The Allure Of Naughty Nighttime Toast

Have you ever pondered why nighttime toast feels like a guilty indulgence? Lisa questions the appeal of naughty nighttime toast. Why do we say "cheese" when taking pictures? When you get cranky does your alter ego "Super petty" make an appearance? Why are teenagers no matter the decade all the same? Is anyone foolish enough to call you a peachy face? Do you judge or do you observe? Would you pay $20 for a strawberry or tape your mouth for a better sleep? Is the phrase "I'm starving to death" a bit over the top? Join Lisa and Sam as they unravel these quirky conundrums and remind us all to shake our heads at the delightful absurdity of daily life.
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Lisa [00:00:06]:
You know when you're getting your picture taken and the photographer says, say cheese. Why do they say say cheese?Samantha [00:00:11]:
Because you're supposed to be animated. Cheese.Lisa [00:00:15]:
Okay, so say cheese.Samantha [00:00:16]:
Cheese. Cheese.Lisa [00:00:17]:
Cheese.Samantha [00:00:18]:
Cheese.Lisa [00:00:19]:
Cheese.Samantha [00:00:20]:
I might even say cheese with a slight snarl.Lisa [00:00:22]:
I might even say cheese with a little bit of like, ugh. With type of cheese. Right. Like. Like, I don't even get it. Like, what he should have done is they should be saying, say your ease.Samantha [00:00:34]:
Oh my God, you're right.Lisa [00:00:36]:
Or. Or say please because you've been please. Right. If you're begging for please, please, please.Samantha [00:00:43]:
Please, please make me go up. Is that the idea? Up.Lisa [00:00:46]:
Right. And it's a smile. Cheese. I got no smiles in my life for cheese. There's no smiles in my body that. For the word cheese. So you tell me, say cheese. I'm just like.Samantha [00:00:59]:
Or I could walk up to you and say, hey, you know, you'd look prettier if you smiled.Lisa [00:01:07]:
Yeah. Miss Pictures, right?Samantha [00:01:12]:
All kinds of pictures.Lisa [00:01:13]:
You're the worst pictures.Samantha [00:01:15]:
I look ridiculous. I hate the fact there's so many rules. Do you understand that there's rules to pictures. Stand this way. Tilt your head to this way. Arm out. This. Like, I am the worst at pictures and I.Samantha [00:01:27]:
I hate it.Lisa [00:01:27]:
I feel that everyone think yourself the worst.Samantha [00:01:30]:
No, but everyone's like, you know, you should just smile. You.Lisa [00:01:34]:
No, here. This is the problem with you, right? Because you can't take a prop. We just went from something funny like say ease to now. Now this is. We're gonna. We're gonna hammer this issue out. Samantha.Samantha [00:01:44]:
Because I have angst over picture.Lisa [00:01:47]:
Yes, because you, you are angsty picture girl. Because you can't get a picture with you. And I think you purposely wrecked.Samantha [00:01:55]:
I do. Because I think this is not turning out right.Lisa [00:01:57]:
I look every time we take the first picture, whose eyes are closed? Yours.Samantha [00:02:02]:
Mine.Lisa [00:02:03]:
Next time, who's got no teeth showing? You.Samantha [00:02:06]:
Me.Lisa [00:02:07]:
Next time, who's got one eye open? You. And then it's like, you win. There's no cheese. There's no please. There's no ease. There's no picture.Samantha [00:02:15]:
There's no nothing.Lisa [00:02:16]:
No. Because you are. You refuse to confer to conform to the rules of picture taking.Samantha [00:02:23]:
Yes, I am. I'm very anti.Lisa [00:02:25]:
You're like a picture rebel.Samantha [00:02:27]:
Anything.Lisa [00:02:27]:
Yes.Samantha [00:02:28]:
I am actually.Lisa [00:02:28]:
Like, are so rebellious when it comes to a friggin picture. It's just a picture.Samantha [00:02:33]:
Yeah. The only person I trust to take a decent picture with all people involved.Lisa [00:02:38]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:02:39]:
Is Michelle.Lisa [00:02:40]:
Yeah. But all she gets in all The HHG gets in is her or her eye. Right. So it's great for her. She gets none of her in it. Which is perfect in her world. Right, Right. Which is perfect in her.Lisa [00:02:51]:
I just love pictures, so I'm always like, let's take a picture. They say the best way to get a picture is to look down and laugh on your way up and stop like that. Right. You already have a style.Samantha [00:03:02]:
You look like a crazy person.Lisa [00:03:04]:
Yeah, well, I know, but at least crazy person. But you look like you're somebody who. I'm not happy to smile. And you have a nice smile. I've seen it. You have a pretty smile. She show your smiles.Samantha [00:03:16]:
Oh, you just smiled. You'd be so much prettier if you could just smile.Lisa [00:03:20]:
Right. Smile just. Just releases and it just makes you feel a little bit better. Samantha, right?Samantha [00:03:27]:
Do you think so, Lisa?Lisa [00:03:28]:
Let's get some smile lines, shall we? Let's work on our smile lines in our 56 and 57.Samantha [00:03:33]:
I have lots of lines. I don't need any help with that.Lisa [00:03:36]:
But let's get the smile ones going. Smile lines are fun. I'll take smile lines for the win. No. Right?Samantha [00:03:42]:
No, thank you.Lisa [00:03:43]:
I'll take the smile.Samantha [00:03:44]:
You know what I will do, though?Lisa [00:03:45]:
What?Samantha [00:03:45]:
You know what I'm gonna do?Lisa [00:03:46]:
Tell me.Samantha [00:03:47]:
I'm gonna intro this podcast. Oh, podcast. All right. Welcome to another episode of I Shake my Head with Lisa and Sam.Lisa [00:03:57]:
Hello, friends of the podcast.Samantha [00:04:00]:
Hello, everybody.Lisa [00:04:02]:
My goodness.Samantha [00:04:04]:
You know what?Lisa [00:04:05]:
I got one thing. She will not smile.Samantha [00:04:07]:
No, I got one thing to say before you start nattering on.Lisa [00:04:10]:
Okay, I got nattering.Samantha [00:04:11]:
I just want to. Yes, I know. I just want to say, guys, if you love what you hear, please download and subscribe, share with a friend and leave a review. We would love that.Lisa [00:04:23]:
We would totally.Samantha [00:04:24]:
Now you can start talking.Lisa [00:04:25]:
Well, I'm not going to keep harping about the smiles. Right? Because, people, if you look through our history of smiling, you'll see where the smiles come in and you. Yeah, she's got a good smile. She's got a really good. Girl's got a good smile. But she refuses.Samantha [00:04:39]:
But not in pictures. I look ridiculous. My teeth look like they're out. And I have an overbite anyways. And it's like, it just doesn't look pretty.Lisa [00:04:46]:
But for somebody with an overbite, it's a very indiscreet overbite. Like, you really can't tell you have an overbite. Except.Samantha [00:04:52]:
But I have, like, a long chin and.Lisa [00:04:54]:
Yeah, except when you do pictures every now and then. There's the odd. Right. Like, looks like you're biting the apple. Right. But for the most part, I just don't get. Like, you're impossible to get a picture with. And I'm like, that's fine.Lisa [00:05:06]:
I'm posting it. And you're like, okay, okay.Samantha [00:05:08]:
You've come along about it anymore. Yeah, but for someone who wasn't going to talk about it anymore, you're just right. Nattering on about a day.Lisa [00:05:15]:
I'm in a nattering type of mood. It's Tuesday night. Tuesday nights for nattering Tuesday nights. That's what Tuesday nights are all about.Samantha [00:05:22]:
You are going to listen to this on Friday.Lisa [00:05:25]:
On Tuesday nights we natter. Right? Okay. But this is what this. This is what I wondered last night. So, last night, getting ready to go to bed, right? Wine, dinner down. Wine, dinner down. Oh, I'm a little bit hungry. Right? But I didn't really feel like anything too crazy.Lisa [00:05:44]:
So I thought, I'm going to have a piece of toast, make myself a piece of toast, put a little butter on it. Because who doesn't love some butter and ate that toast? And I loved the toast and all I thought, samantha, I'm like, I gotta ask Sam about this. Maybe she feels the same way. Why does bedtime toast taste so much better than morning toast?Samantha [00:06:05]:
Because it feels illicit.Lisa [00:06:07]:
Is that why? Because it's.Samantha [00:06:08]:
It's.Lisa [00:06:08]:
Is it dirty? Is it dirty? Is it nighttime dirty toast? It's.Samantha [00:06:12]:
It's nighttime dirty toast.Lisa [00:06:14]:
It's dirty toast. Maybe that's it. Because I felt good. I'm like. I'm like, okay, hold me back, hold me back, because I could go for more toast.Samantha [00:06:24]:
Okay, so question. Okay, how much butter? How much jam?Lisa [00:06:30]:
I didn't even do jam. I just did butter. I just did butter. Right? Because sometimes that's all a girl needs. Just a little bit of butter, right? Or margarine. Whatever. I can't tell the difference between butter and margarine, right? So it doesn't matter to me.Samantha [00:06:46]:
Oh, my God. Seriously.Lisa [00:06:47]:
Seriously. I can't tell. You know that I can't tell the difference between white bread and brown cream and milk and butter and margarine. Those three things, I cannot tell the difference. I don't have those taste buds. I don't think.Samantha [00:06:58]:
Well, I don't think you have taste buds.Lisa [00:07:00]:
I have taste buds, but I don't have the ones that differentiate between those few things. I guess maybe I wasn't born with them.Samantha [00:07:08]:
No, you were not.Lisa [00:07:09]:
I was just stunned at how delicious nighttime toast was?Samantha [00:07:14]:
Nighttime toast is good. So is nighttime cereal.Lisa [00:07:18]:
Oh, I haven't done that. Nighttime really good.Samantha [00:07:21]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:07:22]:
Huh. And what type of cereal would you have for nighttime cereal?Samantha [00:07:25]:
Well, it would be the illicit cereal, like the sugary stuff.Lisa [00:07:28]:
So you're going for, like, a Captain Crunch or a Froot Loop.Samantha [00:07:30]:
Oh, for sure. A fruit loop. 110%.Lisa [00:07:33]:
I think a Froot Loop all the time wins.Samantha [00:07:35]:
Hey, I. You know what? It's my favorite.Lisa [00:07:39]:
Is that your favorite? Is that. That's your guilty pleasure cereal?Samantha [00:07:42]:
Froot Loops, for sure. If for some reason I wanted to, like, have bowls of cereal for two or three days, I would get a. I would buy Fruit Loops and a thing of milk, and I would just.Lisa [00:07:53]:
Eat cereal and just live on cereal, right? Yeah. It's nice thing.Samantha [00:07:57]:
There's so much sugar.Lisa [00:07:58]:
But the nice thing with the Fruit Loop, right, is that it doesn't go soggy too quick. No, but do you remember when I was in my Frosted Flakes phase and I was putting sugar on those bad guys? Oh, God.Samantha [00:08:09]:
So you put sugar on everything.Lisa [00:08:11]:
And I love Mini Wheats because they never go soggy.Samantha [00:08:13]:
But you also put sugar on that as well.Lisa [00:08:15]:
Brown sugar. Brown sugar on Mini Wheats. What's the difference, right? Brown sugar on Mini Wheats is delightful. Friends of the podcast.Samantha [00:08:25]:
And are we surprised, Friends of the podcast. That she's got the diabetes.Lisa [00:08:29]:
I got the diabetes. I like the sweets, right?Samantha [00:08:33]:
Surprise.Lisa [00:08:34]:
I like the sweets I would eat when I was a guy. I would put brown sugar on my toast when I was a kid, right? And have brown sugar sandwiches. How disgusting is that?Samantha [00:08:44]:
Oh, I think we've all done this, kids. Brown sugar and cinnamon.Lisa [00:08:48]:
Totally, right?Samantha [00:08:48]:
Sugar and cinnamon on toast.Lisa [00:08:50]:
Oh, yeah, That's a given, right? Which made me think when I go grocery shopping, I need to buy, you know, that little spread that cinnamon sugar spread that cinnamon spread. Because now apparently I'm gonna. Apparently, now I'm gonna end every day with a lovely, lovely, lovely slice of toast, right? What? That's a best way to end your day, right? Best way. You heard it here, Friends of the podcast, right? You want to end your day? Great. You have a piece of toast.Samantha [00:09:19]:
Yeah. Spike your. Spike your blood sugar before you go.Lisa [00:09:22]:
To bed, and that's all that happens. I remember my nanny used to have diet. She had the diabetes, too. And she used to always have toast before bed. And I remember my mom always saying, mom, all it is is sugar. It just turns into sugar overnight. Well, that's why we take the medication, right? So it fights that off, right? That's why God gave us Metformin. That's why God invented it.Samantha [00:09:46]:
Oh, that is true. Okay. But speaking of being maybe, you know, a bit cranky because you were hungry, but last week, Friday.Lisa [00:09:58]:
Are you serious?Samantha [00:09:59]:
Actually, last week you were having a bit of a moment and that moment lasted Monday to Friday.Lisa [00:10:07]:
It was. It was five solid. It was locked in.Samantha [00:10:10]:
Yeah, she was on some new medication and it made her very cranky and she spread the cranky to the world.Lisa [00:10:17]:
And.Samantha [00:10:17]:
And by the time she got to Friday, I was like, what the is your problem?Lisa [00:10:22]:
Nothing was my problem. It was probably by Friday. You were probably my problem by then.Samantha [00:10:27]:
Because I believe you're all. You're. But. And then we sat there talking and I'm like, when did you become super petty? And you're like, that's my alter ego. I have a pee on my back, right?Lisa [00:10:37]:
I have a cape and I as a pee and I'm super petty.Samantha [00:10:43]:
You were just like, you were like, and that sucks and you suck and this. And I'm like, you need to calm your shit. You need to calm your girl. Cuz there ain't nothing wrong except you're cranky because you haven't eaten for five days, right? You're not now pissed off at the world.Lisa [00:11:01]:
I had dry mouth for five days. I didn't eat. She was carrying the spray, the spray in my purse. I got gum that I don't chew in my purse.Samantha [00:11:13]:
Yes, right.Lisa [00:11:14]:
And then you tell. This is the funny thing, you tell people that you have dry mouth, hoping that people will know that maybe you can't. You only have very limited words left in you, right? When you have, when you have like cottonmouth, you only have. So you have a select few words at one given time without being able to have a drink. But sometimes you're in a situation where you don't have a drink and there's still more words needed. And I'm like, right now I have to have a drink.Samantha [00:11:41]:
Yes, because you, you, you've created that situation for yourself again.Lisa [00:11:46]:
I'm still suffering a little bit from it. It's getting, it's much better.Samantha [00:11:51]:
But yeah, because if you guys watch the video, you'll see that Lisa, like put on a little lipstick and she's got a different colored T shirt on today. So she's feeling herself.Lisa [00:12:01]:
I'm feeling a little bit better today, friends. It was a rough week, man.Samantha [00:12:06]:
It was. It was rough and it was rough for the people around you, I'm sure.Lisa [00:12:09]:
I didn't leave the house. I stayed put. I'm like, I am. I'm officially sick of everything and everyone and everything.Samantha [00:12:19]:
Super petty.Lisa [00:12:20]:
Hey. I'm like, I try so hard for eight hours to just be nice at work. Oh, yeah, I can't be nice outside of work anymore.Samantha [00:12:29]:
Nope, you're done.Lisa [00:12:30]:
I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. It was crazy. I'm shaking my head, Samantha. I got a nice shake my head. And this might even sound petty. I don't know. I'm shaking my head at people who don't hold the door open when you're following behind them.Lisa [00:12:44]:
Oh, is that a manners thing or is that just a thing? I don't even know if it's manners. I think it's just a thing.Samantha [00:12:50]:
I think it's proper etiquette that if you know someone is behind you, you at least hold the door slightly ajar for them to come through.Lisa [00:12:58]:
Right. Because that's polite.Samantha [00:13:01]:
Is that just not courtesy?Lisa [00:13:02]:
I feel like we need to question the manners in society.Samantha [00:13:07]:
Is there an age bracket in which you would like to attack?Lisa [00:13:10]:
No, I don't know if there is anymore. I don't know. I don't know if there is. Right, because.Samantha [00:13:14]:
Or do you feel it's all people?Lisa [00:13:16]:
I don't want to think it's all people, but I just noticed, like, I noticed that there. Like, I noticed that doors are never being held open for people. Not even just me, but in general.Samantha [00:13:25]:
Yeah, right.Lisa [00:13:27]:
Like, would you ever do that?Samantha [00:13:28]:
No, I would hold a door open.Lisa [00:13:30]:
You need to hold that door.Samantha [00:13:31]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:13:32]:
Got a hold.Samantha [00:13:34]:
In fact, if it's old people, I. I hold the door open and they can go first.Lisa [00:13:39]:
Absolutely right. You let them go first. Yeah, yeah.Samantha [00:13:42]:
Just common courtesy.Lisa [00:13:44]:
So is that getting left out?Samantha [00:13:47]:
Is it not being taught?Lisa [00:13:49]:
Is it not being taught? Are we not teaching our please and thank yous?Samantha [00:13:53]:
I would hope to think that we still are.Lisa [00:13:56]:
It's like now we're so quick to send our kids to school with. With. Oh, they can do the Alphabet and they can count to a hundred and they know their colors. Right. Whereas. But they don't know their manners. But yet when we went to school, we couldn't tie our shoes. We didn't know our Alphabet.Lisa [00:14:10]:
We couldn't pee on our own yet, but yet we do. Please and thank you. Right. You'll renew our manners.Samantha [00:14:18]:
You couldn't pee on your own when you went to school?Lisa [00:14:20]:
Well, I could, but I. I was a kid that had accidents. I was a peer. Were you not a You never peed your pants at school?Samantha [00:14:28]:
I don't remember.Lisa [00:14:30]:
It's because you blocked it. Of course. You did everything.Samantha [00:14:32]:
I'm that kid that. I don't remember my childhood that much.Lisa [00:14:35]:
Oh, yeah, we peed. We lived literally like, like a five minute walk from school to our home. And we would come home at lunch and every morning my mom would say, make sure you go pee before you come home for lunch. Okay. And you wouldn't. And you think I can get there? And by the time you got home, you had peed your pants. My mom would be so mad. Not that you peed your pants, but that you didn't follow the rule, which was to pee first.Lisa [00:14:58]:
Right. Because how come every day you think you can make it Lisa when you can't?Samantha [00:15:02]:
Oh, my God. How many times did that happen?Lisa [00:15:06]:
Well, like when I was a kid, I think quite. I think a few, Quite a few. We were kids that peed our pants, unfortunately. Right. Because we like.Samantha [00:15:19]:
Oh my God. I think we like playing. Yeah. We just unearthed a deep, dark secret of Lisa.Lisa [00:15:24]:
I don't know. My kid's sister was that way too. She peed her pants.Samantha [00:15:27]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:15:28]:
Right.Samantha [00:15:28]:
We were.Lisa [00:15:29]:
Because we liked to play and we didn't want to stop what we were doing.Samantha [00:15:32]:
Oh, I see.Lisa [00:15:32]:
And then we didn't judge the time accordingly. Right.Samantha [00:15:35]:
Okay, well, what's the excuse now as we get older? Is it just a. A bad bladder or we just.Lisa [00:15:41]:
I can't wait till I can just pee my pants. You know that I'm. I'm totally in with those days. I'm ready for them. I can't wait until. Oops, I just peed my pants. But now at least there's. It's not going to show.Lisa [00:15:52]:
Nobody's going to know but me.Samantha [00:15:54]:
Because you're wearing. Depends.Lisa [00:15:56]:
Maybe, I don't know, probably in 10 years. Whereas when I was five. Right. Go home and mom could tell you peed your pants. And here's the other thing. I think pee from a kid smells different than pee from an adult.Samantha [00:16:10]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:16:11]:
I think it's a different scent.Samantha [00:16:13]:
How do you know?Lisa [00:16:14]:
I don't. I just think that pee from a kid is a stronger smell than adult pee. Right. I think like maybe not old lady pee, but like our age, like old lady pee. Don't get me wrong. I think old lady P is nasty and rank. Right.Samantha [00:16:28]:
Is it like cat pee?Lisa [00:16:30]:
Yeah, I think when old ladies pee their pants or old men pee their pants, I think it's like cats. Right. It's like you can smell it. I think if. I think when you're like 60 and you just have a loosey goosey bladder, I think it's more watery pee. I don't think it's a bad smell.Samantha [00:16:46]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:16:48]:
I'm going to embrace it. I'm not fighting it. I'm done. I'm not fighting. I'm not fighting what's going to come naturally.Samantha [00:16:53]:
Fantastic.Lisa [00:16:54]:
Right? I'm just saying I'm not going to.Samantha [00:16:56]:
For the rest of us, we're just going to try and hold out hope that our bladders don't just let go.Lisa [00:17:02]:
They're going to. They say they're going to. All the reading says they're going to all the reading. So isn't it better to just accept our fate and pray that there's a better set of Depends, one that's not crunchy and crinkly. Right. By the time we need them?Samantha [00:17:16]:
It would be great.Lisa [00:17:17]:
Right? You know? Yeah. But I'll tell you when I have to move into a Depends, you'll know. How many times do we get in the car and we know we should have already peed before we get in the car and we're like, oh, I'm gonna pee my pants. Right. And we're not even in that age yet. Right. But we know.Samantha [00:17:32]:
Yep.Lisa [00:17:33]:
You'll have to tell me when you're ready to pee your pants, too.Samantha [00:17:36]:
No, I will never tell you that.Lisa [00:17:38]:
You're gonna need support.Samantha [00:17:39]:
I'm gonna need some.Lisa [00:17:41]:
You will. I'll know when you. I will know when you pee your pants. Do you know that Because.Samantha [00:17:45]:
Oh my God.Lisa [00:17:47]:
You will become cranky.Samantha [00:17:48]:
I will become cranky. Yes.Lisa [00:17:50]:
So don't tell me, Samantha, that when. When, when. As best friends of 20, almost 25 years, we officially cross over into our peeing our pants years that you're going to keep. You're going to keep that quiet. You won't. I'll know. I'll know. I'll know.Lisa [00:18:05]:
I'll know. I'll be able to read it from your face because you won't be very comfortable.Samantha [00:18:10]:
That's a little disturbing.Lisa [00:18:13]:
I'm here for you. I got you. I got you.Samantha [00:18:16]:
I still find it disturbing. So let's.Lisa [00:18:17]:
Well, I'm not saying we're going to. Well, I don't know. I'm look, I'm not looking at it that way. I'm just going to embrace it. Okay. I'm going to learn to pee my pants. Okay. That's all.Lisa [00:18:24]:
That's where we're at.Samantha [00:18:26]:
Oh, my God. How did we get here? I'm not even sure how we got here. I don't know.Lisa [00:18:31]:
I was just talking about how people don't hold the doors.Samantha [00:18:34]:
Then we start talking about peeing. How'd we get there? We're not sure.Lisa [00:18:38]:
We're not sure.Samantha [00:18:38]:
All right.Lisa [00:18:38]:
We're not sure. That's just what we do.Samantha [00:18:40]:
I have. I have to shake my head, and it's not a.Lisa [00:18:43]:
It's. It's.Samantha [00:18:44]:
It's going to sound a little bit not great, but I have to. I have to.Lisa [00:18:49]:
You can upset people.Samantha [00:18:50]:
No, no.Lisa [00:18:51]:
Okay.Samantha [00:18:52]:
No. Because there will be no names. But I.Lisa [00:18:56]:
But you'll know who you are.Samantha [00:18:58]:
No, no one will know. I am of the. The. The thought that just because you can doesn't mean you should.Lisa [00:19:07]:
Sure. I agree.Samantha [00:19:09]:
So I shake my head at the people who feel that they need to do musical theater and then perform said musical theater numbers for public.Lisa [00:19:23]:
And they should not.Samantha [00:19:24]:
I was. I sat through some dance recital numbers.Lisa [00:19:31]:
They're kids, Samantha.Samantha [00:19:33]:
No, I know. But the. The first one was not. They were. It was older.Lisa [00:19:38]:
Okay.Samantha [00:19:39]:
But it. What? It had a bad voice. It was okay. It was painful.Lisa [00:19:47]:
Like. Okay. When you say bad, is it like as in a. Hey, so old sister bad you.Samantha [00:19:50]:
Yep. Kind of.Lisa [00:19:51]:
Okay. I would. I would never do musical theater.Samantha [00:19:54]:
Our HHG would have been like, oh, that's not in tune at all.Lisa [00:19:57]:
That's not good. Okay.Samantha [00:20:01]:
And I sat there and I'm like, okay, maybe the next one will be better. And so there were a few musical theater solos, and they did not actually get better.Lisa [00:20:14]:
Really?Samantha [00:20:15]:
Yeah. And I'm like, who's the vocal coach?Lisa [00:20:17]:
Or is this just strictly. Or do you just pay some money and participate?Samantha [00:20:24]:
I don't know. I'm like, God bless them, because you're up there and you're giving it your best. But I had to shake my head at the person who thought, yes, let's put you on a stage and make it a solo.Lisa [00:20:36]:
But it's so weird. Hey. Because I remember being. Again, if I may share, young and singing and my mom saying, not for you.Samantha [00:20:43]:
Not there yet.Lisa [00:20:44]:
There's no choir, there's no chorus. There's no singing in the back seat at all. Not for you. Enjoy the music by listening, not silently.Samantha [00:20:54]:
Right? Yeah. I don't think these kids were ever told that. And I don't think they'll ever be told that.Lisa [00:21:00]:
So interesting.Samantha [00:21:01]:
Yeah. But it was. It. That was just. I was just like, oh, my God. And I. And I was sitting beside my mother and I just looked at her, she's.Lisa [00:21:11]:
Like, don't you dare. Sure, don't you dare.Samantha [00:21:13]:
I can't.Lisa [00:21:15]:
Don't you dare. Wow. Ouch.Samantha [00:21:19]:
But otherwise it was delightful.Lisa [00:21:22]:
But I would shake my head at that too, because I don't know, if they're old enough, then they shouldn't be doing it. They should be doing it. I think that they.Samantha [00:21:28]:
Listen. Listen to yourself.Lisa [00:21:30]:
Listen to yourself. Exactly right. So I was filling in some forms, and it got me thinking about forms. And you know what, Samantha? This was last week, right? I wasn't having my best week. I hit my wall. I've had it up to here. I'm tired of forms. I'm tired of forms.Lisa [00:21:50]:
I'm done with forms. Everything's a form. Form for this, a form for that. New job, new form, new doctor, new form, new this, new form. Everything is a new form, and I'm done with forms. Why does it. Why in this day and age, does everything have to be a new form?Samantha [00:22:06]:
How would you like people to gather your information?Lisa [00:22:09]:
Hi.Samantha [00:22:09]:
Just.Lisa [00:22:09]:
Just ask me the question. Why do I have to write it down for you? You ask me and you write it down. I don't want to write it down for you. That's what I want. I'm not. I'm not the secretary.Samantha [00:22:24]:
Are you that lazy?Lisa [00:22:26]:
I don't want to. No more forms. Like. Like we're in a computer day. Why is there so many. Why am I writing down so much stuff?Samantha [00:22:35]:
So you don't want to write.Lisa [00:22:36]:
I don't want to write anymore.Samantha [00:22:38]:
Do you want to do a form on your phone? I don't want to really do a computer.Lisa [00:22:42]:
I don't really want to do any forms, actually. I don't know if they're necessary.Samantha [00:22:45]:
Yes, they are. How else do you gather people's information?Lisa [00:22:48]:
Ask me the question, and if you want to know the question, you write the form in. If I'm asking you a question, I'll fill in the spaces. That's how I think it should be. That's how I think it should be, Samantha.Samantha [00:23:04]:
Well, I don't think that's how life is, though, Lisa.Lisa [00:23:07]:
Well, you don't ever get tired of forms.Samantha [00:23:10]:
Well, lately I haven't had to fill in that many, so.Lisa [00:23:14]:
Right. And. Oh, it's all I hear. Right. I'm missing a form. I need a form. I don't have this form. I'm still needing this form.Lisa [00:23:22]:
Oh, I didn't need that form, but I did need this form. And I'm like, guess what? You could take Your form, and you can shove it up your ass, because who needs forms? Who needs what? Why do we need the forms? You need my name. Yeah, sure, I can give you my name.Samantha [00:23:41]:
Yeah, but what occurred that someone is having to ask you for forms because.Lisa [00:23:45]:
Did you forget things? It's just in general. Right. Like, last time I went to my doctor. Right, Right. Oh, we need to update your stuff. Can we get. Can we. Can we get some information from you? Fill this in.Lisa [00:23:59]:
Okay. Why do you have to update stuff? You should only have to update stuff if I say, hey, I have changes, but if I don't, there shouldn't need to be a form. Right?Samantha [00:24:10]:
Like, are you. I think you're entering your cranky zone. Like, your cranky era has started. Well, like, at the age of 55.Lisa [00:24:18]:
Well, people should be thankful it only just started at 55. Imagine if I was like this for my whole life.Samantha [00:24:24]:
Oh, my God, Lisa, where did you go? Like, where did happy Lisa go? Like, where did the little saintly angel thing happen?Lisa [00:24:32]:
She's still around.Samantha [00:24:33]:
It's like, it's either off to the side, fallen and cracked, or like, we're not sure where that halo is.Lisa [00:24:39]:
It slips every now and then. It just slips off. Right.Samantha [00:24:44]:
She can't be perfect. I feel like you're entering your villain era.Lisa [00:24:49]:
My venom. Villain, villain, villain era. Maybe like the wicked.Samantha [00:24:55]:
I'm getting it.Lisa [00:24:56]:
No. No, you're not. No, you're not. Here's the thing, friends of the podcast, right? As Lisa and Sam get older, like, Lisa might get a little crankier. It's possible, right?Samantha [00:25:05]:
Oh, my God, Sam. They always get cranky.Lisa [00:25:07]:
Sam started cranky. It is only going to get worse.Samantha [00:25:10]:
I did not start cranky. I only started getting cranky when I started hanging out with you.Lisa [00:25:14]:
I don't know if I buy that.Samantha [00:25:15]:
Yeah, for sure.Lisa [00:25:16]:
Even if that's true, right? That's 25 years of crankiness. You have a 25 year advance on me, right? I have one week and. And two days, and you're already finding that hard to deal with. You know, I've dealt with you for 25 years.Samantha [00:25:32]:
Yeah, but your level of cranky has, like, some super petty judgmentalness happening that it's like, super. It's like, right? It's like over the hill and over the top.Lisa [00:25:42]:
I'm like, the Price is Right guy on the mountain, your lady, that's me. I'm climbing up the mountain because, like.Samantha [00:25:51]:
Your judgmental ass, it was going hardcore last Friday.Lisa [00:25:54]:
Like, you were like, here's the thing, right? Is maybe I just found. Maybe. Maybe I found my voice. Maybe I found my voice.Samantha [00:26:04]:
I'm sorry. You didn't have a voice before, right? I talk all the time, Lisa.Lisa [00:26:09]:
Right. But maybe now I just have found a few things. Things that I've got some things with. Right.Samantha [00:26:14]:
Oh, now you got some problems. So you need to share that with.Lisa [00:26:17]:
The world now I want to just. Now I want to hash things out, Samantha. Right. That's what I wanted.Samantha [00:26:23]:
Hashtag Cranky Lisa.Lisa [00:26:24]:
Cranky, Cranky Lisa. I'm sure it's not going to last for long, but. Right.Samantha [00:26:30]:
God, who knows?Lisa [00:26:31]:
Like, who knows?Samantha [00:26:32]:
Let's be real.Lisa [00:26:33]:
If it gets on your nerve, I might keep it around.Samantha [00:26:36]:
Well, for sure you will.Lisa [00:26:38]:
Yeah. Right. Cuz that's always just kind of fun picking your ass.Samantha [00:26:40]:
And then you're always so super nice around the hhg.Lisa [00:26:43]:
Why, Michelle?Samantha [00:26:46]:
How can you not be Sam?Lisa [00:26:50]:
It's. I'm sorry. But you know what? Friends of the podcast, if you don't know the hhg, if you're just listening to the first time. Hhg, our original Hyper Hype girl. And she is an angel. Sam is not an angel. Right. HHG is peace and calm and tranquility.Lisa [00:27:06]:
And she is somebody's mom. So she brings a little of momness to the world. And she is a gem.Samantha [00:27:14]:
She is a gem.Lisa [00:27:15]:
And I'm sorry, you are not that much of a gem.Samantha [00:27:18]:
Neither are you.Lisa [00:27:19]:
I'm not saying that I am. I'm not claiming that I'm in. I'm in HHG status. Right. Jesus. Right. I like you as much as I like her, but she's got a lot of really great qualities as do.Samantha [00:27:35]:
Are you saying I don't have any good qualities?Lisa [00:27:37]:
Nope. That's not what I'm saying.Samantha [00:27:38]:
I'm just saying I feel like we're going to be. We're about to fight. Fight. Guys. Get put. The gloves are off. Like we're playing some here.Lisa [00:27:45]:
I'm just saying she's really special and I'm not. You want to. I don't think of you as special like that. No, I think. I don't.Samantha [00:27:53]:
I don't think of you as special. Right.Lisa [00:27:54]:
Okay. So. Right.Samantha [00:27:56]:
Slightly annoying.Lisa [00:27:57]:
Right.Samantha [00:27:57]:
And on a good day, I just want to dunk your head in some water.Lisa [00:28:00]:
Right. Right. So no. No, you're not special. Right. There's nothing special. Right. Right.Lisa [00:28:10]:
You're.Samantha [00:28:10]:
You.Lisa [00:28:10]:
You're. You are the cross I must bear. I am the cross you must bear.Samantha [00:28:14]:
Ditto.Lisa [00:28:15]:
Yeah. Right. Right. 25 years, no point getting out of it now. It's been long enough. It's too long. It's a bad habit. It's like smoking.Lisa [00:28:22]:
No point quitting. It's still here, right?Samantha [00:28:26]:
Oh, my God. You would have no one to fight with if I left.Lisa [00:28:29]:
Right? Just be thankful we're not abusive.Samantha [00:28:32]:
Speak for yourself.Lisa [00:28:33]:
Well, I'm not. I'm not the abusive friend.Samantha [00:28:37]:
Okay. We must move on.Lisa [00:28:40]:
We must move on.Samantha [00:28:42]:
I think I'm getting old.Lisa [00:28:44]:
You think?Samantha [00:28:46]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:28:46]:
You're gonna be 58 this year.Samantha [00:28:48]:
I'm gonna be 56 this year.Lisa [00:28:51]:
No, you're 56 already.Samantha [00:28:53]:
I'm sorry. I'm in my 56th year. I'll be 57.Lisa [00:28:55]:
57.Samantha [00:28:56]:
I'll be 57. Yeah, but I don't look 57.Lisa [00:28:59]:
You got no laugh lines.Samantha [00:29:01]:
I got laugh lines.Lisa [00:29:03]:
Where are they?Samantha [00:29:04]:
Right there.Lisa [00:29:05]:
No, that's your new wrinkle.Samantha [00:29:07]:
That's not my new wrinkle.Lisa [00:29:09]:
That's right. Your new wrinkles. Over here. More.Samantha [00:29:11]:
So is yours. No, that's my things, which will never go away.Lisa [00:29:17]:
Never. I've got a new cream and everything. Nothing. Doesn't work.Samantha [00:29:26]:
Okay. Anyways, I feel like I'm getting old because. Because teenagers, like, no matter the decade, are literally the same human generation after generation.Lisa [00:29:38]:
I think for the most part, they.Samantha [00:29:40]:
Probably are, because I was around my niece over the weekend and her friends, and I'm like, oh, my God. They act just like I used to when I was there, right? And their brothers were their age, and. And I'm like, oh, my God. Teenagers don't change.Lisa [00:29:59]:
They don't change.Samantha [00:30:00]:
They literally do not change.Lisa [00:30:01]:
No.Samantha [00:30:02]:
And I'm. And then I. It made me think, is it biological? Is it chemical or hormonal? Is it some weird environmental that creates this weird experience that just.Lisa [00:30:13]:
It's cyclical.Samantha [00:30:14]:
It happens over and over and over again, and it never changes.Lisa [00:30:17]:
I think it's just. I think it's more that they become 14.Samantha [00:30:21]:
Their parents are gross. Their brothers are ick.Lisa [00:30:24]:
Right.Samantha [00:30:24]:
You're ick. Everyone's ick. They don't talk to you anymore.Lisa [00:30:27]:
They hate you.Samantha [00:30:28]:
Funny. You. You.Lisa [00:30:29]:
You.Samantha [00:30:30]:
You think you're being funny, but they never think you're being funny.Lisa [00:30:33]:
Probably a little embarrassed of you.Samantha [00:30:34]:
They're always a little embarrassed of you.Lisa [00:30:37]:
Right?Samantha [00:30:38]:
Like, what the hell?Lisa [00:30:39]:
You go from being, like, not being the coolant whatsoever.Samantha [00:30:43]:
Right?Lisa [00:30:44]:
Right.Samantha [00:30:45]:
And I'm like, when did that. Like, it never changes.Lisa [00:30:49]:
It's like when my nephew.Samantha [00:30:50]:
The only person that realized this.Lisa [00:30:52]:
No, it's like when my nephew said, hey, can we Drop the auntie and just go to aunt. And I'm like, do we need to. And he's like, I would like to. I'm like, fine. And then I looked at the girls, and the girls are like, we'll keep auntie. Thank you. Thank you. Right.Lisa [00:31:09]:
I think Zach actually just wants to call me Lisa. And I'm like, no.Samantha [00:31:13]:
Oh, right.Lisa [00:31:14]:
I'm like, no, you can still be Aunt Lisa. But I think Auntie Lisa has a better, better, better. I think it flows a bit nicer. Same with Auntie Sam. Right. But.Samantha [00:31:25]:
Oh, they don't care anymore. No, they don't. And it's just. It was so funny. It was so funny watching all these teenage girls. And I'm like, oh, my God. Exactly the same. Nobody likes this person.Samantha [00:31:37]:
Everybody talks to that person. These people do this. That girl does. I'm like, oh, my God. All the same. Clicks are there. Nothing has changed from the 80s. Like, I'm sure nothing changed from when her parents were there.Lisa [00:31:49]:
Probably not. I think it's probably the exact same type of scenario. Right.Samantha [00:31:53]:
Like, it's just in a new decade.Lisa [00:31:56]:
Yeah. Different clothes, different. Different area. Yeah, totally. I think the experience is the same. Right? Totally. Yeah. And I don't know.Lisa [00:32:06]:
I think. I think you have to. They'll. They'll decide when you get let back in. Oh, right. And who knows what that timeframe is. Could be a while.Samantha [00:32:15]:
So I don't think it's anytime soon.Lisa [00:32:17]:
Yeah, probably. It's probably a few years away still, Right.Samantha [00:32:20]:
I feel like it is.Lisa [00:32:21]:
Yeah. Right. That kind. Well, I'm sorry that's how you're feeling, Samantha.Samantha [00:32:28]:
It's just. I was just blow. I was like, what is going on? This is weird.Lisa [00:32:33]:
You go from being way up here, down. They knock you down pegs. Right? Yeah. That's not good. Okay. But I have an update. I went back and I revisited last week's fruit and nut cookie.Samantha [00:32:47]:
Why would you do that?Lisa [00:32:48]:
Because I need that fruit and nut cookie to work out.Samantha [00:32:52]:
Why?Lisa [00:32:52]:
Because I'm not a quitter. Not a quitter.Samantha [00:32:55]:
I feel like you are, and you should just. You should just be okay with it.Lisa [00:32:58]:
No, Lots of people eat them. They. I asked the cappuccino. It's super popular. Everybody loves them. Okay, well, why? So I. I bought another one.Samantha [00:33:09]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:33:10]:
I bought another one. Gave it a try.Samantha [00:33:13]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:33:15]:
No less joy. Even less joy this week from it. It was really horrible.Samantha [00:33:22]:
Yeah. Like, why would you eat that?Lisa [00:33:23]:
It's dry. Hey, it's dry. It's like. It's dry. Right? Right. Because it's fruit and nut. Right. So it's worse than granola bar.Lisa [00:33:37]:
Because it's clumpy. Because it's just a big mound of. Whatever this is. Right. Whatever this is. That's what it is. And that's not that good.Samantha [00:33:46]:
Let's examine why you needed to re experience something that gave you no joy last week and you had to redo it this week. It's like. Are you second guessing yourself? It's because you had a shitty week last week that you decided you needed to revisit a cookie that gave you no joy.Lisa [00:34:03]:
Do you want to know? Partly. Do you want to know the main reason? Because it's called a cookie. I never met a cookie I didn't like.Samantha [00:34:13]:
Well, this is true.Lisa [00:34:14]:
And I needed to find out why I didn't like this cookie. That's why I needed to find out why this cookie and I weren't getting along. I don't like jam. Jam. I don't like jam jams. But I can eat one.Samantha [00:34:28]:
Well, because it has jam in the.Lisa [00:34:30]:
Middle, it doesn't not bring me joy. It just doesn't bring me as much joy as other ones that your mom makes. The fruit nut cookie brings me nothing. Empty and so hollow. Hollow. Yes. Yeah. There's no joy.Lisa [00:34:44]:
If I buy one, will you try it?Samantha [00:34:46]:
No.Lisa [00:34:47]:
Can you just try it, please?Samantha [00:34:49]:
I don't like fake fruit.Lisa [00:34:51]:
I want to see if we can conquer it. I don't know that it's totally fake.Samantha [00:34:54]:
No, I'm sorry. Why do I need to be lumped in?Lisa [00:34:57]:
Because I need support. I need some support on a cookie. So I want you to try it to see if I'm out to lunch.Samantha [00:35:06]:
Or buy the cookie. And I will taste it.Lisa [00:35:08]:
Thank you. That's a good friend. Much appreciated.Samantha [00:35:12]:
You can record me. People can watch me eat a cookie.Lisa [00:35:14]:
And you can see if you like it. Right.Samantha [00:35:16]:
It's going to be gross, though.Lisa [00:35:18]:
It will, but. It will. But that was. That's very nice. You know, it wasn't very nice. This. You know, you get in the car, sun's shining because it's the weather starting to get nicer. Somebody who apparently loves you more than anybody else in the whole wide world uses the phrase, hey, peachy face Lisa.Lisa [00:35:43]:
And you know, that's just what happens when you're just a fuzzy gal. I'm a little bit fuzzy. I have a little bit of fuzz. And I don't know how to get rid of that fuzz all the time. Not a lot of fuzz. It's not really that visible until the sun hits it in the right spotlight. Right in the right direction. Seems a little more visible.Lisa [00:36:04]:
And it always catches his eye somehow.Samantha [00:36:07]:
Yes, it does. Michael has a very, very. He's a very. He's a man of detail.Lisa [00:36:13]:
Detail, yes. So what's a girl do? What? What am I supposed to do?Samantha [00:36:18]:
Shave your face.Lisa [00:36:20]:
It's not electrolysis fuzzy.Samantha [00:36:22]:
No, but people shave their face with little razor things.Lisa [00:36:27]:
You shave your face like a man would.Samantha [00:36:29]:
Yeah. You like get your face clean and then you get this little razor thing.Lisa [00:36:33]:
I thought that. I thought that made you.Samantha [00:36:35]:
And then you put oil on it and then you go at your face.Lisa [00:36:38]:
Doesn't that make everything grow back thicker?Samantha [00:36:40]:
Apparently they say.Lisa [00:36:41]:
No, was that just. Was an old wives tale from the 70s, apparently. Huh. I always wondered. Right. Because I never noticed that with leg hair before. I never thought leg hair grew back thicker. And we shaved that.Samantha [00:36:56]:
Yeah, we shaved that for sure. But I don't know.Lisa [00:36:59]:
Do you shave your face?Samantha [00:37:01]:
I shave parts of it. You do, but I have been noticing.Lisa [00:37:05]:
Oh, are you. Are you becoming. Are you becoming fuzzy face Sam?Samantha [00:37:10]:
I think I might need to invest in like something that keeps my face from looking like poof.Lisa [00:37:17]:
Because it looks fuzzy. Right.Samantha [00:37:20]:
Like I don't need to be start. I don't need to. For people to think that, you know.Lisa [00:37:24]:
You'Re not, you're not, you're not upkeeping your face.Samantha [00:37:27]:
I'm not becoming a bear or something.Lisa [00:37:29]:
Like. And, and, and it grows right out. It doesn't grow down. It just grows.Samantha [00:37:33]:
Yeah, it grows. It just gets fluffy. It gets fluffy.Lisa [00:37:37]:
Like totally.Samantha [00:37:38]:
And like, I'm sorry but like, is there just not an. Like we have so many things.Lisa [00:37:45]:
Right.Samantha [00:37:45]:
Don't worry about.Lisa [00:37:46]:
Yes.Samantha [00:37:46]:
And I'm like, now you have to worry about fuzzy shit on your face.Lisa [00:37:51]:
Right, Right. And if we, If I got hair.Samantha [00:37:54]:
If I thought it was shaver hair.Lisa [00:37:55]:
If I thought it was bad, I would be doing something. But apparently I didn't think it was that bad.Samantha [00:38:01]:
Well, apparently we're wrong.Lisa [00:38:03]:
Apparently we're wrong. Apparently we're wrong.Samantha [00:38:06]:
I just, I don't like, we just don't you feel like as women we have so much to worry about? It's just like you want me to shave my legs, My armpits, my hoo.Lisa [00:38:15]:
Ha.Samantha [00:38:16]:
My. My arms if they're too hairy. My face if they're too hairy? You want me to color my hair and cut my hair and pluck my eyebrows and be pretty and always. Whereas.Lisa [00:38:25]:
Whereas if a Man chooses to not shave on the weekend, we don't say a word. He's good.Samantha [00:38:29]:
Nope. He's good.Lisa [00:38:30]:
Nobody cares.Samantha [00:38:31]:
No, no.Lisa [00:38:31]:
He's just scruffy. He's just scruffy.Samantha [00:38:34]:
He can have crazy hair in his nether region and nobody gives a right. His. His.Lisa [00:38:39]:
He's not. Man not manscaping his taint area. Right? You know what the thing is? Here's the thing, right? Is that 56. I'll be 56 in July. I am so much closer to my. It years than I am to my. I give a years, right?Samantha [00:39:00]:
Like.Lisa [00:39:00]:
Like 25 years into marriage. It. I don't care. This is. You know what I thought today when I came home from work and I got put and I changed into my ugly stuff? I thought, this is my most favorite part of my day, right now. Taking off my work stuff and putting on my ugly stuff. I like being ugly. I just want to be ugly now.Samantha [00:39:23]:
I am wearing the comfiest pants I own and I'm wearing the biggest sweatshirt that I own.Lisa [00:39:29]:
Right?Samantha [00:39:29]:
Yes. I got dressed up to record, guys.Lisa [00:39:32]:
Yeah. Because normally I would just be in a tank top right? Now that's like yucky and ripped apart.Samantha [00:39:38]:
Like. Like, who sits around all, like, put.Lisa [00:39:43]:
Together all day, right? Like, I wanna. I wanna be unput together, right? Like, if I don't have to go out on the weekend, I'm not changing.Samantha [00:39:53]:
No.Lisa [00:39:53]:
Out of what I had on when I went to bed on Friday. Right? I'm good. Thank you. Right?Samantha [00:40:02]:
Oh, my God. I don't care.Lisa [00:40:03]:
Totally. I'm totally headed to my fuck it years.Samantha [00:40:06]:
We are. Yes, you are. And you know what? You're gonna enjoy it because, like, who gives a shit?Lisa [00:40:11]:
I don't give a shit. Fuck it, right? Fuck it. I used to care. I cared for a lot of years. Fuck it. I don't care anymore. Right? I'm not spending my last years caring that much anymore.Samantha [00:40:22]:
Shaving peach face. Shaving your peach face.Lisa [00:40:25]:
Whatever, Right? Don't look my way. That's what I think, Samantha. Oh, my goodness. Right?Samantha [00:40:35]:
You know, in life. In life, Lisa, we, as humans, we do lots of things. And I wonder, in some cases, is it judgment or is it an observation? When we make comments about, you know, what, people, places and things.Lisa [00:40:52]:
I'm gonna err on the fact that it's observation. Sounds nicer. Sounds nicer, right?Samantha [00:40:58]:
I think realistically, it's judgment.Lisa [00:41:03]:
Or is it complaining? Is it complaining? Is complaining.Samantha [00:41:05]:
Oh, my.Lisa [00:41:06]:
That too.Samantha [00:41:07]:
I never thought of that.Lisa [00:41:09]:
Could be complaining disguised as something that.Samantha [00:41:12]:
Looks a little bit nicer as an observation.Lisa [00:41:15]:
As a complaining. As an observation, maybe, or complaining as judgment. Right. I don't know.Samantha [00:41:23]:
I don't know. Like. Like, let's just examine that for a sec. Because as humans, what if we were told we could never be judgmental of people again? I mean, literally, that's what our society is trying to make us do now anyways, Right? Because they don't want us to be, you know, be kind. And you should be kind.Lisa [00:41:40]:
Sure.Samantha [00:41:41]:
Not saying you shouldn't be kind. Let's get that straight. But I'm saying there are going to be moments in your life you're not going to like every human being you come across.Lisa [00:41:50]:
No. And you can't. And you can't be kind 24 7. All that does is it makes you, at the age of 55, become cranky.Samantha [00:41:59]:
Remember that lady who always used to.Lisa [00:42:01]:
Come in where she was the happiest lady on Earth?Samantha [00:42:04]:
She was that on earth. And this woman, no matter where you saw her, she was always that happy. And I'm like, there's something wrong.Lisa [00:42:12]:
Right? Like, she must be permanently medicated because you can't be that happy 24 7.Samantha [00:42:19]:
No.Lisa [00:42:19]:
You just can't.Samantha [00:42:21]:
And I swear, she's love. She was lovely.Lisa [00:42:23]:
She was.Samantha [00:42:24]:
But there's no way she could be like that 24 7.Lisa [00:42:28]:
No.Samantha [00:42:28]:
She must be exhausted.Lisa [00:42:30]:
You'd have to be exhausted or you'd have to be like. Like, I don't know, Like. Like, you'd have to have rage somewhere. Like when she lets. Like when it. When. When. When the facade wears off, the rage that's gonna come out.Lisa [00:42:42]:
Whoa. She not gonna be the happiest lady in the world.Samantha [00:42:46]:
Right. Or she could have been a serial killer. I mean, like, let's.Lisa [00:42:50]:
I don't know. That was too much happiness. Right. It's like, I need you to dial back your happiness, please. And then it's uncomfortable.Samantha [00:42:57]:
But what does that say about us? When we were like, wow, that's too happy.Lisa [00:43:01]:
Too happy. Because it was uncomfortable. It was unco. To. For her to be that happy. Right. I'll take it. No.Lisa [00:43:09]:
Hi. You're making me feel awkward. Right. She. It was an. It was an uncomfortable level of happiness.Samantha [00:43:15]:
It was an uncomfortable.Lisa [00:43:16]:
Right. Right. And you shouldn't have to feel. Friends. The podcast. You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in someone's happiness.Samantha [00:43:23]:
No.Lisa [00:43:24]:
Right. Because all you're doing is judging them and trying to figure out, how do I crack this Morse code to find out what's really going on here? Right. Because is she a robot? She might be a robot.Samantha [00:43:36]:
I don't know.Lisa [00:43:37]:
She's not a real person.Samantha [00:43:38]:
I don't know.Lisa [00:43:39]:
It was just crazy.Samantha [00:43:40]:
That's really bad, though, because we always thought she was a little.Lisa [00:43:44]:
We always thought there's something, like there's a serial killer lurking in there.Samantha [00:43:48]:
There's something going on.Lisa [00:43:49]:
Right. Like she's got bodies in her attic or something. Right. I don't know.Samantha [00:43:53]:
It just seemed weird. And that's horrible to say that we thought that was weird.Lisa [00:43:59]:
Yeah. We judged her happiness. Yes, totally. We just were like, I don't buy it. I don't buy it for a second. No. You know what else? I was kind of. The other day, I saw a commercial, and it was for the kfc, right? Oh, yeah.Lisa [00:44:13]:
And then I kind of found myself getting mad at KFC because do you remember when, like, KFC tasted like its commercials looked?Samantha [00:44:22]:
Yes. Very long time ago.Lisa [00:44:23]:
And now, you know, it doesn't now, right? Nobody eats KFC because we don't trust it. We're scared of it. We're worried about it. We have concerns, right? So we leave it alone, even though we want the chicken. Because Popeyes is great, but it doesn't have the Colonel secret herbs and spices.Samantha [00:44:42]:
No, it doesn't.Lisa [00:44:42]:
It's not the same. But now the KFC is so greasy and so gross.Samantha [00:44:50]:
It is.Lisa [00:44:51]:
My mom used to call it Kentucky Yucky, right? And I'm like, girl had a point.Samantha [00:45:00]:
Girl had a point.Lisa [00:45:00]:
Girl had a point, right? And then I kind of got mad because I'm like, I used to enjoy a little KFC every now and then.Samantha [00:45:07]:
I have fond childhood memories of eating KFC on a beach in. In Penticton.Lisa [00:45:11]:
KFC in the 70s and the 80s. That's when KFC should have ran its course at the end of that time.Samantha [00:45:17]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:45:17]:
Right. That's when it was the best, Right? Yeah. You took it to the beach. We. We took it to the boat. You had it on a hot day. You had the kfc. Yeah, Right.Samantha [00:45:27]:
It's not like that anymore. It. To be honest, it's sketchy on a good day when you go to a joint now.Lisa [00:45:33]:
Yeah. And I don't think I could do KFC ever again. I don't trust it. I don't trust it at all.Samantha [00:45:40]:
My dad loves it still, though. He likes it every once in a while.Lisa [00:45:44]:
He's a brave man, Larry.Samantha [00:45:46]:
Yep.Lisa [00:45:47]:
Right? Not for me, Larry. Not for me. Not for me, Larry.Samantha [00:45:52]:
No. Okay, let's play a fun little game, okay. Called Fuck, Marry Kill, fuck, marry, kill.Lisa [00:46:00]:
Okay.Samantha [00:46:00]:
All right, you go first.Lisa [00:46:02]:
Okay. Here's Mayor. Here's your three choices. Simon Cowell, Tom Hanks, or Howie Mandel.Samantha [00:46:12]:
I am going to kill Simon Cowell.Lisa [00:46:18]:
Okay. Gone.Samantha [00:46:19]:
I'm gonna. Nope, no, scratch that. Oh, I'm going to kill Howie Mandel.Lisa [00:46:28]:
Killing Howie Mandel.Samantha [00:46:30]:
Yeah. And I'm going to screw Simon Cowell, and I'm going to marry Tom Hanks.Lisa [00:46:39]:
Look at you, being all proper with your etiquette and saying screw, screw. Because you don't want to think of him. Because there's a difference, isn't there? There's a difference between screwing him and him. Right. Fucking him seems. Seems dirty and like, woohoo. And into it and not with any of those choices. Hey, no, no, no.Lisa [00:46:59]:
Okay. So again, for the record, you are killing Howie Mandel.Samantha [00:47:04]:
Killing Howie Mandel because his OCD would drive me.Lisa [00:47:07]:
Drive you crazy.Samantha [00:47:09]:
Yep. I'm going to screw Simon Cowell.Lisa [00:47:14]:
Simon Cowell.Samantha [00:47:15]:
And I'm gonna marry Tom Hanks. Because that seems reasonable.Lisa [00:47:17]:
I think that's pretty reasonable.Samantha [00:47:19]:
Yeah. I think that's reasonable.Lisa [00:47:20]:
All right. All right. Those are good choices.Samantha [00:47:23]:
You. Your. Your choices are, okay. Tom Cruise, Gordon Ramsay, or Pat Sajak?Lisa [00:47:29]:
Well, I'm killing Pat Sajak because I got no time for him. Although I hate Tom Cruise too. No, you know what? I'm going to kill Pat Sajak.Samantha [00:47:43]:
Okay.Lisa [00:47:44]:
I'm going to marry Tom Cruise.Samantha [00:47:48]:
Ew.Lisa [00:47:49]:
And I'm gonna. Gordon Ramsay.Samantha [00:47:54]:
You're gonna marry Tom Cruise? He's this Mr. Scientology guy. You're gonna.Lisa [00:47:58]:
We're gonna get divorced real quick. He's going to divorce me because I'm not going to convert. Right. So we'll get to the chapel, and he'll be like. Yeah, no, I'll be like, okay. Right. But I will have Gordon Ramsay. Right.Lisa [00:48:13]:
That might not be a bad ride. Might not be a bad ride.Samantha [00:48:18]:
Swearing at you the whole time. No, not that way.Lisa [00:48:23]:
Right. It'd be abusive. Hey, might be. It might be pretty exciting, actually.Samantha [00:48:26]:
That would be so horrible.Lisa [00:48:28]:
Would that be kind of funny?Samantha [00:48:30]:
Oh, gross, right?Lisa [00:48:32]:
That was fun, Samantha. Okay.Samantha [00:48:34]:
That was fun.Lisa [00:48:35]:
I got a. This bothers me because I don't know how we missed this. Gypsy Rose, Life After Lockup, part two.Samantha [00:48:45]:
Yep. There was a part one.Lisa [00:48:47]:
When did I miss part one?Samantha [00:48:49]:
I don't know.Lisa [00:48:50]:
How did I miss part one? This is my type of show.Samantha [00:48:53]:
Yeah, it is.Lisa [00:48:54]:
How did I miss. Where. Where is part one? Where do I find this? How did I miss this?Samantha [00:48:58]:
Um, I. Oh, I saw part two in My regular cable. Maybe one of the apps really like crave.Lisa [00:49:16]:
Maybe Prime Netflix.Samantha [00:49:19]:
No Netflix. I doubt it.Lisa [00:49:21]:
Wouldn't do it.Samantha [00:49:22]:
No.Lisa [00:49:23]:
Interesting.Samantha [00:49:23]:
Doubt it.Lisa [00:49:24]:
I need to find that. Right. Because I like that type of drama.Samantha [00:49:27]:
I know. Because you're curious. You're creepy curious.Lisa [00:49:29]:
I was shocked. I didn't know that this had happened. I'm like, how did I fix this?Samantha [00:49:33]:
Did you watch Part two then?Lisa [00:49:35]:
No, I haven't watched it yet because I want to see part one.Samantha [00:49:38]:
Oh, so you're saving it.Lisa [00:49:40]:
I'm saving it. Right. I want to watch it in sequence. In sequence. But that's the type of train wreck that I live for.Samantha [00:49:48]:
Well, and she is slightly. A slight train wreck.Lisa [00:49:50]:
Total train wreck. Right. Total train wreck.Samantha [00:49:54]:
And did she have her baby already?Lisa [00:49:56]:
Uh huh. She just had it.Samantha [00:49:57]:
Oh dear.Lisa [00:49:58]:
Yeah, she just had it. I believe. I don't know, I didn't hear a name or anything. I think it's a girl. I don't know, I could be wrong. Or a boy. It's one or the other.Samantha [00:50:06]:
Okay, well, if anybody knows how Lisa can watch.Lisa [00:50:09]:
How can I watch Gypsy Rose?Samantha [00:50:10]:
Life after life after love.Lisa [00:50:12]:
Have you guys friends of the podcast? Have you guys watched the Gypsy Rose? And. And then again I'm gonna be mad because then nobody told us about it.Samantha [00:50:20]:
Well, I feel like we were talking about it. And how did you miss it?Lisa [00:50:24]:
Well, I totally missed it. I was totally. I'm totally caught off guard.Samantha [00:50:29]:
I feel like it's on. It was on like one of the. It was on one of the cable channels I was watching. I saw Part two. I'm like, oh, Lisa would probably like this.Lisa [00:50:38]:
Yeah, well, thanks. You never even told me about Part two. I had to learn it myself. No, sorry. It's a good friend. Good friend.Samantha [00:50:46]:
I'm really not. I'm not supporting your creepy curiousness.Lisa [00:50:49]:
Right. I know you never do. Right. You're like. And I hated oj. Right?Samantha [00:50:54]:
OJ was warm. It was a bad documentary.Lisa [00:50:57]:
Okay, watch Dahmer then. You'll like Dahmer.Samantha [00:50:59]:
No, I'm not even.Lisa [00:51:00]:
No, it was good. It was good.Samantha [00:51:02]:
I do not need to watch real life creepy.Lisa [00:51:05]:
I don't mind real life creepy. That's what I love. Creepier the better. O.J. was tame.Samantha [00:51:11]:
O.J.Lisa [00:51:12]:
Was nothing. Right. A couple murders, nothing crazy.Samantha [00:51:16]:
Yeah. It was bad though, that they missed everything.Lisa [00:51:19]:
Yeah, they did.Samantha [00:51:21]:
And nothing got into the court.Lisa [00:51:22]:
Nope. Nothing. Right. Don't give it away. Don't give it away.Samantha [00:51:27]:
That's only in the first episode. I got mad and I'm like, yeah, first 45 minutes and yeah, he's.Lisa [00:51:34]:
He's guilty. Right. But yet there's four more episodes to finish watching and she never did.Samantha [00:51:39]:
No, because I'm like, they proved their point in the first 45 minutes because.Lisa [00:51:42]:
She can't keep a promise. You promised you didn't keep it because it's boring. It's not boring. It was very enlightening.Samantha [00:51:51]:
No, it was not.Lisa [00:51:51]:
Yes, it was.Samantha [00:51:52]:
No, because all I thought was, these.Lisa [00:51:54]:
Guys are dumb and they're dumb. Yeah, and they're dumb.Samantha [00:52:00]:
That's all I thought is they're dumb.Lisa [00:52:02]:
They're dumb. I'll give you. And they're dumb. I'll give you. And they're dumb. Sure. And they're dumb.Samantha [00:52:07]:
His white Broncos parked at the side of the road. Oh, maybe he did something right.Lisa [00:52:13]:
Oh, how did you get blood? His blood, her blood, and your blood on there. I don't know. Okay.Samantha [00:52:18]:
Oh, there's a bloody sock in his bedroom. Maybe it's really.Lisa [00:52:22]:
What the. Are you kidding?Samantha [00:52:27]:
Were we that dumb back then?Lisa [00:52:28]:
Apparently we were that. That dumb in the 90s.Samantha [00:52:31]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:52:32]:
Right. Yeah, it was. All right, let's move on, shall we?Samantha [00:52:37]:
I'm just. Sorry. That's why I can't watch it. Like, huh?Lisa [00:52:43]:
Right. Yes.Samantha [00:52:44]:
I can't.Lisa [00:52:45]:
Okay, that's fine. You don't have to.Samantha [00:52:47]:
Okay. All right. So do you know who Bethany Frankel is?Lisa [00:52:50]:
I certainly do.Samantha [00:52:51]:
Okay, so she's a very interesting person. She's had a lot of different businesses. She's been a housewife. Wasn't she in the New York version of.Lisa [00:53:00]:
Yeah, she was in the New York version. And she's a self made billionaire.Samantha [00:53:03]:
Yes, she is. She's. She's got a lot going on. Yeah. So I watch her on the tick tock.Lisa [00:53:09]:
Okay, Correct me if I'm wrong. Did she not just have a tough night the other night? Did she not, like, over gummy or something? She might. She did something. She did something. And she was like. She was like po. And she's like, I don't know. I'm like, this is weird.Lisa [00:53:24]:
She might have over gummied something.Samantha [00:53:28]:
Her tiktoks are very entertaining.Lisa [00:53:30]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:53:30]:
So I was watching her and I was just like, I can't believe you're doing this. And then sometimes she just buys stuff to try it to show her followers. Right. She was eating 20 strawberries. She bought a tray of strawberries. Nope. It was a tray of strawberries for 20 bucks.Lisa [00:53:47]:
Okay.Samantha [00:53:47]:
And she bit into it and she's like, it was worth the 20 bucks. And I'm like, how can a strawberry be that good? Be that good?Lisa [00:53:55]:
No, it can't.Samantha [00:53:57]:
That you're gonna pay 20 bucks for.Lisa [00:53:59]:
I feel we need to try that.Samantha [00:54:01]:
No, I'm not ever paying 20 bucks.Lisa [00:54:03]:
Well, we could split it. We could do 10 bucks each. Oh my God. We probably don't even sell them here.Samantha [00:54:09]:
No, I don't think they've made it to Canada.Lisa [00:54:11]:
Right, but why? That's an expense. But maybe it is worth it. I don't know what it. But what. What could possibly be worth it?Samantha [00:54:18]:
I don't know. Like, I just feel like that's a really big expense. And then I was watching her eat these giant peaches out of a jar, and apparently you can get them at Costco. And I'm like, is that Canada Costco or just peaches? Costco. And it was like this. Yeah, they were in syrup and they were gigantic peaches that were peeled, but they were in the syrup. And you could buy them apparently at Costco. And she was like just grabbing them, slicing them, eating them.Samantha [00:54:43]:
And I'm like, that looks interesting. I might go try and find peaches at Costco.Lisa [00:54:50]:
I don't know if I'd love that. It would have to be a syrup. Like a sugary syrup.Samantha [00:54:54]:
I believe it was because the lady was actually drinking it. She was drinking.Lisa [00:54:58]:
Oh, yeah. Okay, fine. For sure. That's. That's sugary syrup. Right? Nothing's worse than. Than any fruit in. In water.Lisa [00:55:04]:
Pass. Right. Sometimes that peers into my cupboards. Right. Oh, in water. I get the hint, but I'm not eating it ever.Samantha [00:55:11]:
Yeah, Like I get that the fascination to try a 20 strawberry is there. But no offense, I'm a broke. A broke ass. I'm only paying 4.99 for frozen.Lisa [00:55:22]:
Right, right, exactly.Samantha [00:55:23]:
Not even buying the real stuff because I think that's too expensive.Lisa [00:55:26]:
It's too expensive, right? She does a lot of weird things though. Hey.Samantha [00:55:30]:
Well, she was on a chicken salad kick over the summer.Lisa [00:55:33]:
I saw that. Right.Samantha [00:55:35]:
And then she was just getting a little crazy, but whatever.Lisa [00:55:37]:
But I was worried about her gummies. I think she over gummied.Samantha [00:55:40]:
Well, she might have because apparently she's. She's got a routine now.Lisa [00:55:44]:
Right.Samantha [00:55:44]:
And again, it was another tick tock from Bethany Frankel. She used mouth tape, a sleep Max mask, sleepy gummies, and magnesium spray on her feet. Now it's probably the sleepy gummies that probably made her go a little woo woo woo.Lisa [00:55:59]:
Maybe. Maybe Potentially. Okay, but you know what? I'm interested in some of it.Samantha [00:56:04]:
Well, apparently she had the best sleep of her life because she slept till 9am and apparently that's never what she does.Lisa [00:56:10]:
Huh. So here's a. Here's an interesting story, right? So, as you know, right. Trying a new medication. And I've been very dehydrated at work. Of course. I share this with my boss. Boss, right.Lisa [00:56:22]:
She says there's things you can do to help that. Okay.Samantha [00:56:25]:
What?Lisa [00:56:26]:
She says that I need to try and tape my mouth shut when I go to bed. Because I said how? I sleep with my fan and I'm a mouth breather. She bought me a roll of tape. I'm gonna try it and see if it makes a difference. Now Mike's afraid I'm gonna like, suffocate, hopefully. I'd hate it to be that extreme.Samantha [00:56:47]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:56:48]:
But I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna tape do this way.Samantha [00:56:52]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:56:53]:
And I'm gonna try it and see if it's still to be.Samantha [00:56:56]:
You can buy actual mouth tape that has a little slit where you can still.Lisa [00:57:00]:
That seems expensive, right?Samantha [00:57:02]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:57:03]:
This is just like a tape that she just got at the. At the. At the Little Value. The Value pharmacy or something, right? And she's like, you just break off a little piece and you just try it. And then she told me about magnesium pills. She said, you take two before bed, and voila, you have a good sleep. It's just a vitamin. It's like I take my cranberry pills, voila.Lisa [00:57:26]:
I don't get a uti. Same type of thing, right? Same sherry. Same type of thing, right? Same type of thing. So I'm going to try. And then I was telling her about you and how you're like the world's loudest snorer. And she said, you should try shutting your mouth with. With tape too. And I said, but she wears a mouth guard, I said, because she grinds her teeth.Lisa [00:57:47]:
I said, so I don't know how that would work, but maybe we both should try it.Samantha [00:57:50]:
Yeah, I think that's great.Lisa [00:57:52]:
For different reasons, right? Okay. Like, what if I try this and I have no dehydration in the morning? Because you think about it, right? The fan is like.Samantha [00:58:00]:
Like.Lisa [00:58:00]:
It's like that dog commercial. Ah, right? All night long you sleep with your mouth open and you get all the fan, and then you wake up with no spit.Samantha [00:58:08]:
Turn off the fan.Lisa [00:58:09]:
No, I'm too hot. I like the fan. I'm not prepared to give that up. Right. But I am prepared to tape My mouth.Samantha [00:58:17]:
I swear to God. You're the only person I know that sleeps with a fan in the middle of winter.Lisa [00:58:21]:
Totally. Right. And the fan's on high.Samantha [00:58:24]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:58:25]:
Right. And I live in a tropical climate, but yes. Well, I'm going to. I'm going to try the tape. I'll let you know if it works. I'll give you a piece.Samantha [00:58:34]:
I just feel like that's a lot of prep for sleep.Lisa [00:58:38]:
Well, it sounds like it is.Samantha [00:58:40]:
It sounds like a lot of prep.Lisa [00:58:41]:
Sounds like it could be a lot of prep for sleep. That's a good point. Yeah. But maybe it's. Maybe it's worth it. You have shitty sleeps every night. Every day. You say I wake up tired.Samantha [00:58:49]:
I do. I wake up tired.Lisa [00:58:50]:
So try this. Maybe this is the way.Samantha [00:58:53]:
All right. Magnesium.Lisa [00:58:55]:
And a tape. Piece of tape I like. We could just wrap it around your head.Samantha [00:58:59]:
Nope, that's okay.Lisa [00:59:01]:
Let's do something like that. Just secure it tight.Samantha [00:59:04]:
Nope.Lisa [00:59:04]:
You know, or something like that. But I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try and see. See how long it lasts. Right. I don't know if I picture it on while I'm like, you know, strolling through my TikToks and stuff. I don't know. It's gonna be a trial and error.Samantha [00:59:19]:
It needs. You need to sleep.Lisa [00:59:22]:
Well, hopefully. Hopefully it works out. I'm just saying I'm willing to try. Willing to try. Samantha.Samantha [00:59:27]:
Oh, right.Lisa [00:59:28]:
How do you feel about the phrase I'm starving to death?Samantha [00:59:32]:
It's over exaggerated.Lisa [00:59:33]:
It's bogus. Right, right, right. It seems so dramatic.Samantha [00:59:39]:
I think that's only applicable to somebody who actually hasn't eaten or like certain.Lisa [00:59:44]:
Parts of the world might be starving to death. I don't think in North America we should be throwing that word around. No, I think that phrase is. I think that it's inappropriate where we live. Right?Samantha [00:59:56]:
In parts, yes. For most of this society.Lisa [00:59:59]:
Yeah. It's probably not the best thing.Samantha [01:00:02]:
So what would we say instead?Lisa [01:00:03]:
When I'm just hungry, I guess I'm just hungry. I can use a snack. I haven't eaten much today. Right now I'm starving to death. Because first off, we don't know what that looks like. Right. So we have no frame of reference to what starving to death is?Samantha [01:00:20]:
No, we don't.Lisa [01:00:21]:
So how can we even use that? Right.Samantha [01:00:23]:
Well, yes. I mean, what other phrases do we use that are a little over exaggerated?Lisa [01:00:31]:
That one.Samantha [01:00:32]:
Yep. That one.Lisa [01:00:34]:
Right. I'm sure there's lots of other ones.Samantha [01:00:38]:
I would imagine you know, you'd be so much prettier if you smiled.Lisa [01:00:41]:
Would be so much prettier if she would only smile. Right? Yeah. Right. There's like so many phrases I don't.Samantha [01:00:48]:
Even want to know.Lisa [01:00:48]:
Because they're all backhanded. Right. They're the type of phrases that would make us angry.Samantha [01:00:53]:
Speaking of so pretty if you lost a few pounds.Lisa [01:00:56]:
Right? Oh, I see you. I see. I see you're trying to walk a little bit more. Are you? Right?Samantha [01:01:02]:
How's that working for you?Lisa [01:01:03]:
How's. How's, how's that working? Right. And it's always in such a dear, an endearing, condescending kind of way. Yeah.Samantha [01:01:10]:
How's your diet going?Lisa [01:01:11]:
Right.Samantha [01:01:12]:
Great.Lisa [01:01:13]:
As you're eating your donut. Right. That's why you shouldn't tell people you're on a diet. Because then the minute you go, you, you stray. Minute you tell somebody you're on a diet and you eat something that's not diet.Samantha [01:01:25]:
Yep.Lisa [01:01:26]:
Then all of a sudden your. Your.Samantha [01:01:28]:
Your.Lisa [01:01:28]:
Your fuel for your. Your fuel for conversation. Samantha.Samantha [01:01:32]:
Oh, she's. She's offered diet.Lisa [01:01:34]:
Did you see? She must. Mustn't be going good. I saw her with a Tim bet. Yeah, right. Because I think that's what happens. Right. People start to whisper. I didn't think she'd last.Lisa [01:01:45]:
Right. Let's talk about Facebook Tuesday, shall we? We talked about the veggie tray and all the things that would go on it. First off, special shout out to my friend Dwayne. Dwayne's a dude. Dwayne said, in true dude, like fashion, I'd prefer meat and cheese. And I thought, and I replied back saying, I think my husband has never eaten off a veggie tray. I don't think Mike Gibson's ever gone for a cucumber off a veggie tray. Right.Lisa [01:02:18]:
He too would be looking for the meat and cheese.Samantha [01:02:20]:
Me too.Lisa [01:02:20]:
So I appreciated that. Right. But people, again, poo, pooing, hummus, peppers and little tomatoes because everybody thinks they have. Everybody's, like, afraid they're going to get their hands dirty with the tomatoes. Like, have a toothpick, guys. Try it. Nobody's saying you gotta dunk your fingers in and lick your fingers. Try a toothpick.Samantha [01:02:41]:
Hang on.Lisa [01:02:43]:
Right? That was everything. I'm gonna get my fingers dirty. With what? With the toothpick.Samantha [01:02:48]:
With the toothpick.Lisa [01:02:49]:
Because you're not. Right. But that was fun. I always like. I always like that one. This time we threw in celery.Samantha [01:02:56]:
Yes. People kick celery too, though.Lisa [01:02:58]:
People. I think.Samantha [01:02:59]:
What.Lisa [01:02:59]:
What would I say? People like a lot. This is what was weird. A lot of people like cauliflower. Not raw, but cooked.Samantha [01:03:07]:
No, they liked it raw, not cooked.Lisa [01:03:11]:
Oh, okay. I got it mixed.Samantha [01:03:12]:
That's how I read it. Am I wrong?Lisa [01:03:14]:
I don't know. One of us is wrong. One of us is wrong.Samantha [01:03:18]:
Well, you're always going to say it's me, so I am.Lisa [01:03:20]:
And I think I'm going to stick with it being you. I think I'm right and you're wrong. And your mom kept them all. Yes.Samantha [01:03:27]:
And Cindy Harder pointed out that carrots are bad for you.Lisa [01:03:30]:
And who was it that's dipping peanut butter in their carrot?Samantha [01:03:33]:
Oh, my God. Was that.Lisa [01:03:35]:
Is that another Cindy?Samantha [01:03:37]:
I think it was.Lisa [01:03:38]:
I. Sorry if we're wrong.Samantha [01:03:39]:
I asked. I'm like, peanut butter and carrots. What is that?Lisa [01:03:44]:
Where'd you get that one from? I've never heard of that ever. That's new. That's new. So, again, Right. If you've got some ideas for Facebook Tuesday, one has to go fire. On my way. Yes.Samantha [01:03:57]:
Please let us know.Lisa [01:03:58]:
Always looking for new ideas.Samantha [01:04:00]:
Okay. But we posed a question about siblings.Lisa [01:04:04]:
Yes.Samantha [01:04:04]:
And you. Some of you answered. They were quite funny, actually.Lisa [01:04:08]:
They were.Samantha [01:04:09]:
Andrea mentioned that there was a plastic cup that had a price on the bottom, and they either fought about who had to use it or who was going to use it.Lisa [01:04:18]:
Right.Samantha [01:04:18]:
And then they also fought about the fact that somebody had to drink the last bit of the milk in the milk carton.Lisa [01:04:23]:
That would have been a fight, too. Yeah.Samantha [01:04:25]:
There was also mentions about who washed and who dried my hand. Went up for that. That was a sibling grievance for me. Sharing rooms. What side was dirtier?Lisa [01:04:38]:
Right. That was a tough one.Samantha [01:04:40]:
Yeah. And really any kind of chore. Yes. We argued about all of that.Lisa [01:04:45]:
An honorable mention to Haley Sims, whose brother Jason one time took the woodworking tool. And did. Did she say that he wrote her name? He burned her name into the rug.Samantha [01:04:59]:
Yes, he did. I forgot that one.Lisa [01:05:02]:
That. That was good. That was good. That was classic. My oldest sister used to go around, she would write on the wall, and she would write, lisa was here. But it wasn't Lisa doing the doing. Doing the dirty work. Right.Lisa [01:05:14]:
But that's what she would put. Lisa was here. Oh, we went through a fad where we used to write on walls all the time, too.Samantha [01:05:20]:
Yes.Lisa [01:05:20]:
Well, not sure. Whatever went with that. So that was kind of fun. Thanks. People are participating on Sundays.Samantha [01:05:26]:
That's good. Thank you, guys.Lisa [01:05:27]:
Thanks, guys.Samantha [01:05:28]:
But I do need to. While we're almost wrapping up, I have a confession to make.Lisa [01:05:32]:
You have a dirty little secret.Samantha [01:05:33]:
I have a dirty little secret. I watched With Love, Megan on Netflix, and I'm in to the fifth episode.Lisa [01:05:44]:
Oh, my God.Samantha [01:05:46]:
Guess what? It's not horrible.Lisa [01:05:48]:
I put. I put lovely things in a paper bag.Samantha [01:05:52]:
You know what? It's her whole demeanor and how she talks to her guests because she always has a guest. And you just. You understand why. She was an actress and she is. This is a really good role for her.Lisa [01:06:05]:
Good.Samantha [01:06:06]:
And I. And they've already renewed for season two, and I'm like, I can understand why.Lisa [01:06:11]:
I haven't watched it yet. I might try one. I'll see. I'll see. I'm not promising.Samantha [01:06:15]:
Like. And then she had one of the. She had a. A chef. His name is Roy Choi, and he is like a famous chef. He's done big things and he. It was such a good episode, really. They did such really cool food.Samantha [01:06:28]:
Foodie things together.Lisa [01:06:30]:
Okay.Samantha [01:06:30]:
And I'm like, okay. All right, Megan, you might be winning me over.Lisa [01:06:33]:
You're in it. You're in it to the end.Samantha [01:06:35]:
I am. I have to. Because I was like, oh, she's going to suck. And that's what I said episodes ago.Lisa [01:06:40]:
Yeah. Yeah.Samantha [01:06:41]:
And now I've actually watched it.Lisa [01:06:43]:
I found it.Samantha [01:06:43]:
Money where my mouth is.Lisa [01:06:44]:
Wow.Samantha [01:06:45]:
Now I have to change my tune, huh?Lisa [01:06:47]:
Okay, interesting. I'll give it some thought. But I know. No, no promises.Samantha [01:06:51]:
I know. Because, you know, I reneged on OJ Totally, right?Lisa [01:06:54]:
I feel I owe you nothing. I owe you nothing, Samantha. Fine. Fine.Samantha [01:07:01]:
I. But, guys, if you want to connect with us on our social media or visit us, you can go to you can sign up for newsletters, leave a message, or check out our episodes. You can watch the podcast on YouTube and subscribe. That would be great. Hint, hint. Join our Patreon for exclusive content, early access, and behind the scenes footage for all for as little as $2 a month and visit I shake my head. If you're looking for. I shake my head.Samantha [01:07:31]:
Swag. Head on down to and search for us. And we are proud to be part of the Women in Media Network. Just so you. In case you guys ever want to check that out, they do have a website. And thank you, John, for editing our podcast each week.Lisa [01:07:46]:
Thank you, John. And it's 10 days, I think, left until official baseball season.Samantha [01:07:54]:
That is unfortunate.Lisa [01:07:55]:
Ha ha ha.Samantha [01:07:57]:
Ha ha.Lisa [01:07:58]:
Getting excited. I'm sure my friend Tina, friend of the podcast, will be getting excited too, right? Because she's a Houston girl. She cheers for a couple teams, though.Samantha [01:08:08]:
Hey, she does.Lisa [01:08:10]:
There's a couple different ones. I. I enjoy all baseball, but I cheer for the Blue Jays. So I would like all of the friends of the podcast to become fake fans, please, because we're gonna need all the help we can get.Samantha [01:08:22]:
They are really going to need all the help they can get.Lisa [01:08:24]:
That's how that's going to roll out. So anyway, Samantha, anything else you want to talk about? Nothing.Samantha [01:08:31]:
Nope.Lisa [01:08:31]:
I feel my butt is, like, falling asleep because I'm sitting on a hard chair. Right. Sore. Sore butt.Samantha [01:08:40]:
Time to get up, get moving, and eat that piece of toast.Lisa [01:08:43]:
Right. Have th9999at nighttime toast. So, friends, the podcast, that's your challenge. Try toast at night. Toast time. And let me know if it's better at night than it is in the day. Yeah, that's the. That might be Sunday's question of the week.Lisa [01:08:56]:
We're not quite sure.Samantha [01:08:57]:
Yeah. What snack is better at night?Lisa [01:08:59]:
What snack is better? All right, Samantha, as always, it's been a pleasure.Samantha [01:09:04]:
That should be.Lisa [01:09:16]:
Who's a pretty girl? I'm a pretty girl.