [00:28:54]:
We're gonna go furniture shopping today. She's like, I'll take it off today. I'm like, well, why would you take it off?

Lisa [00:28:58]:

Unlearn16 [00:28:59]:
She goes, because whoever's gonna treat me well, no matter if I have that ring on, then that's where I'm gonna buy the furniture from. My grandma didn't care about what things cost. She cared about how she was treated.

Lisa [00:29:07]:

Unlearn16 [00:29:08]:
So it depended. You know, there's certain. Like, banks. No, I just. They. I just. Because you can't get anything better from a bank. You just have to kind of rock with that.

Unlearn16 [00:29:18]:
She's gonna buy a car. Nope. And her and my grandpa used to buy. They would buy a new car. They were big. I want to say Corvette. What's the other version of a Corvette? Like? The other. Like the Chevy version or whatever.

Lisa [00:29:31]:
Was that like, it. Was there a stingray or something?

Samantha [00:29:33]:
No, they're Camaro.

Lisa [00:29:34]:

Unlearn16 [00:29:35]:
Is it a Camaro? They used to buy a Camaro. Every two years, they buy it, and then they Trade it in and they get a new one.

Lisa [00:29:42]:

Unlearn16 [00:29:43]:
I don't like as my grandma never drove, but, um, it's just what they did. And so in that capacity too, she just wanted to make sure she was going to get, you know.

Lisa [00:29:53]:
Yeah, for sure. But that's. But people should be treated well, right? We shouldn't be judging people. We should be getting so past that.

Unlearn16 [00:30:00]:
Yeah, well, not just past that, but it's just like if you're going to roll on stereotype, you're not even. You don't even understand the right stereotype. So I used to sell furniture when I was going through university and I swear to God, if a couple rolled up because this is the right stereo. If you're going to stereotype, please follow my realm of prejudice. Because a couple rolls up, a guy and a girl, first of all, you're screwed. They're going to fight for an hour and a half.

Lisa [00:30:29]:

Unlearn16 [00:30:30]:
He wants a recliner. She wants something that looks nice. He wants plaid. She thinks it's ugly and want. It's. Guys, it's going to be a nightmare. It's going to be a knockdown drag out. I promise you.

Unlearn16 [00:30:42]:
He walks out at some point. Second of all, they pull up in a very nice car. Oh my God. They're going to fight about price.

Lisa [00:30:50]:

Unlearn16 [00:30:50]:
Until your ears, you're just like, just take it, take it. I'll buy it. I'll chip in. That's not the people I want. Whoever has an idea of somebody coming in saying, I'll take the store. That doesn't happen.

Lisa [00:31:05]:

Unlearn16 [00:31:05]:
You have a lot of money. That's not happening. It's the. It's the middle class, kind of like upper in that vicinity where most of those individuals are just putting it on Visa and worrying about it.

Lisa [00:31:16]:
That's right. Not worrying about it today. Yeah. Those are the ones.

Unlearn16 [00:31:20]:
I mostly just want the wife. And I know I'm being sexist and I know it's true.

Lisa [00:31:25]:
It's true. Right.

Unlearn16 [00:31:27]:
I want him giving up all hope.

Lisa [00:31:29]:

Unlearn16 [00:31:29]:
And I. And I. Because he can't come out by himself. That's never happened.

Lisa [00:31:33]:
No, that's never happened.

Unlearn16 [00:31:33]:
You ever. Credit card.

Samantha [00:31:35]:

Lisa [00:31:35]:
Let her go.

Unlearn16 [00:31:36]:
Right. Say, hon, it's up to you. That's.

Lisa [00:31:39]:
That's what it's like when we were clothing retail and. And the husband and wife would come. No, don't. Why'd you bring him? Why didn't you bring him? Right. Like, you know, so. Yeah, no, I get that. That totally makes sense. So.

Lisa [00:31:58]:
But you got your new stuff and you had a good March break.

Unlearn16 [00:32:00]:
I did. I did. I had a very good March break. It was pretty relaxing. Well, we did a lot of stuff, but it was a nice time. I didn' injured on the hill, so that was nice.

Lisa [00:32:09]:

Unlearn16 [00:32:10]:
Yeah. So it's good. It's. I'm back in. Well, we're not in class, but I'm. I have to go in this week, so.

Lisa [00:32:16]:
Oh, okay. So what's on the horizon for. What are the. What are the kids learning in the next part of school?

Unlearn16 [00:32:23]:
How to just stay in class. How to just stay in class post March break? It's like, it goes by like this. There's 18 breaks. There's like family day, Easter, you're on the tail end of March and they always take a little bit extra time after it goes. And there's like. Then you have track day, soccer day, and it's like there. There's might be eight days of school between the end of March break and you know, and we do the play and we do, you know, you know, the great eights. Want me to take them somewhere.

Unlearn16 [00:32:56]:
It's just all of these different things really. I. There's not a lot of class.

Lisa [00:33:01]:
No. So that's. You just got to get through it.

Samantha [00:33:03]:
Hey, I want to go to your school. Your school sounds fun.

Unlearn16 [00:33:06]:
That's what happens across the board. Track and field day. I remember when I did track field day, you just picked the one that was the least amount of work to get the full day.

Lisa [00:33:14]:

Unlearn16 [00:33:14]:
You know what it was.

Lisa [00:33:15]:
Yeah, totally. Right. I can probably run. I can do the. I can do the triple jump or whatever it used to be back then.

Unlearn16 [00:33:21]:
That's running. You have to throw this stick three times.

Lisa [00:33:26]:
That's it.

Unlearn16 [00:33:28]:
You don't have to worry about getting too much stuff. None worry about. Look, those poor kids that said they do the 400 meter and it's always like at 2:30 in the hour at the end of the Horrible.

Lisa [00:33:42]:
That's so true.

Unlearn16 [00:33:43]:
That's a sprint, by the way. That's not. That's not a. They're like, well, 4, 400, 800 is like, you know, middle. No, no, no, no, no. People sprint that.

Lisa [00:33:52]:
Yeah. Like, I don't understand why people want to jog. I don't get that as an exercise. Doesn't seem like a lot of fun to me. Right.

Unlearn16 [00:33:59]:
And after seeing that relay race with that girl get hit in the back of the head, I don't want to do that either. I didn't know the contact sport.

Lisa [00:34:05]:
Yeah. And then. Yeah. Like it seems Kind of dangerous. So, with the current state of politics, Sam and I have been wondering, what do you think with Carney?

Unlearn16 [00:34:16]:
First of all, the man doesn't make a good speech.

Lisa [00:34:18]:
Oh, he was stumbling today, making his dj.

Unlearn16 [00:34:21]:
He's not a speaker.

Lisa [00:34:22]:
It was painful.

Unlearn16 [00:34:23]:
I thought, okay, it doesn't mean he's not going to be good in this position. What it might actually mean means is he avoids a lot of that grandstanding, which might be good for Canada and is real, real clear and concise when it comes to what's going to go on with Trump and what's going to go on with the eu because I think he's a very strong businessman. I think he knows trade, he knows international law, he knows economics and the stock market and all of that. And I think that has incredible value right now. I don't think he has any interest in playing any sort of cultural war games.

Lisa [00:35:04]:
No, I don't think so either.

Unlearn16 [00:35:06]:
He has zero. He doesn't even want to talk. He's like, no, not. I'm not having that conversation. People are free to be people. Have a nice day. That's all I'm going to say. Hopefully he gets a little bit more media training.

Unlearn16 [00:35:18]:
He's handled things not great, but then again, you know, he's not eating an apple while talking to somebody with a smart mouth.

Lisa [00:35:25]:
Yeah, well. And that's right.

Unlearn16 [00:35:26]:

Samantha [00:35:26]:

Lisa [00:35:27]:
And bumbling over everything single thing he tries to.

Samantha [00:35:29]:
Don't start. Don't start about Jordan Peterson. And P. Oh, my God, that was the worst interview. Oh, my God. I can't believe people listen to that.

Unlearn16 [00:35:38]:
But he was just so embarrassing. Like, Jordan, look, Jordan is an intelligent individual. And the fact that you didn't get anything intelligent out of him.

Lisa [00:35:46]:

Unlearn16 [00:35:47]:
And still blew him up like that and gassed him up. I'm embarrassed for you, sir. Like, truly embarrassed.

Lisa [00:35:53]:

Unlearn16 [00:35:54]:
He still nothing in that entire interview.

Lisa [00:35:57]:

Unlearn16 [00:35:57]:
0. And you could have. You could have coached him. That's how bad he is.

Lisa [00:36:01]:
That's true.

Unlearn16 [00:36:03]:
Bad. Jordan Peterson couldn't even coach him into a good conversation.

Lisa [00:36:09]:
I just think the whole state of everything is so crazy right now. Like, like, like, I'm hoping that it works out well. I'm hoping that, you know, I mean, I don't think. I don't think half. I think Trump is just full of hot air and I think it's embarrassing, but yet there's a bunch of people that still think he's the cat's ass. And I'm like, God, still. Hey, Okay.

Unlearn16 [00:36:30]:
I think it's going to come down to. And I. And I. I did a TikTok. I haven't posted it. I think it's going to come down to. And I use this expression purposefully, are the people going to be willing to say, I was just following orders.

Lisa [00:36:43]:

Unlearn16 [00:36:44]:
Because Trump's and his little group of people are only going to give so many orders. Because now you have judge after judge, including the Supreme Court justice today say, this isn't for you. And do I think Trump's going to push it 100%? I do. But then it's going to come down to the men and women in all of the bureaucracy and all of the. Including the military, although the military is the most extreme version of this. But when it comes down to ice, when it comes down to people having to go into office buildings and all of that stuff, it's going to come down to what are you, as a citizen, willing to do. And by the way, make no mistake, when it all comes crashing down, you're the one on trial.

Lisa [00:37:35]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Unlearn16 [00:37:36]:
You're gonna be. You're gonna be the one held accountable. And you said I was just following orders. That's not an excuse. You know that.

Lisa [00:37:42]:

Unlearn16 [00:37:43]:
You need to decide what side of the fe. Going to. You're going to fall on. And I. And I truly believe, even when it comes down to the American military, that men and women of that very courageous and, in my opinion, terrifying profession will fall on the side of the Constitution.

Lisa [00:38:01]:
Yeah, well, I'm hoping so, too. Right. Because that's the way it needs to play out.

Unlearn16 [00:38:06]:
But I think it's going to have to play out.

Lisa [00:38:08]:
Yeah, I think you're right. I think it's got to play out.

Unlearn16 [00:38:10]:
There's going to be a. Have you guys seen the Siege?

Lisa [00:38:12]:
No, no, no, Sorry.

Unlearn16 [00:38:15]:
What are we doing? 1998. Denzel Washington. You haven't seen Grey's Anatomy or the Siege?

Lisa [00:38:22]:
Haven't seen either. I'm a disappointment.

Unlearn16 [00:38:26]:
You guys ever heard of Star Wars?

Lisa [00:38:28]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're there. Yep.

Unlearn16 [00:38:32]:
There's this moment in that movie. Go watch it. But there's a moment in the movie where it comes down to what. What are you going to do? Are you going to give the order? Are you going to what? It doesn't even matter. What are you. Are you going to give the order to. To turn young men and women in this country into murderers? Because it's going to come down to that. Are you going to give the order and are they going to listen?

Lisa [00:38:56]:

Unlearn16 [00:38:56]:
Or are they going to say no? Yeah, like there's been a threat of sending the military into Chicago. You're going to come up against the Illinois National Guard?

Lisa [00:39:06]:

Unlearn16 [00:39:07]:
Now what.

Lisa [00:39:07]:
Yeah, now what are you going to do?

Unlearn16 [00:39:09]:
The American military is going to go toe to toe with the Illinois National Guard. What are we going to do there, guys?

Lisa [00:39:16]:
Yeah. What's. What's the choice? What's the decision now?

Unlearn16 [00:39:19]:
What? Yeah, now full well, knowing. Full well, and I. And I knowing that the, the, the men and women on the side of the American military know they shouldn't be there.

Lisa [00:39:30]:
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Unlearn16 [00:39:32]:
That is not their job. That is not their territory.

Lisa [00:39:34]:
None of their business being there.

Unlearn16 [00:39:36]:
It's no legal.

Lisa [00:39:37]:

Unlearn16 [00:39:37]:
What are you, Are you going to. You're going to wipe out the National Guard?

Lisa [00:39:39]:
Yeah. Oh, what a thought.

Samantha [00:39:42]:
But isn't Trump essentially erasing the Constitution with everything that he does?

Lisa [00:39:48]:
He's hoping to, essentially.

Unlearn16 [00:39:49]:
Well, sure, but what I'm saying is I'm putting it back on the citizenry. I am saying this. He can't do anything without civil society doing it for him.

Lisa [00:40:03]:

Unlearn16 [00:40:03]:
Ice is nothing underneath. Hooman. Go ahead, Hooman, grab a. Grab a gun. Go drag that family out. Have a nice day. Pete hegs this. He couldn't even point out Afghanistan on a map.

Unlearn16 [00:40:18]:
He's too drunk half the time anyway. So. So who's he gonna order around?

Lisa [00:40:24]:

Unlearn16 [00:40:25]:
All of those military generals, those decorated, incredible men so horrible, they're gonna go, oh, no, the guy from Fox News. I'm gonna go take the Panama Canal.

Lisa [00:40:35]:
Because he told me. He told me to.

Unlearn16 [00:40:37]:
I don't think so.

Lisa [00:40:38]:
No, I think you're right. And I think we're gonna hold out hope for that. Right?

Unlearn16 [00:40:42]:
Well, that's where it has to lay. Yeah, that's. That's where it has to lay.

Lisa [00:40:45]:

Unlearn16 [00:40:45]:
Because if you have a government and he surrounded himself by not competency, but loyalty, you have to assume that the rest of their trained lap dogs are going to be just as loyal. And I don't think it exists.

Lisa [00:41:01]:
Well, yeah, that's a good way to look at it. I never really thought about it quite like that in that term, but I think that that makes. I think that makes a lot of sense. And I just think, you know, I think that I believe in the people, and I think that the people will do the right thing. I mean, I get. They want to change. I get it. But you know what? Enough.

Unlearn16 [00:41:17]:
And that's why when people say, you know, I joke, I don't joke. I say six months. Because he's going to push and push and Push and push. And one day he's going to push too hard. He's going to send that military into Illinois and then we're going to see what the people do. And. And like I said, you know. Yeah, I will side with the intelligence, the empathy, totally.

Unlearn16 [00:41:40]:
Of those individuals far more than anything else.

Lisa [00:41:43]:
Yeah, 100. I agree. Yeah. 100%. I think that's so cool. Like, I just think it's. It's such an interesting time, you know, and it's a little bit scary, too, you know, it's. Yeah.

Lisa [00:41:55]:
Like, because you just don't know what's going to happen. Right. But you got a lot of cool stuff coming up.

Unlearn16 [00:42:00]:
Eh, I do. I have a. I'm. I'm finishing a book, so I'm finishing editing my first book, which is exciting. And I have all these plans about how I'm going to turn it into an audiobook as well, which is also excited.

Lisa [00:42:12]:
Oh, would you ever be good as that? That ever be awesome?

Unlearn16 [00:42:15]:
I think it'll be fun. I have a lot of different ideas, so it's not just going to be a straight read. Yeah. Okay.

Samantha [00:42:22]:
I have a question about your book.

Unlearn16 [00:42:24]:

Samantha [00:42:24]:
It can't just be called the book. I've signed up for the new. I've signed up to be notified when it comes out. You need to give it a title.

Unlearn16 [00:42:33]:
It just says the book. Is that what he said? I haven't done that.

Samantha [00:42:37]:
The book.

Unlearn16 [00:42:38]:
The book is going to be called. The book's going to be called. That's not what this book is about.

Lisa [00:42:43]:

Unlearn16 [00:42:44]:
So that's the title.

Lisa [00:42:45]:

Unlearn16 [00:42:46]:
I don't. Maybe he thinks I'm not 100% behind that title, but that is absolutely the title. There's also going to be. So every chapter of the book is going to, you know, is going to relate to something that's happened in my life. I'm going to tell that story, and then I'm going to show how that story then transforms into the kind of teacher and educator that I've become.

Lisa [00:43:09]:
That's awesome.

Unlearn16 [00:43:10]:
So it's. That's why I'm saying it's. I tell you that first story, but that first story is really not what the book is about. It's about the second story. And every chapter is going to have a QR code associated to it so that you can click on it once the book is out. And you'll have access to podcasts that are just about that chapter.

Lisa [00:43:32]:
Oh, that's cool.

Samantha [00:43:33]:

Unlearn16 [00:43:34]:
If it's about my mom, my mom and I will be in the podcast, if it's about Ray, I'm getting a couple chat.

Lisa [00:43:39]:
Well, hey, is that a. Ray will.

Unlearn16 [00:43:41]:
Be in the podcast, you know, and, and if it's just me, obviously we'll do it like that. But so that you'll get more information, it won't be me reading the chapter. It'll be just a conversation about what that was, what that means. If it's a back and forth between people, then we will do it that way as well.

Lisa [00:44:01]:
That's cool. It was, it was a lot of, a lot of work.

Unlearn16 [00:44:04]:
The book. Yeah, yeah. I did it over Christmas and I just, I, I wasn't, I wasn't able to do anything else. It was a really horrible two weeks for Anna.

Lisa [00:44:14]:

Unlearn16 [00:44:18]:
I made the deadline January because if I didn't give myself a hard deadline like that, and I promised everybody it would have, it would have just rolled because I would have been like, oh, I'm gonna go do this. So I, I had to. And there'd be days where I'd write two chapters and then there'd be days where I'd get through like seven sentences.

Lisa [00:44:38]:
Wow. Hey.

Unlearn16 [00:44:39]:
And just be so frustrated. But I'd be like, just give me a second. It'll, it'll come around. Because, you know, because it always does. They let me be very stream of content. Like I, I. When you read it, it reads very much the way I speak. So I just chuck grammar right out the window.

Unlearn16 [00:44:55]:
Yeah, There's a lot of dashes and dot dots. Okay.

Lisa [00:44:58]:
That's my type of reading.

Unlearn16 [00:45:01]:
So when they're editing it, right. I said, I sent it. I'm like, listen, obviously fix, you know, you and you are. And all of those things I said, but the dashes and the dot, dot, dots and if I use, you know, a parenthesis or what? Just leave that all alone. Yeah, all of that. Leave it alone. That's just the way. If it's not coming across that way, then tell me and I'll try to rewrite it.

Lisa [00:45:22]:

Unlearn16 [00:45:22]:
And he's like, no, it was like I was reading your voice.

Lisa [00:45:27]:
So, yeah, good, perfect. Good for you.

Samantha [00:45:30]:
Okay. Because I'm a book nerd, right? So I worked in a bookstore for over 10 years and I love all of that stuff. So I'm very excited for your release. So I'm sure you're going to release it in all its formats, right?

Unlearn16 [00:45:44]:
Yes, yes.

Samantha [00:45:44]:
Okay, perfect.

Unlearn16 [00:45:45]:
I don't know if I'm going to. So I don't know how quickly I can do the audio stuff because there's A little production that goes into the audio. So I don't know, I might do the, the release of the book. I'll have to have all the podcasts ready to go with the QR codes and, and, and how I'm going to give access to those, like if I just put, put it in my, my regular podcast or how we're gonna put those up.

Lisa [00:46:12]:

Unlearn16 [00:46:13]:
And then maybe then do the audio.

Lisa [00:46:16]:
Right? Yeah.

Unlearn16 [00:46:18]:
Because not only it needs, obviously, recording studio, but I want to have it really shouldn't take me that long, but I want it. There's going to be some production value to it. So Ryan, who I. A good friend of mine and I work with, he's the drama guy, right. He's like, oh. He goes, here's what we're going to do. So we're going to have music here. We're going to have like the sounds of volleyball when you're talking here.

Unlearn16 [00:46:43]:
We're going to have. And I'm like, oh, Jesus.

Samantha [00:46:45]:
I gave him the book, so that's amazing.

Unlearn16 [00:46:49]:
I love that. 2026. I'm not too sure, but.

Samantha [00:46:53]:
Oh, it's not out till 2026.

Unlearn16 [00:46:55]:
No, I'm lying. I'm just. Don't lie. I just meant the audio part. But the audio part will be, will be out if the book comes out in May, the audio part will be out within a month. Like, I, I just don't know when I'm gonna be able to record it.

Samantha [00:47:08]:
Yeah, okay.

Lisa [00:47:08]:
For sure.

Samantha [00:47:08]:
So can I ask, like, who's publishing it? Like, what publishing house did you go?

Unlearn16 [00:47:13]:
So Code Breaker is.

Samantha [00:47:15]:

Unlearn16 [00:47:15]:
An educational small publisher. Okay.

Samantha [00:47:18]:

Unlearn16 [00:47:19]:
When you go on their website, they've done a lot of educational. He also wants me to do a kids book. They've done a lot of educational stuff. He was a teacher for a long time. He ended up writing a book about way back in the day, about bringing technology into the classroom when it wasn't even a thing and bringing it to younger students. And so he started that way and they're the ones that approached me. It's so funny. Ryan says, said to me, when you get interviewed, what are you going to say when they say, why did you write a book? And he goes, you have to have an answer for that.

Unlearn16 [00:47:49]:
And I'm like, well, my answer is because Brian asked me to. And he goes. And he go. He goes, that's your answer? I said, because I had no. No delusions of being a great writer, right? No delusions about. No, no bravado. Nothing about any of this. Yeah, I Had a guy come up to me who had, you know, this educational background.

Unlearn16 [00:48:14]:
We had a great conversations. He has this great editor. It's a small thing. He's, he's the one that offered it to me. There's not like there's, you know, a huge retainer going on here. Has nothing to do with that. It has to do with these. Like I, I believe in your auth.

Unlearn16 [00:48:30]:
In your authentic voice. I just want to figure out how to be a part of that.

Lisa [00:48:33]:

Unlearn16 [00:48:34]:
And then, and then push it out there because I don't think I would have lasted five seconds with Random House.

Lisa [00:48:39]:

Samantha [00:48:40]:
That's unfortunate.

Lisa [00:48:41]:

Unlearn16 [00:48:42]:
I'm not, I'm not that kind of writer.

Lisa [00:48:43]:

Unlearn16 [00:48:44]:
Right. So. Yeah. So that's my answer.

Samantha [00:48:48]:
You have a great platform though. And you, you need to let the world know that you've written this.

Unlearn16 [00:48:53]:

Samantha [00:48:54]:
You need to like your, your market. Do you have a marketing. Do they have a marketing team?

Lisa [00:48:58]:
Hi, it's Joe. Hi, it's Joe. It's Joe.

Unlearn16 [00:49:02]:
He will. But I've, you know, I've. There's great people that are also a little bit behind me. They're gonna blow it up just yet. Good. That are, that are reading the book. That are going to just sort of help me a little bit.

Lisa [00:49:18]:

Unlearn16 [00:49:19]:
But it's funny when you think about marketing, it's just such a different world because the whole point of me writing the book, to be perfectly honest, is not, you know, to make kabillions of dollars. I don't see it as this money making venture. I see this as another platform of something I did that I love and that I enjoy doing in order to get at a different part of an audience and then get at a different way for me to then stand in front of people and do what I love.

Lisa [00:49:49]:
Yeah. Which is awesome.

Unlearn16 [00:49:50]:
That's it. It's something, it's a means to, to do what I love. It's not some, you know, he, he wants me to do a kids book, which I think could be really, really fun. But I, I like standing in front of people.

Lisa [00:50:04]:

Unlearn16 [00:50:04]:
That's my, that's awesome.

Samantha [00:50:05]:
So I'm gonna segue to your TED Talk stuff.

Unlearn16 [00:50:09]:

Samantha [00:50:09]:
I hear you're going to an educational conference in May.

Unlearn16 [00:50:13]:
I am.

Lisa [00:50:13]:

Unlearn16 [00:50:14]:
Yeah. So in May, the end of May, I've been invited to go to the Alberta Teaching Federation. I don't know if I'm getting that right. To be the keynote speaker there on Diversity and Equity. And so that's exciting.

Lisa [00:50:27]:
Yeah, totally.

Unlearn16 [00:50:28]:
The TEDx that I did was Also in Alberta, which is also, which is where they saw me actually. They drove up. The two women that are organizing the conference drove up and saw the, the TEDx in Grand Prairie.

Lisa [00:50:41]:
Wow, good for you.

Unlearn16 [00:50:42]:
So, yeah, I, I like now TedX has limitations about how they do it. For me. What I, what I envision, if I had my way, is a live event that is more interactive so that I don't go on stage and give a speech. I go on stage and interact. If I could say, it's like, I'm not gonna say crowd work, cause I'm not a comedian. Maybe a little bit of funny. A little bit of funny. But then roll it into something significant and making it about politics, about social is justice issues.

Unlearn16 [00:51:26]:
All of the thing you want to argue about. Jaws, all of the things that that matter. And I think people are dying for sort of that authentic connectivity too. And to be able to have that discussion.

Lisa [00:51:38]:

Unlearn16 [00:51:39]:
If I can go place to place to place. And it's technically a different show every time I move.

Lisa [00:51:44]:

Unlearn16 [00:51:45]:
You know, that's what I find. And tape it all and then send it out different forms. That's what I, that's what I envision doing.

Lisa [00:51:54]:
That's very exciting. Hey, like we're, we're planning our first live show in August this summer.

Samantha [00:51:58]:
We are.

Lisa [00:51:59]:
And we're just starting to think about writing that, what that looks like. Hey, and, and it's, it's scary, right, because we have, we got, we just know what we do and we hope that we're gonna have put some, some people in the seats and we'll be able to do some, you know, interaction and a lot of that too. But, but you don't really know, right? No, but if you don't try, if that's what you love and you don't try.

Unlearn16 [00:52:22]:
Yeah. I mean I've been in front of a lot of big spaces for sort of with a purpose, like somebody else's purpose kind of thing. Not that TedX was very much what I like to do, but still you're, There was a level of constraint even the time was like I was up there for 20 minutes. And normally a TedX, it's like you get like 12 minutes. I'm like, oh, I, I, I told them I needed a clock. I said, guys, I thought I could go for like 40. I said, just so you know, my natural rhythm is pretty much an hour because that's a period of class. Right.

Unlearn16 [00:52:59]:
I said, I have an internal clock for that. Yeah, you want me to do. And then so I thought cutting it to 20. I'm like, I'm a genius.

Lisa [00:53:05]:

Samantha [00:53:09]:
Oh, my God. Well, you know, I just wish you the best, the most luck with all of the different.

Lisa [00:53:14]:
Yeah, we're definitely, we're definitely following, that's for sure.

Samantha [00:53:18]:
Please, please keep doing grocery shopping trips. I need to hear what people are.

Unlearn16 [00:53:22]:
Saying to go in there.

Samantha [00:53:24]:
Oh, my God. I'm like, oh, I have to watch this because she's grocery shopping again and she's going to hear people fighting and she's going to have conversation. Like, it's just phenomenal what you come across.

Lisa [00:53:33]:
Yeah, I love that. Yeah, keep, keep. I mean, obviously you're going to keep doing it. I mean, you have a huge following. I know our, we've gotten a lot of feedback just because we, you know, we put out that you're going to be on our show this week and people were like, oh, I wonder what she's going to teach us. Like, people like just like gobble you.

Samantha [00:53:49]:
Up when you pull up when you, when you're in your office and you're like, okay, I gotta. And you're like, to the, to the board, you go, you've done a couple at home and you get the chair and then you get the board and you get home and the dryer rate. And I'm like, oh my God. Okay, I get, I need my notes. What am I teaching? What is she teaching today?

Unlearn16 [00:54:09]:
I have thought, and I just haven't come to it yet, but I have thought of doing something a little bit different and it probably would be on a Patreon thing, but I'm hesitant. People are like, you have to do it, you have to do it. But I'm hesitant because I don't like money.

Lisa [00:54:22]:

Unlearn16 [00:54:23]:
I just, I don't love it. But people are like, if I was to do a lesson every week, like an actual lesson. Yeah, right.

Lisa [00:54:30]:
For sure.

Unlearn16 [00:54:31]:
People would do that, have the chalkboard or do a full 40 minute lesson and I post that and I do four a month and that's what you sign up for. So every week you're gonna get like, I'll tell you about Buddhism this week and next week I'll tell you about the War of 1812.

Lisa [00:54:45]:
I think you'd be surprised. I think you'd be amazed.

Unlearn16 [00:54:47]:
You know, I'll pull something from American history or, you know, whatever. And I could go through quite. Anna's like, well, how much stuff do you have? I'm like, well, I've. Even if I'm just going off what I've already taught, what I have curriculum for what I have lesson plans already for. And lectures for you're. I'm talking like at least 10 classes.

Lisa [00:55:08]:
Yeah. Wow. Hey. Yeah. And then you'd have more. You wouldn't. You would naturally have more than that too, I'm sure.

Unlearn16 [00:55:13]:
Oh, well, yeah, for sure. I mean, if I wanted to expand it and then just pull out a lesson. Like if I just did a lesson on tariffs. Yeah, right.

Lisa [00:55:20]:
Yeah, totally.

Unlearn16 [00:55:21]:
But even if I did something where I didn't have to do any more research and it was more historical, historically based.

Lisa [00:55:29]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. I think anything you do is going to be. Is awesome. Is going to be great.

Samantha [00:55:34]:
Seriously, your students are super lucky because you're so entertaining. And when you're a little bit sarcastic, I'm like, go for it. I need more of that. Please.

Lisa [00:55:44]:

Samantha [00:55:45]:
Talk to us about tariffs and subsidies. When you say hun, I'm like, well, now they're gonna get it right.

Lisa [00:55:51]:
Girl means business.

Unlearn16 [00:55:52]:
I said hon nicely the other day because I say it in different, in different, different ways.

Lisa [00:55:57]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unlearn16 [00:55:58]:
Hun is different than hun. Like those are two different words.

Lisa [00:56:01]:

Unlearn16 [00:56:02]:
But I said it on alive and somebody went, oh, she gonna get mad. I'm like, no, no. That was a night.

Lisa [00:56:09]:
That's a nice hun.

Samantha [00:56:11]:
Hear the tone.

Unlearn16 [00:56:12]:
You gotta. There's a reflection in the tone.

Lisa [00:56:15]:
Right? You gotta hear it the whole bit. Right. That's so awesome. Oh, God. Well, you know, we're just happy. Oh, Sam, got another question.

Samantha [00:56:23]:
Sorry, I just have one quick question. When we last met, did you say that you had a strawberry shortcake collection? Did you collect?

Unlearn16 [00:56:34]:
I had. I have a strawberry shortcake doll. I bought one.

Samantha [00:56:37]:
One doll.

Unlearn16 [00:56:38]:
I have stopped myself 17 times from Re buying the full ebay collection, by the way. It's about $450 for all of them. Like all of them. But not out of their package, but all of them. And I'm like. Because I used to have them all my. I used to have a spare room in. In.

Unlearn16 [00:56:58]:
Or I was an only child, so we had a second room and the second room was my toy room. And it was closed. It was always a disaster. You open it up, it's just strawberry shortcake hit you right in the face.

Lisa [00:57:10]:
That's awesome. I have a friend that collects strawberry shortcakes and he goes to different conferences all throughout the states.

Unlearn16 [00:57:16]:
Just for strawberry Shortcake.

Lisa [00:57:17]:
Just for Strawberry Shortcake. Yeah, he.

Unlearn16 [00:57:20]:
I appreciate the, the, the focus.

Lisa [00:57:23]:
Yeah, he. He.

Unlearn16 [00:57:24]:
I'm not.

Lisa [00:57:25]:
He's in it to win it.

Unlearn16 [00:57:27]:
I get like Distracted. Oh, Smurfs. Oh, yeah, totally.

Lisa [00:57:31]:

Unlearn16 [00:57:32]:
Oh, right.

Lisa [00:57:33]:
Yeah, yeah, that's like me. I get pulled too many different directions.

Unlearn16 [00:57:36]:
Like that last Comic Con, I bought all the. The. The little Sesame street guys.

Lisa [00:57:42]:
Oh, they're. I love this. I love it. Who's your favorite Sesame Street?

Unlearn16 [00:57:48]:
Super Grover.

Lisa [00:57:49]:
Super Grover.

Samantha [00:57:50]:
Oh, Super Grover.

Lisa [00:57:51]:
I am Ernie. Team Ernie. Always Team Ernie.

Unlearn16 [00:57:55]:
That's a solid choice too.

Lisa [00:57:56]:
Yeah, Sam.

Samantha [00:57:57]:
Team Big Bird. I love Big.

Unlearn16 [00:57:58]:
That's a solid choice. I'm also heavily drawn to the Muppets. And back in the day, I don't know what toy brand it might have been. McFarland Toys. Did all of these amazing carrot, like, toys or whatever. And in that particular moment in my life, I'm like, I'm overwhelmed. Like, I have all of this other stuff going on to make Joanna calm down. You're an adult.

Unlearn16 [00:58:20]:
And now I'm like, what the. Now I can't find them. But they're. I mean, you can find them, but they're expensive. But my. My favorite has to be Sweeams. You know, he was the, the really tall guy.

Lisa [00:58:33]:
What color was he? Was he orange?

Samantha [00:58:35]:

Unlearn16 [00:58:36]:

Lisa [00:58:37]:
Sweetums. I'm sure we know him to see him.

Samantha [00:58:40]:
Oh my God. No, that wasn't the guy. That didn't really. No, that was the chef.

Lisa [00:58:45]:
Oh, okay.

Samantha [00:58:47]:
Oh my God.

Unlearn16 [00:58:48]:
I love him. If I could get. Look, I don't know where this guy got this costume, but I want it.

Lisa [00:58:57]:
That's awesome. Hey. Oh God. That's awesome. Gosh.

Samantha [00:59:02]:
Oh my God. Okay, well, thank you so much, Joe. We really appreciate you taking time out of your day for us. Thank you.

Lisa [00:59:08]:
With a two hour time difference too. Friends of the podcast giving me a.

Unlearn16 [00:59:12]:
Heads up today too. Making sure I was on top of it.

Lisa [00:59:14]:
No problem. Right? Hey, for you to come on the show, we will message you non stop. We're like, yeah, we can do that for sure. So enjoy all your success that you're having and you know, like I said, right. You got two big. You. We're. We're behind you.

Lisa [00:59:28]:
We're pushing for you.

Unlearn16 [00:59:29]:
Thank you so much. I appreciate that.

Samantha [00:59:31]:
I seriously can't wait for your book.

Unlearn16 [00:59:33]:
Let me know when you guys do a live podcast. That's going to be amazing.

Lisa [00:59:36]:
It's going to be. Our first one is in. It's in Collingwood.

Unlearn16 [00:59:40]:
Oh, really? And so are you going to do it on a state. How are you going to do it?

Lisa [00:59:44]:
Yeah, we got a theater rent. We booked a little theater, 100 person theater and hopefully people come.

Samantha [00:59:50]:

Lisa [00:59:51]:
August 16th. When are you doing it August 16th.

Unlearn16 [00:59:55]:
August 16th. All right. I'm gonna. I'm gonna.

Lisa [00:59:57]:
You're more than welcome. You and Anna are more than welcome.

Unlearn16 [01:00:00]:
I appreciate that.

Lisa [01:00:01]:

Unlearn16 [01:00:01]:

Lisa [01:00:02]:
So that's our first venture into what we hope to be able to do, too, you know?

Unlearn16 [01:00:06]:
That's amazing. Yeah, that's great. I think it's. It's. People want that.

Lisa [01:00:10]:
I think they do, too.

Samantha [01:00:11]:
I think so.

Lisa [01:00:12]:
Yeah. You know so. All right, well, thank you. All the best. Have a good sleep.

Unlearn16 [01:00:17]:
Oh, thank you so much.

Lisa [01:00:18]:
All right. Go Jays.

Samantha [01:00:19]:
Go, Jay.

Unlearn16 [01:00:20]:
Have a good night. Go Chase.

Lisa [01:00:23]:
All right. Oh, my God. How. How awesome is Joe?

Samantha [01:00:27]:
Jo is fantastic.

Lisa [01:00:29]:
I am Teen Team unlearned 16 all the time, Anytime, day or night.

Samantha [01:00:34]:
I agree.

Lisa [01:00:35]:

Samantha [01:00:36]:
I love her Tiktoks.

Lisa [01:00:38]:
She's just awesome. She's just awesome. Anytime she wants to come on the show, she's more than welcome.

Samantha [01:00:43]:
She's so smart and so funny.

Lisa [01:00:46]:
Like, she's. She's the real deal.

Samantha [01:00:48]:
Hey, she is so much.

Lisa [01:00:50]:
She's the real deal. She is the real deal, Samantha. Okay, But I'm. I gotta talk about something that has become near and dear to my heart. Okay. Last week, we talked about how my boss. Boss suggested I sleep with the ma. The tape over my mouth, Right.

Lisa [01:01:09]:
To help me not become dehydrated because I'm a mouse sleeper and I have a fan. Okay.

Samantha [01:01:14]:

Lisa [01:01:15]:
I told you about it. You didn't think it was crazy. You kind of believed it because Bethany Frankel did it. And I said to my boss, boss, you should do it because you're like a notorious snorer and you grind your mouth and maybe that would shut you up, right?

Samantha [01:01:29]:
Oh, shut up.

Lisa [01:01:30]:
So we tried it, right? We both tried it. And how have you.

Samantha [01:01:36]:
Oh, you're outing me. I don't get to tell people that I tried it. You're outing me right away.

Lisa [01:01:40]:
Yeah, we both tried it.

Samantha [01:01:42]:
We did.

Lisa [01:01:43]:
We both tried it. Why? Were you gonna hide it?

Samantha [01:01:46]:
No. Well, because I think people are always like, sam never tries anything.

Lisa [01:01:50]:
She did try.

Samantha [01:01:50]:
And you're like, you would be right on that.

Lisa [01:01:52]:
But here's the thing, right?

Samantha [01:01:53]:
Absolutely right.

Lisa [01:01:54]:
Sam is in search of a perfect sleep. That's why.

Samantha [01:01:57]:
I'm not in search of a perfect. No, I'm not in search of a perfect sleep. I just want more.

Lisa [01:02:02]:
She just wants some more sleep. Right? So here's the thing, friends of the podcast. I'm doing it. I'm putting it up and down. But. But you know me. These are a few issues that I'm stumbling with. Right.

Lisa [01:02:19]:
Number one, putting it up and down like this. If you're watching the video, you'll see the diagram, the description like this. Sometimes I worry I have it too far over or too far over. So I'm adjusting it, I'm adjusting where it goes a few times, which is causing it not to be as sticky. So then I'm having to reapply. So now I feel the sleep I'm not getting is because I'm worried about it and I'm reapplying it. Do you find that.

Samantha [01:02:48]:
Oh, my God. You have created a further problem.

Lisa [01:02:55]:
I have.

Samantha [01:02:56]:
Because you're obsessed with what's on your lip, right?

Lisa [01:02:59]:

Samantha [01:03:00]:
You need to stop right now. You are going to, you're going to, like, obsess about something. You're never going to get over that. You're never going to be able to just lie there and let the tape be tape.

Lisa [01:03:14]:
I am. Three strips of tape a night. Gibson.

Samantha [01:03:17]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:03:18]:

Samantha [01:03:20]:

Lisa [01:03:21]:
Right. I reapply when I get up and go pee.

Samantha [01:03:24]:
Why have you moved your mouth?

Lisa [01:03:27]:
I don't, I don't think so, but I don't know. Anybody else find this sign? Apparently. Why do you. So you're not having this issue?

Samantha [01:03:39]:
Three pieces of tape?

Lisa [01:03:41]:

Samantha [01:03:42]:
I, I, I take one little piece of tape, I put it over my mouth and off I go to bed.

Lisa [01:03:47]:
And that's it.

Samantha [01:03:48]:
And I don't, I don't think about it for the rest of the night.

Lisa [01:03:51]:
Until you wake up.

Samantha [01:03:52]:
I'm not adjusting it. I'm not moving it. I'm not touching it. Because I can leave shit alone.

Lisa [01:03:59]:
I can't.

Samantha [01:04:00]:
You apparently cannot.

Lisa [01:04:01]:
I'm a toucher. Even in the middle of the night, I'm still adjusting and checking if I wake up. I still check. Okay, good's still there. Totally obsessed.

Samantha [01:04:10]:
It's just across your mouth. How do you not know that? It is still a tad.

Lisa [01:04:15]:
I don't know.

Samantha [01:04:16]:
Why must you touch? Why must you touch?

Lisa [01:04:19]:
Because I'm a toucher. I like to touch things.

Samantha [01:04:22]:
At some point you need to crack that habit.

Lisa [01:04:26]:
I don't think I can.

Samantha [01:04:28]:
I feel like you need to because you're never. The whole point of the tape is so that you do actually get more sleep.

Lisa [01:04:35]:
Right? Right. So as of right now, it's a little disruptive. It's helping. It's helping with the dry mouth, but now it's just disrupting my sleep patterns.

Samantha [01:04:46]:
It's disruptive. Everything you do around sleep is disruptive.

Lisa [01:04:51]:
Totally. Totally.

Samantha [01:04:52]:
The panties, the water, the phone, everything. What? Like Everything you do is disruptive to your sleep.

Lisa [01:05:00]:
Yeah. At some point, everything becomes a little.

Samantha [01:05:02]:
Fan that you won't turn off.

Lisa [01:05:04]:
No, I won't turn it off. I will not turn it off. No.

Samantha [01:05:08]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:05:10]:
So it's working for you. Yes.

Samantha [01:05:13]:
It's apparently working better for me than you.

Lisa [01:05:17]:
Apparently so.

Samantha [01:05:20]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:05:21]:
I don't know. I'm gonna keep. But I'm not a quitter, right. So I'm gonna keep trying. Keep plugging away.

Samantha [01:05:26]:
Well, good for you.

Lisa [01:05:27]:

Samantha [01:05:28]:
You. You go, girl.

Lisa [01:05:29]:
Right? I'm going. I'm going. Watch me go. Right.

Samantha [01:05:34]:
I feel like I can understand why people do the tape thing, but I think I saw something like, oh, people need to be careful about putting tape on their mouth because it can lead to blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, oh, for Christ's sake. If course something has to lead to something.

Lisa [01:05:49]:
Has to lead to something. Yeah. Everything has to lead to something. Right?

Samantha [01:05:53]:
But I. I feel like if you're going to keep doing this, you should probably invest in actual mouth tape.

Lisa [01:05:58]:
I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm there yet.

Samantha [01:06:00]:
Oh, no, you shouldn't, because the things that I've seen, it's going the wrong way over the entire mouth, which you will probably not.

Lisa [01:06:11]:
And then where's my.

Samantha [01:06:12]:
And then you'll.

Lisa [01:06:13]:
Where's my tongue go.

Samantha [01:06:14]:
Right. And then you're. Because your. Your tongue needs to stay in your head.

Lisa [01:06:18]:
I know, but I'm sure sometimes it's touching the tape to make sure it's still there. To make sure it's still there.

Samantha [01:06:24]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:06:28]:

Samantha [01:06:29]:
How do you. How do you know how you've survived?

Lisa [01:06:32]:
Just a girl trying to cope with the tape.

Samantha [01:06:35]:

Lisa [01:06:35]:
That's all.

Samantha [01:06:36]:
Who's never going to sleep.

Lisa [01:06:37]:
I'm just trying. Just doing my best. Every night I go to bed positive about the tape. Right. My boss.

Samantha [01:06:45]:
Boss swears by it.

Lisa [01:06:47]:
She seems to sleep. She doesn't come to work looking like she didn't sleep.

Samantha [01:06:51]:
I feel like she's not a toucher like you.

Lisa [01:06:53]:
Well, that seems like an awkward conversation to have with your boss. Boss. So just tell me there. Hey, do you touch a lot of things? Like, it just seems awkward. Prob. I think. I think even I would be pushing that topic.

Samantha [01:07:07]:
Yep, pretty much. Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:07:09]:
So I'm just saying. I'm not giving up friends of the podcast. I'm gonna keep.

Samantha [01:07:13]:
Yeah, well, you did pose this as a. As something that people could answer in our Facebook.

Lisa [01:07:19]:

Samantha [01:07:19]:
And people were. They're using Magnetic mats.

Lisa [01:07:24]:
People got issues.

Samantha [01:07:26]:
Podcasts, hrt, magnesium, but not too much magnesium.

Lisa [01:07:32]:
Not too much.

Samantha [01:07:33]:
And like Ashwagandha for their, like hot flashes. I'm like, we are women who have some problems.

Lisa [01:07:41]:
We got issues, right? We got some problems.

Samantha [01:07:43]:
We've got problems.

Lisa [01:07:45]:
We got issues, right? We're just trying to fix them. That's all we're trying to do. Samantha.

Samantha [01:07:49]:
Or are we just. So is everybody that listens to us a women of a certain age?

Lisa [01:07:54]:
I don't know. Because we also have women that aren't of this age too. No.

Samantha [01:07:58]:
We also have problems sleeping well.

Lisa [01:07:59]:
They're going to have problems. We're preparing them for problems. And the women who are older than this age, they're like laughing at our problems because they survive.

Samantha [01:08:11]:
For those girls that are not of this age and they're younger than us, we're showing you what not to do. So just please pay attention.

Lisa [01:08:17]:
Right? We're just giving it. We're just helping. That's our goal. Right. We're not trying to teach you. We're trying to pave the way the vessel is vesseling information to you.

Samantha [01:08:26]:
God, please.

Lisa [01:08:27]:
I am a vessel.

Samantha [01:08:30]:
So you say.

Lisa [01:08:31]:
Yeah, well, we're just. I'm just going to keep trying. I'm going to keep. Just keep poking away at it, see how it goes.

Samantha [01:08:36]:
All right.

Lisa [01:08:37]:
All right. Stay tuned next week, friends.

Samantha [01:08:40]:
Oh, God, please help us.

Lisa [01:08:43]:
Oh, Samantha, what can you do?

Samantha [01:08:47]:
I'm just gonna say this. And it's. I can't even imagine. I can't even. I can't. I can't even understand why I'm saying this. But I read it and it. It's a thing.

Samantha [01:08:57]:
You know, when things are getting bad, when France asks for the Statue of.

Lisa [01:09:04]:
Liberty back, we have upset from the United States. The States has upset France so badly that they want their 1 billion pound statue that just. Yes, it's on an island.

Unlearn16 [01:09:20]:

Lisa [01:09:21]:
That's the most. Number one. That's the most ridiculous thing that a country's ever had to ask for Back. That's what the States has done. They've created this problem now. Who pays the shipping?

Samantha [01:09:36]:
Angered. You have angered France.

Lisa [01:09:38]:
Who. Who pays the shipping? That's a big shipping.

Samantha [01:09:41]:
No, it is. What can hold that thing, Right?

Lisa [01:09:45]:
Like it's not the tugboat.

Samantha [01:09:46]:
No. I feel like it came in pieces. I don't think it came fully put together.

Lisa [01:09:51]:
Maybe not. I don't know. It's been there forever, right?

Samantha [01:09:54]:
Yeah. So getting it back to France is going to be a bitch.

Lisa [01:09:57]:
My Lady Liberty needs to stay Put America right. God, must you upset everybody? Like, right.

Samantha [01:10:08]:
Do tell. What did they do?

Lisa [01:10:10]:
I don't know. It's everything.

Unlearn16 [01:10:12]:

Lisa [01:10:12]:
He's just making everybody mad. Right. Everybody's mad at him. So everybody. Nobody wants to be associated with him?

Samantha [01:10:20]:

Lisa [01:10:21]:

Samantha [01:10:22]:
Everybody wants everybody back, but everybody's like, no, he's doing great. Yay. Go him. You know? And it's like, I don't. I really. Sure.

Lisa [01:10:32]:
Yeah. Let's think back to what Joe just taught us. Okay. Let's just think back to what Joe taught us when she was talking and. Yeah. I can't. I can't. It goes from one extreme of crazy to.

Lisa [01:10:43]:
It goes from the Gulf of America to we want Greenland to now another country saying, we want our 1 billion pound statue back.

Samantha [01:10:56]:
Like, hi, there's something going wrong.

Lisa [01:10:59]:
Nobody thinks.

Samantha [01:11:00]:
We just acknowledge that.

Lisa [01:11:02]:
Like. Like all you Trump supporters. Like, nothing adding up yet. Nothing looks weird. Maybe the first 18 things didn't, but, like, 19 and 20 aren't starting to go. Maybe that seems a little extreme. I don't know. No, the Trump supporters are probably, like, mine.

Lisa [01:11:17]:
Take it back. That's probably what they think. Whom needs a statute? Take it. We did. We survived without it. We don't need it now.

Samantha [01:11:25]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:11:26]:
I don't know. I can't. I can't.

Samantha [01:11:31]:
I can't. Really?

Lisa [01:11:32]:
No, but I mean, I shake my head, and this is almost just. Almost just as boat is crazy. Okay. Uh. Oh, I'm shaking my head this week. Samantha, did you know that the average pet owner spends $1,000 a year on pet clothes? Oh, I don't think I spend $1,000 a year on Lisa clothes. But, like, Gus gets the clothes, Muffin gets the clothes.

Samantha [01:11:58]:

Lisa [01:11:58]:
Daisy gets the clothes, Maisie gets the clothes. I shake my head. Come on. How many jackets does one's pet need to have?

Samantha [01:12:10]:
Well, I feel like it's not just clothing. Clothing. It could be, like, all the things.

Lisa [01:12:14]:
You think it's like.

Samantha [01:12:15]:

Lisa [01:12:15]:
Like their food and everything. Food?

Samantha [01:12:18]:
Well, food costs a lot.

Lisa [01:12:20]:
I think food's not included. I don't think food's in there.

Samantha [01:12:23]:
You don't think food.

Lisa [01:12:23]:
I don't think.

Samantha [01:12:24]:
What about a new bed? What about some grooming?

Lisa [01:12:28]:
Again, I don't think I cost all of those things. I don't think my grooming is a thousand dollars a year.

Samantha [01:12:35]:
I'm sure it is.

Lisa [01:12:37]:
I do get my haircut.

Samantha [01:12:38]:
You go every four weeks.

Lisa [01:12:39]:
I do.

Samantha [01:12:40]:
You go every four weeks?

Lisa [01:12:41]:
I do. Because this is what fourth four weeks looks like, right?

Samantha [01:12:45]:
It looks Fine.

Lisa [01:12:47]:
It's a big, hot mess. Yeah, but I'm just saying I'm shaking my head at the amount of money people are investing in their pets. And when it comes time to budget and you need to cut back, do you think pets make the list or do you think it's like, no, we will go. We will.

Samantha [01:13:02]:

Lisa [01:13:02]:
We do not need the landline. We don't need cable. Rover still gets another coat. Do you think that that's how it goes?

Samantha [01:13:11]:
I feel that probably, but I feel. Can I just. I'm just gonna insert. I just need to say, those of you who own pets, email Lisa. This is directed to Lisa, not to me. I've owned pets. My family has owned pets. And they probably have a jacket that they cost money.

Samantha [01:13:31]:
Only Lisa can have problems.

Lisa [01:13:33]:
I'm just saying. Right. I'm just saying something seems weird with that. Okay. That's all I'm saying, Samantha. That's all I'm saying right there.

Samantha [01:13:42]:
Well, I'm shaking my head at how much we spend going out.

Lisa [01:13:47]:
Oh, yeah. Going out to eat too much.

Samantha [01:13:50]:
Every Friday, we're throwing down some cash, you know? And I somehow justify the amount of money that I spend on a dinner because I usually take a doggy bag home.

Lisa [01:14:01]:
Yes, Right.

Samantha [01:14:02]:
I take my extras home.

Lisa [01:14:03]:

Samantha [01:14:04]:
Well, guess what? Guess who forgot to take her. It was I, I. Because you played it up yourself. Now they give you the box and you got to put your own stuff into a box.

Unlearn16 [01:14:13]:
You to blame.

Samantha [01:14:15]:
Yeah, I, I, I did the action. I got the box. It was sitting off to the side. Who walked over? Who walked out without her, without her fancy meal, without her extras that she had paid for and wanted to eat the next day?

Lisa [01:14:27]:
I thought about you the next day and I thought, oh, I bet you sample. She was eating that for supper.

Samantha [01:14:32]:
Yes, I did.

Lisa [01:14:33]:

Samantha [01:14:34]:
And I'm like, I shake my head at me because I spend too much money and then I leave it at the table. And they probably fed it to their pet.

Lisa [01:14:42]:
Yeah, they probably did.

Unlearn16 [01:14:43]:

Lisa [01:14:43]:
It probably. If it probably. I mean, to the totally. It did. Right?

Samantha [01:14:48]:
Some pet was eating your prime rib.

Lisa [01:14:51]:
That's not just going in the bin.

Samantha [01:14:54]:
I agree to find a cheaper place to eat dinner.

Lisa [01:14:58]:
McDonald's, here we come.

Samantha [01:15:00]:
I still need to have booze on Friday, though, so we need to find something better still.

Lisa [01:15:05]:
Yeah, Right. Still has to serve alcohol of some sort.

Samantha [01:15:09]:
Oh, my God.

Lisa [01:15:10]:
I agree. I got you. I got you. Oh.

Samantha [01:15:13]:
Oh, that's so funny in my head.

Lisa [01:15:15]:
Yeah, I actually shook my head at you too, because there it Was all act up neatly.

Samantha [01:15:21]:
Yeah, that's true. So, guys, hey, connect with us on social media or visit our website, which is to sign up for newsletters, leave a message or check out our episodes. You can watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe. You can join our Patreon for exclusive content, early access and behind the scenes footage, all for as little as $2 a month. Visit I shake my head. If you're looking for. I shake my head. Swag.

Samantha [01:15:50]:
Head on down to and search for us. We also are very proud to be part of the Women in Media network and we just want to say, hey, John, thanks for putting everything together. Couldn't do it without you.

Lisa [01:16:00]:
Thanks, John. And thanks again to Joe. Unlearn 16. You can find her on all of her socials. She's on. She's on Instagram and TikTok and she's brilliant. So go and learn some stuff from Jo. Right? And again, like, how lucky are we that she came back on our podcast to chat with us?

Samantha [01:16:19]:
Lisa, I feel like we made a friend. I think we did.

Lisa [01:16:22]:
You feel that today it was we became friends.

Samantha [01:16:24]:
I feel like we might have made a friend. I'm like, oh, that's really good for us. We don't do that very often.

Lisa [01:16:28]:
We don't. And here's hoping I don't blow it because sometimes I, sometimes I, I become too excited.

Samantha [01:16:32]:
A little over. You get over eager.

Lisa [01:16:34]:
I get over eager, right? I have her text, I have her phone number.

Samantha [01:16:37]:
Now I'm like, oh, my God. The worst thing for you to have.

Lisa [01:16:41]:
I know, right? I know. I'm gonna be. I promise I'm gonna be good and do my best, right? I'm gonna do my best. Friends podcast. We told her about our, about our live show too. Yes. We'll see. You never know.

Lisa [01:16:54]:
She doesn't live that far from it. No, she's just like near Toronto area, so who knows, right? It's amazing what two people begging can achieve.

Samantha [01:17:04]:
This is true, right?

Lisa [01:17:05]:
Anyway, Samantha, it's been a great episode. A little bit different than what we usually do, which sometimes it's nice to mix it up a wee bit. And I think that in the next couple weeks, we have our 8th year anniversary coming up.

Samantha [01:17:18]:
Oh, God.

Lisa [01:17:19]:
It's in April. It's in April.

Samantha [01:17:23]:
Fantastic, right?

Lisa [01:17:24]:
Eight years of death.

Unlearn16 [01:17:25]:

Lisa [01:17:27]:
Yeah. Week after week. Good times, everybody. Good times.

Samantha [01:17:32]:
Good times.

Lisa [01:17:32]:
Good times. Right? All right, Samantha, anything else?

Samantha [01:17:36]:

Lisa [01:17:37]:
All right. Always a pleasure.

Samantha [01:17:39]:
That should be.

Lisa [01:17:51]:
Who'S a pretty girl. I'm a pretty girl.