Sharp Knives, Cold Foam and The Art Of Not Sharing

Does the idea of owning a block of knives officially deem Lisa grown up? What's the big deal about cold foam in coffee, simple whipped milk or something more? Is the art of sharing food or water becoming a strategic battlefield in the world of friendship etiquette? Lisa has a bone to pick with Valentine's day, of course! Do you keep a tidy microwave? Is hoarding dishes in your room part of a young person's DNA? Is the phrase "you're looking good for your age" a compliment? Dear Canada, are we raising an eyebrow at Mr. Fallon's cheeky remark? Come join the fun and keep shaking your head at what makes us all human!
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Lisa [00:00:06]:
Times Day. You got people all caught up in love and roses, chocolates. But what about the pals and the gals? Or the pals that are your gals, the ones who truly get you. What about that, Samantha?Samantha [00:00:20]:
Oh, God, here we go.Lisa [00:00:22]:
What do you mean, oh, God, here we go?Samantha [00:00:24]:
Because you're always. Your rant. You rant about Valentine's Day, and frankly, I don't give a.Lisa [00:00:29]:
Right. But.Samantha [00:00:29]:
But only you care. Only you. There.Lisa [00:00:32]:
Listen. But. But. Because it's. It's a carable subject. It's something to care about. Totally. Yeah.Lisa [00:00:38]:
It totally is. Let me paint the scenario for you. Here's the scenario, right? Valentine's Day over here on the right. Acting like it's the main character, when honestly, let's just call it as it is, Palantine's Day and Galentine's Day. They're out here receiving. Receiving. Zero credit.Samantha [00:00:55]:
Really?Lisa [00:00:56]:
Why? What's important? Gals and pals.Samantha [00:00:58]:
But that's usually what happens. Because Valentine's Day is technically a couple.Lisa [00:01:04]:
Really? Because technically. Technically, I think it was. Technically, I think it was a massacre. I think it was a massacre. Don't quote me. Because I don't fact check.Samantha [00:01:14]:
Well, and then. So then if. If the pals or the gals get together on Valentine's Day, maybe there'll be another massacre.Lisa [00:01:21]:
Right. And I'm just saying. Right. I'm just saying that I love the idea of palantines and Galentines and every year. You hate it. I do.Samantha [00:01:30]:
I hate it. I hate the fact that people just chirp about it.Lisa [00:01:34]:
Point. Today I sent you a message about Palantine's Day, and you're quite negative, actually.Samantha [00:01:42]:
What? I'm like, awkward.Lisa [00:01:44]:
Awkward. And I'm like, people got to eat. Gals and pals. Got it.Samantha [00:01:48]:
I know. And it's just like, do we need to go out this Friday? We go out every Friday, but do we need to do this Friday?Lisa [00:01:55]:
Absolutely.Samantha [00:01:55]:
Going to be awkward as shit.Lisa [00:01:57]:
Because you know what? Your gals got to have some supper. Oh, that's why. Samantha. I'm just saying that's how I feel. I'm just saying that's how I feel. It's important. More so than the vowel. It's more about the pal and the gal.Lisa [00:02:11]:
Okay.Samantha [00:02:12]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:02:12]:
All right. Rant over. Hello, friends of the podcast.Samantha [00:02:16]:
Hello, everybody. Oh, my God. Okay, well.Lisa [00:02:19]:
Oh, my God. Oh, my good Lord.Samantha [00:02:22]:
Okay, I have big news. Okay, can you shut up for two seconds?Lisa [00:02:26]:
Oh, it's going to be hard, but I'm.Samantha [00:02:27]:
I know it'll Be hard for you. But I got big news. August 16th, put this in your calendar in Collingwood, Ontario. You will see. I Shake my head with Lisa and Sam, it's I Shake My Head presents the Bare Bones tour. Yes. It's just one show. It's just one show.Samantha [00:02:48]:
You can catch us live at the Simcoe Theater. So stay tuned for ticket details.Lisa [00:02:52]:
It has to just be one show because you got to start someplace.Samantha [00:02:56]:
You do. And apparently we're starting in Collingwood, Ontario.Lisa [00:02:59]:
Starting in Collingwood, Ontario.Samantha [00:03:01]:
Lisa chopping grounds.Lisa [00:03:03]:
Right. So here's hoping that some of Lisa's.Samantha [00:03:05]:
Pals.Lisa [00:03:08]:
Are gonna want to come out and just see how things are. And you know what else? I hope. I hope like. Like when I'm in that area, I usually stay in Toronto and I make the trip back and forth. I hope if we have Toronto listeners and area listeners, they'll make the trip, too.Samantha [00:03:22]:
Yes, that would be great.Lisa [00:03:24]:
Be awesome. So stay tuned. Lots to talk about as we go.Samantha [00:03:28]:
We'll let you know when tickets are available to purchase, but we just thought we should let you guys know now so you can put that on your calendar. If you're in the area of Collingwood, Ontario, August 16, it'll start at 7pm Right. Couple hours with. I Shake My head with Lisa and Sam.Lisa [00:03:46]:
Bare Bones Tour.Samantha [00:03:47]:
The Bare Bones Tour.Lisa [00:03:48]:
The Bare Bones Tour.Samantha [00:03:49]:
You have no idea how bare it really will be.Lisa [00:03:51]:
But that's. That. That's us at our best. Bear. Right? That's us. We won't be Bear, but the tour will.Samantha [00:03:59]:
Yeah. And if we were.Lisa [00:04:01]:
And if it goes. And if it goes well, there's more to come.Samantha [00:04:04]:
Yes, if it goes well.Lisa [00:04:05]:
Right. So fingers crossed.Samantha [00:04:08]:
So come and support us. It would be great to see people. It would be great to see, you know, those people who constantly interact with us and, you know, it'll be fun.Lisa [00:04:17]:
It'll be good times.Samantha [00:04:18]:
Be good times.Lisa [00:04:20]:
We're gonna figure out how to write a show.Samantha [00:04:22]:
Oh, God, yes. Well, just like we figured out how to do a podcast, you never know, right?Lisa [00:04:29]:
How hard can it be? How hard can it be? It's going to be hard.Samantha [00:04:31]:
Sense that it's hard.Lisa [00:04:33]:
I'm going to leave most of the hard stuff up to you. I'll do.Samantha [00:04:36]:
No, no, no.Lisa [00:04:37]:
That's how we do it. Right. No, I'm not going to just start doing the hard stuff now.Samantha [00:04:41]:
Yeah, you should.Lisa [00:04:42]:
No, that's just. I'm not cut out like that. I'm not from that cloth. Right.Samantha [00:04:47]:
Yeah, we'll figure out the cloth, Lisa.Lisa [00:04:49]:
All right. We got Time, Samantha.Samantha [00:04:51]:
We do have time. Okay. But I just want to mention again, if you love what you hear, don't forget to share, download, and subscribe to the podcast. Wherever you listen to a podcast, that's where you should be listening to us.Lisa [00:05:02]:
Absolutely. Okay. But I got big news. Oh. It kind of blew my mind because I didn't see it coming. I didn't know the decision was made for me, but I'm embracing it and I'm okay with it. I am officially a grown up. Officially a grown up at the age of almost 56.Lisa [00:05:20]:
And you want to know what I think? Look out, babies. I might just be ready for you now. Who knows, right? Because now that I'm a grown up. Samantha, we bought a wooden block containing knives.Samantha [00:05:32]:
That signifies grown up.Lisa [00:05:35]:
Do you have one?Samantha [00:05:36]:
No.Lisa [00:05:37]:
It signifies grown up.Samantha [00:05:39]:
I do have sharp knives, though.Lisa [00:05:41]:
Doesn't matter. But you don't have to block with the sharpener. With the sharpener, right?Samantha [00:05:48]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:05:49]:
We're grown ups now.Samantha [00:05:51]:
Okay. So are you also now grown up enough to have babies?Lisa [00:05:56]:
Well, I feel we've made the step if we wanted to. If we want to have babies. I feel now that we have knives with a chopping block, babies would be part of it.Samantha [00:06:05]:
That would be really hard for you, considering you're in menopause.Lisa [00:06:10]:
That's. Okay, fine. Right. So we're not gonna have babies. Right? I'm just saying it was just a scenario, Right? If I was. If I was 25 and becoming a grown up, it would be me. I'd be like a flower emerging into grown up hood. Right? Oh, thank you for the chopping.Lisa [00:06:27]:
Chopping thing with knives in it. And now I'm a woman and I'm ready to procreate and have babies because I have a.Samantha [00:06:35]:
A block of wood.Lisa [00:06:37]:
I have a block of knives, too.Samantha [00:06:42]:
I know, but if you had babies, you'd be removing the knives from the counter because that would not. You'd be baby proofing your house.Lisa [00:06:50]:
No, no, because I would be. I would be a Gen X mom. I'd be a 70s mom. You know that. And what would a 70s mom do? I'd tell you one time not to touch. And if you touch. Sorry, Lisa, why are you. Mom said if you touch the knives, it would probably cut your finger off.Lisa [00:07:04]:
Oh, look it. It cut your finger off. Mom was right.Samantha [00:07:07]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:07:08]:
Pick up your finger. Let's go get it stitched back on. Right? That's. That's how 70s moms would have dealt with it. And then I'd have it sit in my tab and pop on my smoke. Will leave as soon as mom's done her cigarette.Samantha [00:07:21]:
Yes, and her tab.Lisa [00:07:22]:
Yeah, right. I wouldn't make exceptions for babies, huh? Be careful. Why are you playing with knives, kids? I didn't grow up playing with knives.Samantha [00:07:32]:
So if you getting a block of wood with knives is being a grown up, then I feel like me organizing my bathroom cabinet is one step to being a grown up.Lisa [00:07:45]:
Or is it just you realizing you're a bit of a hoarder and it's time to part ways with.Samantha [00:07:49]:
No, I feel like I finally have figured out how to organize my.Lisa [00:07:54]:
Like, what needs. What needs to go in your bathroom. Like. So you got some toilet paper, some clean.Samantha [00:07:58]:
No, no, no, no. Like I've got baskets and each basket is a thing. How big is your bathroom organized? It's got a drawer, a couple of drawers and a cabinet underneath the sink, like most. And I just wanted it organized.Lisa [00:08:12]:
Okay, so. So you bought drawer. You needed to add containers.Samantha [00:08:14]:
I had like containers. Containers, yes.Lisa [00:08:17]:
So it would be organized. So it would look pretty.Samantha [00:08:20]:
Yeah. So I feel like I'm organizing like now I feel like I'm an adult.Lisa [00:08:24]:
I don't know if I believe you because I haven't seen it. Right. Can you take a picture of it for us? Who wants to see stamps? Samantha's bathroom cabinet. Organization skills.Samantha [00:08:32]:
No, I feel that I. I only creep. I don't provide.Lisa [00:08:37]:
Okay, okay, okay. Because you could be lying, right? I don't know. You could live in a tent by the river. I don't know. I don't know where you live.Samantha [00:08:45]:
I don't think I'm in a tent by a river.Lisa [00:08:47]:
Maybe you rent this place. Maybe in your mom's basement. I don't know.Samantha [00:08:52]:
I don't know where you. Yeah, that's it. I'm in my parents basement.Lisa [00:08:55]:
Right. I don't know where you live, but good for you. I'm glad. If nothing else, it probably needed to get done. Yes, right. Because I know you can. You like to. You like to hold on to stuff.Samantha [00:09:06]:
Well, we're not all a Gibson and if you haven't used it in three months, it gets thrown out.Lisa [00:09:11]:
Right. Because that's, that's how we live with less.Samantha [00:09:13]:
I don't have ADHD or odd or OCD or any of the Ds. I don't have any of the Ds.Lisa [00:09:19]:
You have no Ds?Samantha [00:09:20]:
I have no Ds. I also, there's nothing I. I don't give a either. So there's that too Did.Lisa [00:09:27]:
Because you decided to clean out your cabinet.Samantha [00:09:30]:
I don't give a what you think. Let's.Lisa [00:09:32]:
I don't care. I'm.Samantha [00:09:32]:
Let's just throw that phrase back into that.Lisa [00:09:35]:
I'm proud of you. Yay. Finally. Finally. Right? Remember a million years ago when you. When you took my advice and you did that with your closet? Like, hey, time to start purging, huh? Right? Because there's. There's a lot of sense in the Gibson way. I'm not.Lisa [00:09:51]:
And I don't take any. I don't take claim to it. Not. Not this Gibson is. Teaches.Samantha [00:09:57]:
You know what? That untapped market. You should write a book.Lisa [00:10:01]:
It's not my book to write.Samantha [00:10:02]:
I know what it's. Get Mike to write the book, and then we can, like, schlep it and make some money off of them.Lisa [00:10:09]:
But you know what? Let's talk about. I need to figure this out, because somebody's making a lot of money on cold foam. So I'm shaking my head at cold foam because what is it? Is it like whipped air, fancy milk, magical cloud of foam that makes you feel like all fancy when you're sipping on your overpriced coffee? What the hell is with cold foam?Samantha [00:10:30]:
It's cold and it's foam.Lisa [00:10:32]:
Why do I need that? Why do I want that? I want whipped cream.Samantha [00:10:35]:
It's just whipped milk, isn't it? It's whipped milk.Lisa [00:10:39]:
It's not because Coffee Mate makes one. Whipped it. Coffee Mate makes one.Samantha [00:10:43]:
So is it just sweet?Lisa [00:10:46]:
I don't know. Because if coffee. It's like. Sounds horrible.Samantha [00:10:52]:
It's cold and it's foam.Lisa [00:10:54]:
Because whipped milk becomes some sort of a whipped creamish type product, right?Samantha [00:11:01]:
Huh?Lisa [00:11:02]:
The cold foam. I saw a commercial and it was in a can. Looked like a whipped cream coffee on it.Samantha [00:11:11]:
Oh, so maybe it's like just like a lighter version of a whipped cream.Lisa [00:11:15]:
From the Coffee Mate company?Samantha [00:11:16]:
Yeah, sure. Why not?Lisa [00:11:18]:
Because that doesn't scream I'm an over abuse of calories right here.Samantha [00:11:24]:
Right?Lisa [00:11:25]:
Because coffee Mate has so many calories, which I love. That's why I love it.Samantha [00:11:28]:
Yes, I know. I know. I don't know, Lisa. You're asking the wrong person. I thought you do cold foam.Lisa [00:11:33]:
I thought you would know about cold foam.Samantha [00:11:35]:
No, I don't know anything about it, actually.Lisa [00:11:36]:
You know nothing about cold foam?Samantha [00:11:37]:
No, because I drink my coffee black with only cream.Lisa [00:11:41]:
Is that neat? If that was a whiskey, would you drink your whiskey neat?Samantha [00:11:46]:
Potentially.Lisa [00:11:47]:
Right. But you like. But you see, you wouldn't would have been in your hot chocolate. Would you put cold foam in it?Samantha [00:11:52]:
That would be weird because it's called hot chocolate.Lisa [00:11:56]:
I know, but it's a hot coffee that people are putting cold foam in.Samantha [00:11:59]:
But then maybe they want it to be tepid.Lisa [00:12:02]:
Now you gotta throw in a word like that that I don't even know. Right? Is that like, taint? Every episode. Every episode since that word was discovered, I fit it in there somehow.Samantha [00:12:17]:
Tepid is not taint.Lisa [00:12:19]:
Tepid is not.Samantha [00:12:20]:
Tepid is like. It's not warm. It's not cold. It's in the middle.Lisa [00:12:24]:
I don't know. I guess it's a question for the friends of the podcast. There has to be a million smarter people out here that listen to us than us.Samantha [00:12:29]:
Oh, God, I'm sure there is.Lisa [00:12:31]:
Must know about cold foam.Samantha [00:12:32]:
Yes.Lisa [00:12:33]:
Because I don't think we just. I don't think I just stumbled upon it for the first time. I don't think I'm the first person who saw this. This commercial.Samantha [00:12:40]:
I'm sure it's commercial. I'm sure you're not. But I can't wait for us to be in. In front of, like, I don't know, a crowd full of people and they're yelling the answers to us.Lisa [00:12:50]:
Right. We have automatic. Our live event comes with fact checkers. Right. We're like CNN that way.Samantha [00:12:59]:
Yeah, that'd be great.Lisa [00:13:01]:
We'll have somebody taking notes, and then somebody can research it. Sorry. There was. We've done the fact checking, and in the last 30 minutes, there was 722 non truths, also known as they made up on the fly.Samantha [00:13:16]:
We made up.Lisa [00:13:17]:
We made up. That's what it'll be.Samantha [00:13:18]:
I think it'll be great.Lisa [00:13:20]:
All right. Cold foam. I shake my head because nobody knows what the. You are.Samantha [00:13:23]:
Huh. That's too bad.Lisa [00:13:27]:
That's weird. It's weird.Samantha [00:13:29]:
I do have to confess something, though.Lisa [00:13:31]:
What? Like, this is, like, Sam's Confessions Day.Samantha [00:13:34]:
Yeah. Yeah, it is. So I. I have to shake my head at myself.Lisa [00:13:39]:
Okay.Samantha [00:13:39]:
Because I have the ability to walk around mumbling to myself, like, voices are talking to me in a grocery store. And I experienced this again over the weekend because I went shopping at Sobeys, keeping it Canadian. And I was, like, walking around going, oh, I can't. That's really expensive. And I'm, like, talking out loud. It was. It was a mumble. But if you were close, you would have heard me.Lisa [00:14:14]:
Somebody would have stopped and thought, who? What was that?Samantha [00:14:16]:
Who's she talking to?Lisa [00:14:18]:
Oh, that, that's scary. Hey. Because that means you're looking crazy to people. I know you're looking crazy to people.Samantha [00:14:24]:
But that is what happens to me when I go grocery shopping.Lisa [00:14:27]:
Well, stop talking to yourself, because I hate it.Samantha [00:14:30]:
And I, I, I like walk myself through the grocery store like this so that I can get through it and remember what I need.Lisa [00:14:38]:
Why are you not the person that gets your groceries delivered?Samantha [00:14:42]:
Because it's expensive.Lisa [00:14:46]:
What is it, 10 more bucks?Samantha [00:14:48]:
No. Well, and then you have to pay for the. It's just too expensive. But also, they don't always get what you need and they don't always pick the best of what you want, so.Lisa [00:14:58]:
Yeah, because. Because they're not you.Samantha [00:14:59]:
Right, right. So here I am, walking through the grocery store, mumbling to myself like a crazy person.Lisa [00:15:06]:
So you know what I find lately in my fifth year is that every time you talk to me, it sounds like you're mumbling to yourself.Samantha [00:15:14]:
No, it's not.Lisa [00:15:15]:
It's what it always sounds like.Samantha [00:15:16]:
That's because you're deaf.Lisa [00:15:18]:
I'm not deaf. I just have.Samantha [00:15:19]:
Yes, you're deaf.Lisa [00:15:20]:
Possibly a hearing impairment. I'm worried about it. Right.Samantha [00:15:27]:
Okay.Lisa [00:15:32]:
That's all right. Okay.Samantha [00:15:34]:
All right.Lisa [00:15:34]:
More one sided than the other. Remember when we were walking?Samantha [00:15:37]:
Yes.Lisa [00:15:37]:
I need you on this side so I can hear you better. Right. I feel my work might be starting to catch on because we were having lunch and I was at the far end of the table and everything that was said, I leaned forward, I'm like, what was that? What was that? And I'd be like, what? Right. Because I got no clue because I can't always hear.Samantha [00:15:58]:
Yeah. Okay.Lisa [00:16:00]:
I'm gonna be in a hearing aid soon, I think. Which isn't the worst thing. No, it's not the worst thing. There's worse things in life.Samantha [00:16:06]:
Yes.Lisa [00:16:07]:
You know, you know what I think might be one of the something a little bit worse? Your greeting on Friday, Friends of the podcast, you're well aware, unless this is your first time right now you're wondering, what is this friendship about? Right. You're like, God, they seem to bicker. That's. This is your first time. This is nothing. We just full out fight. However, last Friday, haven't seen. I hadn't seen you for almost two weeks.Lisa [00:16:34]:
Yeah, right. Walking to the car. This is what she says. Hello, chicken legs. So this is me, Samantha. This is coming from a place of positivity, because that might be. Hey, you got great looking legs. Not, hello, chicken legs.Lisa [00:16:59]:
And yes, I was in a pair of blue jeans that were skinny leg. Because that's my legs. Skinny. Please explain.Samantha [00:17:11]:
It's the first thing that popped into my head.Lisa [00:17:14]:
Right. And I get that. I totally get that. I have chicken legs. I do.Samantha [00:17:19]:
I. I am not as quick witted as Lisa, but when I got it.Lisa [00:17:23]:
I got it right. And I was just like, all right, Samantha, just take that one for the team.Samantha [00:17:34]:
Oh, really?Lisa [00:17:36]:
Right.Samantha [00:17:36]:
If you've never done stuff like that to me before, you know what?Lisa [00:17:40]:
I've gotten a lot better getting into.Samantha [00:17:41]:
My car and going, how's your green shirt?Lisa [00:17:46]:
Yeah. Well, because that time that shirt was really bad and great.Samantha [00:17:50]:
I really like that shirt.Lisa [00:17:51]:
Right. It was a bad shirt. No flowery one was that the one was all flower.Samantha [00:17:55]:
It was kind of flowery. Yeah. I really liked.Lisa [00:17:58]:
Was like, hello, Hawaii. Like aloha.Samantha [00:18:01]:
Yeah. But I liked it.Lisa [00:18:02]:
Yeah. Thing is, is that, you know what? Sometimes it's like I'm more about your hair and your. And, and, and your bangs and like that right. When you got your like dirty perm or your dirty. Your dirty claw. Whatever it is. Whatever.Samantha [00:18:14]:
You got my dirty claw.Lisa [00:18:16]:
I don't know what it is.Samantha [00:18:18]:
You're an.Lisa [00:18:19]:
I remember a couple weeks ago you said I had bedhead. That's my hairdo household. Right? That bed head. Yeah.Samantha [00:18:33]:
By the way, it wasn't coming from a place of positivity.Lisa [00:18:35]:
Always a place of positivity.Samantha [00:18:37]:
It was never from a place.Lisa [00:18:39]:
I know. Right? In my mind. That's where I put it though. I'm like, you know what? She. I know what she means. She means good legs.Samantha [00:18:46]:
You put it in whatever category you need to.Lisa [00:18:49]:
I'm just laying the law down, letting you know it was just simply making fun of you, which is fine. This is the moment I have a chance to do it right back. I'm gonna get you.Samantha [00:19:00]:
I know.Lisa [00:19:00]:
I feel like I'm just. I'm waiting. I'm just waiting. Just waiting.Samantha [00:19:04]:
Waiting.Lisa [00:19:05]:
Right.Samantha [00:19:06]:
I do have some good news though.Lisa [00:19:08]:
Okay. Yay.Samantha [00:19:10]:
Yeah. So I found out that frozen shoulder is not transferable. Thank God.Lisa [00:19:19]:
Why are you making this about you? This is not about you. This is my ailment. Not about you. Why are you stealing my thunder?Samantha [00:19:26]:
Because I went. I went to my massage therapist on Saturday. I told her that my best friend is getting frozen shoulder again. She's like, oh, that's not good. And I go, is it catching? Can I catch this from her?Lisa [00:19:39]:
Oh, my God.Samantha [00:19:39]:
We had it at the same time the last time and I didn't enjoy it then. And I really don't want to go back again. And she looked at me like I was nuts. And she's like. She's laughing and she's like, no, it's not transferable. I'm like, oh, thank God for that. Thank God for that.Lisa [00:19:54]:
You're so selfish. Because you know what? You're so selfish. You didn't ask, are there some exercises she can do? What? Why would this be happening? You didn't ask. 1. 1. Let's care about Lisa, only Sam. And that's kind of weird, right? Because that we are. It's Freaky Friday.Lisa [00:20:11]:
You and I, we're flipping personalities right now. Because I'm the selfish one in this friendship, not you.Samantha [00:20:17]:
I am. I am, like, all about. Because I hated having frozen shoulder.Lisa [00:20:21]:
Yeah, I know.Samantha [00:20:22]:
I had shoulders hurt like a son of a. And I want to keep my dexterity in my shoulders. I feel like I want to be able to put on my bra.Lisa [00:20:30]:
I feel that you copycatted me after I had mine. And then you got it, right? Copy.Samantha [00:20:35]:
After I broke my. I broke my ankle.Lisa [00:20:38]:
Mine happened after my heart attack, and I got it in both. But you know what? Interesting, right? Because I phoned my doctor and asked about it because I'm concerned. Speaking of, can't put your bra on, right? That's how, you know, you get. Friends of the podcast. This is how, you know Frozen shoulders attacking. If you are a put your bra on with your. We do it up at the back and you can't get it back there. Frozen shoulders coming to get you.Lisa [00:21:00]:
Yeah, that's what that means. Because now you got to start twisting it and putting it around or.Samantha [00:21:05]:
Or hear me out. Hear me out. Start buying bras that dupe on the front.Lisa [00:21:11]:
Okay. Hi. Yeah, hi. I'm gonna have 75 clips, right? I'm late for work because my bro, I'm doing up my clip on my front clothes. Your bra.Samantha [00:21:31]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:21:32]:
Right. Sorry, I. Sorry I'm late for work today. Oh, reason just only on clip 32.Samantha [00:21:40]:
Because I'm a large chested woman.Lisa [00:21:42]:
Large busted woman. You can take your front closure bra and shove it up your ass, Samantha.Samantha [00:21:49]:
Okay, but what if. What. You know what? Like, maybe you missed an opportunity when that one doctor offered you a. A breast reduction.Lisa [00:21:57]:
I totally did.Samantha [00:21:58]:
For free. Because what if your. Your sagging boobs of 55 is years old are causing the issues with your shoulder?Lisa [00:22:06]:
I don't know. They always say that it's going to hurt your back, right? I have zero back pain and I went through so much Grief after surgery and not healing an infection. I'm like, I couldn't in good conscience just be like, yes, sign me up for another surgery now. Like, so I asked my doctor about it, right? That it's rare. It's rare to get it in the same shoulder twice.Samantha [00:22:29]:
Huh?Lisa [00:22:30]:
Guess who's a little bit rare.Samantha [00:22:32]:
Oh, God.Lisa [00:22:33]:
I got the rare blood. I had a rare heart attack at 55. At 50. Lots of rareness in my life.Samantha [00:22:40]:
So basically, the story that I'm telling is, I'm gonna be okay. Lisa can't give it to me.Lisa [00:22:46]:
Right. Which is good because we shouldn't have it both at the same time. Because I'm gonna need you to help me with my coat. I'm gonna need you to help me with all the stuff. I'm. I be able to put my coat back on again.Samantha [00:22:56]:
God, can you please just go get some cortisone shots?Lisa [00:22:59]:
Well, but I'm going to make you suffer through it first.Samantha [00:23:02]:
I don't think you want to suffer. It's pain.Lisa [00:23:04]:
Oh, no. I'm going to make you suffer through it.Samantha [00:23:06]:
No, I don't want to.Lisa [00:23:07]:
I. I need to get my coat on.Samantha [00:23:09]:
I'm going to stop helping.Lisa [00:23:10]:
Really? So when it's minus 30 and I have to get my winter coat on, I'm only going out with one arm on. Nice.Samantha [00:23:16]:
Because I'm going to force you to go get the cortiso shots.Lisa [00:23:19]:
You're not the boss of my doctor.Samantha [00:23:22]:
And. But yet I am.Lisa [00:23:23]:
But yet you're not.Samantha [00:23:24]:
And yet I am.Lisa [00:23:25]:
Yet. How about just be a good friend and help out a friend? How about a bud? How about a pal?Samantha [00:23:31]:
It seems like work.Lisa [00:23:32]:
I'm sure I helped you.Samantha [00:23:35]:
No, you didn't.Lisa [00:23:37]:
Well, I would. I wanted to. I probably wanted to help you. I think it was Covid.Samantha [00:23:42]:
Was it?Lisa [00:23:43]:
Yeah. I couldn't help you. Right. So you had to suffer on your own. Sorry we're so off track. Welcome to the two hour podcast. If I shake my head with Lisa and Sam. Right? Podcast gone awry.Samantha [00:23:58]:
No, it's. It's just where it needs to be, Lisa.Lisa [00:24:01]:
Well, it doesn't matter. It just is what it is. Right? If we're laughing and having fun, it can go longer.Samantha [00:24:06]:
All right, move along, sister.Lisa [00:24:09]:
All right. I want to talk about. I just, you know, I just want to. About you tonight. Actually.Samantha [00:24:13]:
No, I don't think you should.Lisa [00:24:14]:
Yeah, because you know what? Friends of the podcast. I got a drippy nose, which I'm not quite sure why. Here's the issue. Okay. I'm trying to broaden my horizons, try new things and. But I don't want to go all in, right? Because I don't want to take the chance, say I don't like it, blah, blah, blah. So Sam orders sushi.Samantha [00:24:39]:
Uh huh. Sushi tacos.Lisa [00:24:41]:
Sushi tacos.Samantha [00:24:42]:
And these really cool wagyu beef.Lisa [00:24:46]:
Those, we talked about those. That's old news, right? That's cold stir fry in a. In a square.Samantha [00:24:52]:
But they're delightful.Lisa [00:24:53]:
They were delightful for sure. Right, so these sushi tacos, right? So it's a cooked prawn, which to me, that's a shrimp. I can do a shrimp. And it's deep fried. That's not too bad. I don't know the other shit that's in it, but it's served on this paper, which I guess makes it sushi. I guess. Is that what makes it sushi? Is the paper?Samantha [00:25:13]:
Potentially.Lisa [00:25:14]:
Okay, so she says, here, give it a try.Samantha [00:25:19]:
Huh?Lisa [00:25:19]:
I take.Samantha [00:25:20]:
No, you asked to try it.Lisa [00:25:22]:
Okay, fine, I asked.Samantha [00:25:23]:
I never offered. I don't offer my. Let's lay it out, Lisa. I don't offer people my food because it's my food.Lisa [00:25:31]:
I know, right? And she's.Samantha [00:25:32]:
You wanted it, you should have got it yourself.Lisa [00:25:34]:
But I didn't want to try it because what if I don't like it?Samantha [00:25:37]:
I don't like. I don't like sharing food with you. I know, because all of a sudden my food is your food, which is what happened on Friday because you ate an entire taco.Lisa [00:25:47]:
Because I liked it.Samantha [00:25:48]:
Yeah. And you were just going to keep eating and keep eating. I had to like, block my food.Lisa [00:25:53]:
I feel that your food offers are a trap. It's like. It's like I start eating and enjoying it and then you yank it away like you're a magician or something. Like it's a magic trick gone. Poof, gone.Samantha [00:26:05]:
Because it's mine.Lisa [00:26:06]:
I know, but don't like if I'm enjoying it. Why would you take that away from somebody?Samantha [00:26:12]:
Because if you wanted it and you liked it, you should order it for yourself. But you took salmon that day.Lisa [00:26:19]:
No, I did because I didn't know that I was gonna like sushi as much as I did. And my friends at work say, still not sushi.Samantha [00:26:27]:
It isn't sushi?Lisa [00:26:29]:
No, not sushi.Samantha [00:26:30]:
Sushi is raw.Lisa [00:26:31]:
Yeah. I think they're not going to be happy till I'm eating raw fish, which I will not be doing.Samantha [00:26:37]:
They should just be excited. You actually tried something new on a weird paper.Lisa [00:26:42]:
It's Just a paper. It's like eating a piece of paper. Yeah.Samantha [00:26:45]:
Then you. And then you made me feel bad for ordering those two items, which I was really excited for. Then you ate half of it.Lisa [00:26:54]:
I ate one.Samantha [00:26:55]:
Ate half of it.Lisa [00:26:56]:
I didn't eat half of anything.Samantha [00:26:58]:
I ate stuff, too.Lisa [00:27:00]:
I had one. Because you said you couldn't. Because you said you couldn't eat them all.Samantha [00:27:08]:
Now, you always like whatever is on somebody else's plate.Lisa [00:27:12]:
Always. That's my favorite dish. Is yours.Samantha [00:27:14]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:27:15]:
And that, like, the order is what, some. What is what everybody else is having. Yeah.Samantha [00:27:20]:
And the only dish that you don't take that you used to never eat for mine it was because it had mushroom risotto in it was the chicken parm.Lisa [00:27:27]:
Yeah. Well, too bad they snatched that away from you, didn't they?Samantha [00:27:30]:
They did.Lisa [00:27:31]:
Sometimes I just want to try. And I know you don't like people trying your things. Right. But I feel you've done better because now you'll share a water in a pinch. Right? I.Samantha [00:27:39]:
No, I still hate that. No, no, I need to go on record. I still hate that. But then you've guilted me enough times to make it feel like I should just be doing it. And I don't understand why. Because I don't want your germs. So I don't understand why I have to share my drink or share my food because it's mine. Remember your banana lip chat? This comes back to my childhood, obviously, where my stuff was never just my stuff.Samantha [00:28:07]:
It was everybody's Right. You know what? No, not in my. Go get your own water. Go get your own sushi tacos.Lisa [00:28:14]:
No, but remember. And then sometimes I borrow your lip chap.Samantha [00:28:17]:
Oh, God, no.Lisa [00:28:18]:
So you've done really well.Samantha [00:28:20]:
You know, I believe I've given you my job after that because I refuse to share you.Lisa [00:28:28]:
Never.Samantha [00:28:28]:
You and Michelle are disgusting. You'll share everything.Lisa [00:28:31]:
And I just gave in. I gave it. I started off hardcore and then I just gave in to the hhg. Oh, right.Samantha [00:28:38]:
I can't. I'm sorry. That is just a big no for me.Lisa [00:28:42]:
But you're good with water.Samantha [00:28:44]:
No, I'm not, actually.Lisa [00:28:45]:
You might not like it, but you. But you're okay.Samantha [00:28:47]:
No, I'm not okay with it.Lisa [00:28:49]:
But you seem to go, I'm never okay with it.Samantha [00:28:51]:
Lisa.Lisa [00:28:51]:
That's fine. But you're okay enough for me to do it.Samantha [00:28:54]:
I would not. I would stop saying okay.Lisa [00:28:57]:
You can't say no. I. Because I'm just going to go, okay.Samantha [00:29:00]:
No.Lisa [00:29:01]:
Yes.Samantha [00:29:02]:
No, in that sentence, Sam is never okay with it.Lisa [00:29:05]:
You're okay enough.Samantha [00:29:07]:
No, I'm not.Lisa [00:29:08]:
Yes, you're okay enough that you don't.Samantha [00:29:09]:
Want me to, you should say, sam will let me.Lisa [00:29:12]:
Sam lets me. That sounds better. Sam lets me.Samantha [00:29:17]:
Sam lets me drink or drink begrudgingly.Lisa [00:29:20]:
You can't add that. We're not adding. We're not throwing that in. Yes, we are. No, we won't.Samantha [00:29:27]:
Oh, my God. Okay, whatever. I'm just. I'm over this, and I'm over you, and I hate sharing food.Lisa [00:29:34]:
Fine.Samantha [00:29:35]:
Fine.Lisa [00:29:36]:
But still gonna happen.Samantha [00:29:37]:
Yeah, I know.Lisa [00:29:38]:
Okay.Samantha [00:29:39]:
Okay. What about the Super Bowl, Lisa?Lisa [00:29:42]:
Oh, worst game ever. Eagles ever. You know what? Like, you are. You're like a bit of a. Of a. Of a hypocrite, right?Samantha [00:29:50]:
You're not a hypocrite. Here you are.Lisa [00:29:51]:
You're like all Travis Kelce all year long. He's my guy. He's my guy. He's my guy. And then minute your boyfriend's team's in, you're like, oh, team John. Team John.Samantha [00:30:02]:
He's my guy. For fantasy football.Lisa [00:30:04]:
He was your guy last year when they got together, he was your guy. I love the tr. I love the Kelces.Samantha [00:30:11]:
If Jason was playing for the Eagles, that I would have been cheering even harder.Lisa [00:30:15]:
No, right? It's fine. The Eagles won, right? Kansas City didn't show. Didn't show up. Blah, blah.Samantha [00:30:19]:
Oh, God. No, they.Lisa [00:30:20]:
We know how it. We. How it went down.Samantha [00:30:23]:
Are you sure? Let's recap.Lisa [00:30:25]:
We don't need to recap it.Samantha [00:30:26]:
I think we should.Lisa [00:30:27]:
Now you're. Now you're the sports expert. The fig fan has trans. Good. Because spring training starts next week.Samantha [00:30:33]:
I feel like for you to be.Lisa [00:30:35]:
Excited about that with baseball.Samantha [00:30:37]:
No, I'm not. I hate baseball. So boring. But at the super bowl, everybody knows Taylor got booed.Lisa [00:30:50]:
She got booed.Samantha [00:30:51]:
Booed. And the POTUS made fun of her.Lisa [00:30:54]:
You know what?Samantha [00:30:54]:
In a tweet, I think.Lisa [00:30:56]:
I think that the last person that should ever be booed right now is Taylor Swift. I know, right? Like. Like, she's amazing. All the things that she's done for the NFL, all the things she's done for football, all the things she's done for young kids, dads and kids, and blah, blah, blah. Like, come on.Samantha [00:31:14]:
I know.Lisa [00:31:14]:
I know you want to boost something.Samantha [00:31:16]:
I think they were booing her because she was representing, like, the Chiefs. I don't think they were booing her because she was Taylor Swift.Lisa [00:31:23]:
I don't know.Samantha [00:31:24]:
I don't feel like that's what.Lisa [00:31:26]:
I don't know. It's hard to say. You know what? You want to boo something? Let's boo the halftime show. The most unanticipated thing ever. It was like, waiting for the plot twist that never came. Right. Like, it was totally, like waiting and waiting and waiting.Samantha [00:31:39]:
Some people really loved it. And some people. Some people did not.Lisa [00:31:43]:
Okay, what was your favorite part about? It ended.Samantha [00:31:49]:
I didn't really watch it, if I'm being honest.Lisa [00:31:51]:
Right. I went and had a shower at the halftime. I'm like, first off, I don't know him.Samantha [00:31:57]:
I. Yeah, unfortunately, I. I'm not very familiar with Kendrick.Lisa [00:32:00]:
Right. And I didn't like. I mean, I. Now that they pointed out some things. Okay, I get it, but I don't get it. I don't get it enough. Right. I just don't get it enough.Lisa [00:32:10]:
Like, I just thought, like, I feel.Samantha [00:32:13]:
Like the Gen Xers of the world were very disappointed that it didn't have a little more often circumstance to it.Lisa [00:32:20]:
Right. And just like, a little bit. Yeah, I think. I think. I think we're still looking for something bigger.Samantha [00:32:25]:
Yeah, right.Lisa [00:32:26]:
Than what? Than what they delivered.Samantha [00:32:28]:
Right.Lisa [00:32:28]:
Like, even sing along to it, like, at least a couple years ago when there was Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg and Eminem. Right. Okay. That's fun. Everybody knows the songs.Samantha [00:32:39]:
JLo sang Shakira sing that. Yeah.Lisa [00:32:43]:
Her hips didn't lie.Samantha [00:32:44]:
Let's get loud.Lisa [00:32:46]:
Whoever would have thought, in my opinion only, that this super bowl would make Chris Martin's super bowl exciting.Samantha [00:32:54]:
Oh, my God, Chris.Lisa [00:32:55]:
Because that was really bad, right? Really bad. Really bad. But not in comparison, actually was okay. Right? You know?Samantha [00:33:04]:
Oh, no.Lisa [00:33:06]:
Who would have thought? I don't know. And I don't know. I don't know. Like, I. I don't know what the demographic breakdown is for the NFL. I'm assuming that they did their research and it must be, I don't know, 20 somethings.Samantha [00:33:19]:
I think so.Lisa [00:33:20]:
Although most of the people I know that watch the game were way past 20 something, so. I don't know. I don't know, Samantha. I didn't get it. I didn't get it. But it's over. And now we move on to baseball and exciting. Right.Lisa [00:33:34]:
Our friend Tina, she's a baseball fan too, right. I think Houston, I think, is her team. And they probably will do better than my team, but that's okay. Well, who's our team, Samantha? Who's our team?Samantha [00:33:46]:
Blue Jays.Lisa [00:33:46]:
Blue Jays. That's our team. That's our team. That's right.Samantha [00:33:49]:
Go, birds.Lisa [00:33:50]:
Go. No, don't say go, birds. Because that sounds like, you know, you can say go, birds, but kind of sounds like the eagles. Eagles, Right. So I don't really like that right now. Okay. Just saying. Okay, I gotta touch on this.Lisa [00:34:02]:
I gotta touch on kids hoarding dishes in their bedrooms.Samantha [00:34:08]:
Oh, God.Lisa [00:34:09]:
Like. Like, let's be honest. Right? Like, when we were kids, and I know it was a long time ago, Gen X days. Right. Dishes didn't even get past the kitchen.Samantha [00:34:17]:
No.Lisa [00:34:18]:
Dishes never ever ventured into your bedroom.Samantha [00:34:22]:
That was a big no. No.Lisa [00:34:23]:
It was like, our parents knew if they go there, they're never coming back out. Right. How did that lesson get lost? How did it not translate to today?Samantha [00:34:31]:
Oh, that's true.Lisa [00:34:33]:
I saw my nephew's bedroom. He had. I would have had to make two trips to bring up his dishes. Andy. Lisa's not working that hard for him.Samantha [00:34:42]:
No.Lisa [00:34:43]:
Not doing it right. I'm just like, what is with that?Samantha [00:34:48]:
Mm.Lisa [00:34:49]:
Right. Like, did you take your dishes downstairs, like, to your bedroom or wherever your bedroom was?Samantha [00:34:54]:
No. My parents didn't appreciate us eating in our rooms.Lisa [00:34:57]:
No. Because it's kind of nasty.Samantha [00:34:59]:
Well, and then things can happen, like bugs, ants.Lisa [00:35:03]:
Right. The whole bit. Right. Chances are, if you have bugs in your home, it's because there's a kid and their dishes. Right. Like, it's. It's probably not from mom and dad.Samantha [00:35:13]:
It is probably not. But, I mean, I'm sure it happened. In our generation, there was teenagers who took their to their room and never brought me back out.Lisa [00:35:24]:
Maybe, like, we maybe had cups. Maybe. I don't know. I don't think we did. I feel Wendy McIntyre would have been all over that. Hey.Samantha [00:35:33]:
Oh, Sheila would have been all over that. You're cleaning your room.Lisa [00:35:36]:
Right. There's 32 cups in this house, and right now I can only find 30. Right. Like, she would know. My mom would have known. There's two. Am I going to go in your room and find two? No.Samantha [00:35:47]:
Right.Lisa [00:35:47]:
Are you sure? I'm not positive. Not under the bed. Okay. Maybe under the bed. Right. Busted. Right. Just seems like a weird thing how kids just do that because it's so easy to just bring them back out.Lisa [00:36:00]:
So what are they afraid of? Are they afraid of putting them in the dishwasher?Samantha [00:36:04]:
Are they just lazy and they forget.Lisa [00:36:06]:
And they walking out of their bedroom a hundred times a day to just go back and forth to the kitchen? Because what else do they do? They just literally go to the kitchen.Samantha [00:36:16]:
I think That's a telltale sign of how their apartment would look if they were on their own.Lisa [00:36:22]:
Right, Right. Things like that are scary to me.Samantha [00:36:26]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:36:27]:
You know, like, we gotta. We gotta teach these kids to have cleanliness.Samantha [00:36:31]:
Cleanliness.Lisa [00:36:32]:
You gotta be a little bit clean.Samantha [00:36:33]:
Hey, I've never been so excited to have a dishwasher in my 50 years of 50 plus years.Lisa [00:36:40]:
We have one and we're excited for it, but we don't use it.Samantha [00:36:43]:
Yeah, I think you should.Lisa [00:36:44]:
We're not going to. We're fine just cleaning our dishes as we go. Right. But it's like. It's like, I know the kids. The kids nowadays, too. They'll empty the garbage, but they won't put a garbage bag back in.Samantha [00:36:57]:
Why?Lisa [00:36:58]:
I don't know. Extra step, I guess.Samantha [00:37:00]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:37:01]:
Yeah. Like. And I know we were kids, so I don't want to rag on kids because we were kids and we did. Stupid, I'm sure. Right. However. However seems different. It seems different, Samantha.Lisa [00:37:14]:
I know.Samantha [00:37:15]:
It just hits different, Lisa, when you're old.Lisa [00:37:17]:
It's different at 55. Right? It's different. And then I feel. Then my sister's saying, kate, hi. Don't say anything to him. Negative. Because. Because.Lisa [00:37:28]:
Because he thinks sometimes you just get on his case. Because I do. You should think it. Because I do. And I did. Because I don't understand it.Samantha [00:37:39]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:37:40]:
Right? I go with the every intention to bite my lip, but sometimes it's hard. It's hard as an. It's hard as an aunt, you know, like if you're around your nephew and your niece. Right. And somebody acts up or does some stupid. How do you just expect us with no kids, to not comment?Samantha [00:37:57]:
I know. I comment.Lisa [00:37:59]:
I comment. Of course we're gonna comment. We're old enough now to comment.Samantha [00:38:02]:
It doesn't always land well, though.Lisa [00:38:04]:
I don't think it ever lands well with anybody. Right. The parents aren't happy because. Mind's business.Samantha [00:38:09]:
Yep.Lisa [00:38:10]:
The kid's not happy. Mind your business. Whatever is what it is.Samantha [00:38:15]:
It is what it is. Yeah.Lisa [00:38:17]:
It is what it is, Samantha.Samantha [00:38:19]:
So, Lisa, I think we need to revisit the saucy book debate.Lisa [00:38:23]:
Why? Why do we. Why must we go there again?Samantha [00:38:26]:
Because I believe that people were not as shocked about it as you thought that they would be. People on my side about saucy books, apparently.Lisa [00:38:36]:
People on your side about saucy books. Lots of commentary on the YouTube about your saucy books.Samantha [00:38:45]:
Lady had a library.Lisa [00:38:47]:
Lady has a library. We have a friend of the podcast. She's got a library.Samantha [00:38:51]:
67 years old, she goes, I got a library. And I'm like, I applaud your library of saucy books.Lisa [00:38:56]:
Right? I do not applaud your library. This is my final thought on the saucy book on the open door topic. Right? Who knew we had so many peeping Toms in the world? Right? Because that's what you're doing, essentially. You're peeping in on somebody's business.Samantha [00:39:13]:
Somebody wrote it, Lisa. Yeah, you to read it.Lisa [00:39:16]:
Yeah, but. But that's technically what you're doing, Right? So if I'm in my room, man, doing my business, I don't need you reading about it or thinking about. I don't need you about your own business. Why you gotta think about somebody else's business?Samantha [00:39:31]:
Let's just think about your niece reading these books.Lisa [00:39:34]:
Right? It was stressful enough.Samantha [00:39:37]:
Right?Lisa [00:39:38]:
It was stressful enough.Samantha [00:39:40]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:39:41]:
Right? Her answer.Samantha [00:39:43]:
You just need to stop being such a prude.Lisa [00:39:46]:
You know what? I'm gonna stay a prude. I guess. Apparently, I never really thought I was a prude until this topic came up. Right? Don't get me wrong. I didn't think I was super crazy. I didn't think. I just thought I was, like, straight and narrow, like everybody, you know, I always. In my mind, nobody cares because we're all doing the same thing, apparently.Lisa [00:40:03]:
No, apparently not really. Not actually. And I've said that for years in conversation. Right. Why do people care about who you sleep with? Why what you do in your bedroom? Technically, we're probably all doing the same thing. Oh, no. Spoiler alert. We're not all doing the same thing, Lisa.Samantha [00:40:20]:
You've led a sheltered life.Lisa [00:40:23]:
I'm gonna keep in my shelter. I'm just gonna stay there. Right? That's where I feel I need to be.Samantha [00:40:28]:
That's a good idea.Lisa [00:40:29]:
I don't. I don't feel comfortable. Right. Okay, Guess what we did. We got. We got a new pvr. I guess our other man. I guess our other woman was on the fritz, huh? So Mike bought Mike.Lisa [00:40:42]:
Or he got two new PVRs, like, through. Through whoever our cable provider is. Oh, my God. Netflix. Now, when I go to Netflix, remember how before Friends of the Podcast, I bitched about Netflix? For eight years, I would go to Netflix. Wait and wait and wait and wait. Who's watching Netflix? Wait and wait and wait and wait. And it was like such a long, drawn out process.Lisa [00:41:04]:
I didn't have time to get to the show. I'm like, I. I'VE already lost interest now with the new PBR. Samantha. Netflix. Bang, boom there. So quick. I watched O.J.Samantha [00:41:15]:
Oh, really?Lisa [00:41:17]:
It was. It's really good.Samantha [00:41:19]:
Huh?Lisa [00:41:20]:
I've been telling everybody it's really good because it's all about. It's all interviews with the people who actually solved that case. Right.Samantha [00:41:27]:
But did they solve it?Lisa [00:41:29]:
Not. It's not their fault. Right. It's they, they talk about all the evidence that was never, ever presented in court. Oh, it's really interesting. Friends, the podcast, I'm going to. I'm going to suggest a Netflix show for you to watch. And it's not about chess or about.Lisa [00:41:47]:
Or about British tennis or what's anything else that they do. It's about a murder and it's about a murderer who got away with murder. And it walks you through it and it tells you how and why.Samantha [00:42:01]:
Oh my God.Lisa [00:42:02]:
And totally. It is. It was, it was only four episodes, so perfect length for me. All shows should be four episodes.Samantha [00:42:10]:
It was, you know, what you doing? That is like the, the meme that I saw. The quote that says, I'm gonna stop watching news and go to Netflix and watch serial killer show.Lisa [00:42:24]:
Exactly.Samantha [00:42:25]:
I'm gonna go calm down with some serial killer stuff.Lisa [00:42:27]:
Totally. Right. Because that's all I'm interested in is killing. Right. 100. And this is a good killing one.Samantha [00:42:33]:
You know what, speaking of that, I, for some reason when I feel like I need to have a calming moment, I go and find YouTube clips of people who go outdoors and like build like shelters in the woods.Lisa [00:42:50]:
That's your calm?Samantha [00:42:51]:
Yeah. There's like a guy from alaska who's their YouTube channel is called Outdoor Boys and he goes and does some weird. And he's always like building stuff out of wood and shelters and like that. And for some reason it's calming because I realized that if all goes to. I've watched enough of these videos that.Lisa [00:43:09]:
I can go, you can build something. Right.Samantha [00:43:13]:
Myself a shelter.Lisa [00:43:14]:
And I feel if all goes to, I could probably figure out how to get out of a murder. I could probably work my way. I feel I can work around it.Samantha [00:43:23]:
Oh my God.Lisa [00:43:24]:
If there's somebody who can talk their way through it, it was probably, I think I could probably fig it out.Samantha [00:43:28]:
You probably could.Lisa [00:43:30]:
Right?Samantha [00:43:30]:
Which is really scary.Lisa [00:43:32]:
Really good. Friends of the podcast, if you've watched the O.J. simpson one, let me know. Send us a message. God forbid. Send us a voicemail.Samantha [00:43:39]:
Oh, yes. On our website.Lisa [00:43:41]:
On our website, there's a microphone at the bottom right hand corner.Samantha [00:43:45]:
I shake my head. [00:43:47]:
Just hit it. Send us a. It's like. It's like chirping on our website. Samantha, I don't mean to rant about it right now, but it's chirping, right? We want. Okay, O.J. simpson. Okay, go.Lisa [00:44:00]:
Watch it.Samantha [00:44:02]:
You know the phrase, you haven't changed a bit and you're looking good for your age.Lisa [00:44:06]:
Totally.Samantha [00:44:07]:
Compliments or not.Lisa [00:44:09]:
Oh, tough. Hey, slippery slope. Like. Like, I think at first you're happy to hear them, right? Like if somebody says, oh, my God, you haven't changed a bit, I'm. I'm happy. I think that that's a testament to my personality to. To. To my character.Lisa [00:44:24]:
And then as I walk away, I'm like, huh, I knew you in high school. I'd like to think I've changed quite a bit. But maybe what they're complimenting me on hasn't changed. Maybe the makeup of me hasn't changed.Samantha [00:44:40]:
Maybe.Lisa [00:44:41]:
So then maybe I'm okay with it. I don't love the. You look good for your age.Samantha [00:44:46]:
That's rude.Lisa [00:44:48]:
I think it's rude, right?Samantha [00:44:49]:
You should just say, you look great.Lisa [00:44:50]:
You look good. Right? You got chicken legs.Samantha [00:44:53]:
Hey, chicken legs.Lisa [00:44:54]:
Hey, chicken legs. As opposed to, hey, great legs. Right. I find that kind of rude and not a compliment. As opposed to, hey, great leg. Complimentary. Not to rehash.Samantha [00:45:07]:
Never gonna.Lisa [00:45:08]:
Never gonna happen. But that's my thing, I think, with those two phrases. I think. I think they're meant well. I think. I don't. I. You think.Lisa [00:45:16]:
I don't think they come premeditated.Samantha [00:45:17]:
I. Are you sure?Lisa [00:45:20]:
I don't think so. Do you think that they do?Samantha [00:45:22]:
I feel like you haven't changed a bit. Is teetering. I think when you say you're looking good for your age is downright. You should have thought before you spoke.Lisa [00:45:32]:
But okay. I said. I said to Mike on the weekend they showed a picture of Martha Stewart, and I said, she looks great for her age. And then I said, She's 80.Samantha [00:45:40]:
Can you just say she looks good?Lisa [00:45:43]:
No, because I think she looks good for 80, because 80 is different. I think she looks good for 80.Samantha [00:45:51]:
So is. Is that phrase not good up until.Lisa [00:45:55]:
You'Re 80, maybe 75? No, I'm not say 80. I'm gonna say 80. I think once that you get to 80, you can say you look good for your age.Samantha [00:46:02]:
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're still alive, right?Lisa [00:46:06]:
Like that type of thing, right? Totally. Because Martha Stewart looks really good for her age.Samantha [00:46:10]:
Oh, that woman's gonna live till she's 120.Lisa [00:46:13]:
Right. And. And I, I don't think that that's offensive. I think if you've lived that long, you can say you look good for your age.Samantha [00:46:19]:
Yeah. And she's rebuilt her. Her empire.Lisa [00:46:22]:
And I think at 55, I don't know if I'm jumping up and down at that phrase.Samantha [00:46:27]:
I'm not. I am not.Lisa [00:46:29]:
Although if I. Although, maybe I am. Because if somebody says to me, you look good for your age, maybe I think I look like. Does that mean I look like I'm 40?Samantha [00:46:37]:
I don't know.Lisa [00:46:38]:
I look younger than I should.Samantha [00:46:40]:
Maybe.Lisa [00:46:41]:
Are they commenting on my bed head?Samantha [00:46:44]:
Potentially.Lisa [00:46:45]:
Maybe it's that, too.Samantha [00:46:46]:
It's maybe that, Lisa.Lisa [00:46:47]:
It could be that. Right.Samantha [00:46:49]:
And maybe when they're saying you haven't changed a bit, is they're saying that you're still a child.Lisa [00:46:53]:
Maybe. And maybe I have a childlike personality. Totally do. Right. And I embrace it. Thank you very much.Samantha [00:47:00]:
Which matches your childlike look.Lisa [00:47:02]:
Right. My youthful appearance. I'm not ashamed of my youthful appearance. You know, I think. And probably a little more youthful looking than you.Samantha [00:47:13]:
Sure.Lisa [00:47:14]:
Right. But. But you're wearing it well. How about that? You're wearing it well. 56 looks good on you. Is that. How is that? Caus that positive? When you turn 57, I'm going to say that 57 looks good on you, Samantha.Samantha [00:47:30]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:47:30]:
You're going to be 57 next year. Holy.Samantha [00:47:32]:
I am going to be 57.Lisa [00:47:34]:
Like, that's like three years from 60.Samantha [00:47:37]:
Thank you.Lisa [00:47:37]:
Yeah. That's old. Like 60 to me. Sounds old now.Samantha [00:47:41]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:47:42]:
Yeah, right. It sounds old. Okay. But you know what? This is. Speaking of old.Samantha [00:47:45]:
Okay.Lisa [00:47:46]:
My boss sent me a picture a few weeks back. They were going through some old cabinets. I don't know if it was her parents or her husband's parents. Some old food cabinets. Right. And her question was, when is food too old? She sent a picture of a can of black olives dated from 2012. Too old?Samantha [00:48:09]:
Yes.Lisa [00:48:12]:
Would you ever in a million years think of cracking that can open?Samantha [00:48:15]:
No.Lisa [00:48:16]:
Never.Samantha [00:48:17]:
No.Lisa [00:48:18]:
What about if we didn't have all these, all this attention around due dates, like, say, 10, 20 years ago, we probably would have cracked that open and thought, oh, good. Hey, we got olives.Samantha [00:48:29]:
No.Lisa [00:48:30]:
You don't think you would have looked at the bottom? Yeah. Have you always looked at the bottom? Have you always looked at. Checked your canned goods?Samantha [00:48:37]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:48:38]:
You've checked your canned goods all the time. Did your mom check her Canned goods. Sure. You don't know for sure?Samantha [00:48:45]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:48:46]:
You think so? Yeah, because they didn't always probably have expiry dates.Samantha [00:48:50]:
Okay, so the woman who screams expiry dates.Lisa [00:48:54]:
Well, hi.Samantha [00:48:55]:
At the top of her lungs.Lisa [00:48:56]:
Yeah, that's me.Samantha [00:48:58]:
You would eat the olives dated from 2012?Lisa [00:49:01]:
I wouldn't eat. Number one, I wouldn't eat olives. Number two, I wouldn't eat olives from yesterday in a can. Dated yesterday. Too old. Too old for olives in a can. Right.Samantha [00:49:13]:
I think that that is way too old for food. And I don't care if it's canned or not, it's still not good.Lisa [00:49:19]:
Because I bet you it still probably is good.Samantha [00:49:21]:
I'm gonna blur, like, what are olives?Lisa [00:49:24]:
But, like, what? Like, how bad can it all look?Samantha [00:49:27]:
They probably have lost their taste. There probably is. And they're maybe potentially like, like, slimier. Slimy or mushy?Lisa [00:49:34]:
Ew. Maybe mushy, right?Samantha [00:49:35]:
Yeah, like, that's not good for you.Lisa [00:49:37]:
I don't know. We go through our. We go through our fridge and, like, check, like, barbecue sauces all the time.Samantha [00:49:42]:
Yes, I'm sure you just do.Lisa [00:49:43]:
Told me. Mike just told me the other day, like, maybe I could do some checking because he seems to have barbecue sauces. Right. I'm like, I don't pay I sauces. I don't really fridge. Like. Like main things I pay attention to. I think he pays attention to the other things I see.Lisa [00:49:59]:
Right. 50. 50. Like that. That's what we do, right? Yeah. So, okay, so. So 2012. So, like 15 year.Lisa [00:50:07]:
2012. How many years is that? Like, is that 10 years?Samantha [00:50:10]:
It's like 13.Lisa [00:50:12]:
That's too old.Samantha [00:50:13]:
That's 13 years.Lisa [00:50:15]:
That's too old. But I love the fact that my boss was doing that, that she knew that we would appreciate that.Samantha [00:50:20]:
Thanks for sharing.Lisa [00:50:22]:
Thank you.Samantha [00:50:25]:
All right, so I keep seeing on Instagram and Tick Tock videos about crocheting. Everybody's into these, like, crochet animals and like, that your butt is this world trying to tell me, like, that I need a hobby or that I'm just getting old and I will appreciate a crocheted animal.Lisa [00:50:42]:
It's on trend. Crochet everywhere. Crocheting. Crocheted is on trend. You crochet some and put it someplace. It's on trend.Samantha [00:50:53]:
I gotta tell my mom. She's a crochet. Like, she knows how to crochet, but it can't knit. But she crochet.Lisa [00:50:59]:
But people don't just want, like. Like a. Something Like, I don't want a scarf. Like, they want like. Like a bumblebee or a mushroom or like a pot holder or like a. Like. Like. Like that.Lisa [00:51:08]:
They want. That sort of stuff is what's on trend. Yeah. So I don't know. Do you want. You want to take up crocheting?Samantha [00:51:14]:
No.Lisa [00:51:15]:
No. Again, another thing we don't do.Samantha [00:51:19]:
Led you down the path.Lisa [00:51:21]:
Right. I'm so excited because my niece is. She crochets that. I thought, I bet you could crochet.Samantha [00:51:29]:
I will never crochet.Lisa [00:51:31]:
Why won't you crochet?Samantha [00:51:32]:
I might knit.Lisa [00:51:33]:
I think crocheting is easier.Samantha [00:51:35]:
I think you can get big knitting needles, and you can, like, knit big blankets and stuff.Lisa [00:51:39]:
You're gonna go to. You're not gonna ever knit a blanket. You might knit a stitch. I remember one time my sister made my dad a pair of mittens. One mitten was so big, it was so small. I'm like, how did. How does that happen? How did you mess this up that bad? Come on and love them, but. Because that's what dads do.Samantha [00:52:00]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:52:01]:
I don't know. I think we should crochet. You just buy. You buy the pattern, you go to the store, you buy the pattern, then you go buy the yarn. And I learned there's some yarn that's thick and fuzzy yarn.Samantha [00:52:09]:
That's. That's.Lisa [00:52:10]:
That's a heavier yarn, and you use that for some stuff. Let's do it. Let's. Why don't we. For our show, we could crochet stuff and sell it or give it away at our show. No, we'd, like, do little Lisa and Sam's.Samantha [00:52:24]:
No.Lisa [00:52:24]:
Friends of the podcast. Does anybody know how to crochet? A little Lisa and a little Sam. And we can have, like, our own little dolls. I know, right? We could have our own dolls. That would be pretty cool.Samantha [00:52:34]:
Hey, no.Lisa [00:52:36]:
Let's do it.Samantha [00:52:37]:
You.Lisa [00:52:38]:
You say no to everything.Samantha [00:52:39]:
I know. Especially when it comes to you.Lisa [00:52:42]:
You want no hobbies with me?Samantha [00:52:44]:
No.Lisa [00:52:44]:
No to pickleball? No to painting? No.Samantha [00:52:47]:
It's like, what happens in my world with you is if we decide to do something, for some reason, I am now the person that takes care of everything. And. And even though we're both supposed to crochet something, I will end up crocheting at all, and I don't have time for that.Lisa [00:53:05]:
But I will try.Samantha [00:53:06]:
There is a no for hobbies.Lisa [00:53:09]:
Try. I will try.Samantha [00:53:10]:
No.Lisa [00:53:10]:
No.Samantha [00:53:10]:
There will be nothing. There will be nothing.Lisa [00:53:12]:
Try my best to crochet.Samantha [00:53:14]:
And you know What? Lisa, your best just is not good enough for me. There you go. I've said it. I feel better about it too, actually.Lisa [00:53:22]:
I hope you can sleep at night.Samantha [00:53:24]:
I do, actually. Quite well.Lisa [00:53:26]:
Well, you know what? Here's something that's going to make your life a little bit better. Apparently, cashews are the on trend nut to be eating in 2025. They're good for your heart, they're good for your blood sugar. Oo controls your diabetes diet.Samantha [00:53:42]:
I got a diabetes, right?Lisa [00:53:44]:
You take a cashew and it controls. Helps control your diabetes. Samantha, does it make you poop? Gonna say it's gonna bung up your poop, right? Because have you ever eaten too many nuts and had a problem trying to poop?Samantha [00:54:03]:
I'm sensing you have.Lisa [00:54:05]:
Right? I won't read a saucy book, but I'll tell the world about my poop.Samantha [00:54:13]:
You know what? That is very true.Lisa [00:54:15]:
It's because I don't need no saucy books, yo. Yeah.Samantha [00:54:19]:
Please, give me a break.Lisa [00:54:21]:
I'm just saying, right? I. I don't know. I'm sure if you ate too many, it would be. It would bug. It would hurt your poop.Samantha [00:54:28]:
It would do something. Lisa.Lisa [00:54:30]:
It would. Like. Like I'm already kind of like shifting in my seat. Right? Just imagining. But they say it's really good for your heart. Okay, but how many cashews? Like, I love cashews. They're delicious, but they gotta be salted. So I feel I'm defeating the purpose.Samantha [00:54:45]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:54:45]:
Like, are you a salted nut or an unsalted nut?Samantha [00:54:48]:
I prefer a salted nut.Lisa [00:54:49]:
Right. Me too. Mike likes unsalted, and my boss once, she said she likes unsalted. Why are we eating? It's like eating the unsalted cracker. Why? The joy in the cashew is the salt. Right. The work is the nut, the joy is the salt.Samantha [00:55:05]:
The joy in any nut is whatever the nut is covered in.Lisa [00:55:09]:
Right, Right. Like beer nut candy coated. Yum. Right. I'm just eating some nuts. Apparently they're good for me. Right. I don't know, it just seems weird.Samantha [00:55:19]:
All right, somebody get back to me about the cashew bunging. Yup.Lisa [00:55:22]:
Like, let us.Samantha [00:55:23]:
I'm not gonna start. I'm not gonna start eating them. They're gonna bung me up.Lisa [00:55:27]:
I feel that. They're gonna bung you up. Right?Samantha [00:55:30]:
Somebody let me know. Friends of the podcast.Lisa [00:55:31]:
Well, I'm curious. I'm curious.Samantha [00:55:34]:
Let us know. Let us know. But I gotta.Lisa [00:55:36]:
Assuming people want to talk about their.Samantha [00:55:37]:
Poop I'm not asking about that.Lisa [00:55:40]:
Oh, you're just asking a simple question. Do cashews bung you up?Samantha [00:55:46]:
Yes.Lisa [00:55:46]:
There you go.Samantha [00:55:47]:
And I'm not Googling it. So someone else answered the question.Lisa [00:55:50]:
We're not Googling. We don't fact check like that.Samantha [00:55:52]:
We do not. But I do have a question.Lisa [00:55:54]:
Okay.Samantha [00:55:55]:
How clean is your microwave?Lisa [00:55:58]:
Like spick and span? Totally. Spick and span.Samantha [00:56:02]:
Is that a you thing or your husband?Lisa [00:56:05]:
That's a both of us thing. Totally. We came, like. We both came like that. Like, there's like. Like, if anything spit gets washed out immediately. I worked at a place once that didn't do that, and it felt like I was eating from the United Nations, Right? Everybody's food. And it was nasty.Lisa [00:56:28]:
It was nasty. I saw a joke about it and it said it was with a dirty microwave. And somebody said, oh, tastes like Band Aid. I'm like, yeah, kind of. It kind of did taste like Band Aid, actually. I remember that. People wonder, why don't you bring your lunch? I don't trust your microwave. Do you? What's yours? Clean like spick and span or just clean?Samantha [00:56:50]:
It's clean. I wouldn't say quite spic and span, but it's clean.Lisa [00:56:54]:
We're like, yeah, like, you could lick it clean. It's gross.Samantha [00:56:58]:
Don't lick your microwave.Lisa [00:56:59]:
Well, we're not going to. I'm just saying it's really clean.Samantha [00:57:02]:
Yeah. Are you gonna make people.Lisa [00:57:03]:
No, because that's where them are. That's where. If. If you're gonna send me a picture of your dirty microwave, I'm gonna be up front and say, I'm gonna shame you. And that's not what we want to do. Right? We don't want to do that.Samantha [00:57:16]:
No. We're not in the game of shaming, apparently.Lisa [00:57:18]:
However, if you just want to voluntarily send that, then I guess that's free game. You're okay with the shame? I'm okay with the shame. It's a mutual understanding. There's going to be some shaming.Samantha [00:57:29]:
If it's dirty.Lisa [00:57:30]:
If it's dirty. If it's clean. There'll be super accolades coming your way. Guess what do you need in your life at that moment, right?Samantha [00:57:38]:
You just need Lisa to be proud of you. That's what people need. Right?Lisa [00:57:42]:
That's what they need just for me to be proud. Thank you, Samantha. So you know what else? Here's. You know how you got your hair right and you got your. I don't know what the hell it's doing today? What you got in it? Like a ponytail or something? It looks like it's in a clip. Okay. So there, there, there's. There's something new.Lisa [00:57:57]:
There's a new guy in town, a new clip in town right now.Samantha [00:58:00]:
I highly doubt it.Lisa [00:58:01]:
They call it the Lazy Girls claw clip. You've got a claw clip? No, that's what you got to get the claw clip.Samantha [00:58:08]:
I don't need a clock clip. I don't have enough hair. I don't have enough hair for our.Lisa [00:58:12]:
Clock for the lazy girls. And you just claw it in there, I guess. Right, because remember when you used to do your like, stupid messy bun, you held it with a pin. Right. Which never really understood that. But what's that new. What's that new accessory in your head? Oh, it's your pencil.Samantha [00:58:28]:
No, no, I never did that.Lisa [00:58:31]:
You sometimes had a stick at it.Samantha [00:58:33]:
No, I did.Lisa [00:58:34]:
Yes, I remember.Samantha [00:58:35]:
I didn't. No, I didn't.Lisa [00:58:38]:
Yes, you did.Samantha [00:58:39]:
No, I didn't.Lisa [00:58:40]:
I'm sure you did.Samantha [00:58:41]:
No, I didn't.Lisa [00:58:42]:
Positive. It was.Samantha [00:58:43]:
Don't make up stories.Lisa [00:58:44]:
I feel. I'm not.Samantha [00:58:45]:
You're making up stories.Lisa [00:58:46]:
I'm really committed to this story, actually.Samantha [00:58:48]:
I feel like you, your memory is.Lisa [00:58:50]:
Going well and that could be like my hearing. Could be. It could be. Well, then you need to get this claw.Samantha [00:58:57]:
No, I don't need a cloth, thank you.Lisa [00:58:58]:
You must have in the 80s been a banana clip girl. He.Samantha [00:59:00]:
Oh, potentially. For sure. It was the 80s. Why wouldn't I be?Lisa [00:59:04]:
Right. But. Well, why wouldn't you be on trend and have a clock clip?Samantha [00:59:07]:
I don't need a.Lisa [00:59:08]:
You just can. Can we find you a claw clip and try it?Samantha [00:59:10]:
No.Lisa [00:59:11]:
Wouldn't that be kind of cool? Like we could like videotape you trying.Samantha [00:59:13]:
No.Lisa [00:59:14]:
Let's see if we can get that claw clip to work. No, I'll try it if you try it.Samantha [00:59:18]:
Lisa, you don't have enough hair to claw.Lisa [00:59:21]:
I'll still try to claw.Samantha [00:59:22]:
You don't even have enough hair to put into a barrette.Lisa [00:59:24]:
I, I can barrette my bang.Samantha [00:59:26]:
No, you admitted, you admitted that you.Lisa [00:59:30]:
I gave it up.Samantha [00:59:32]:
You're not letting your hair grow.Lisa [00:59:34]:
I, I was trying. I went for a whole month trying to let my hair grow and I tapped out. I said to you, I spent two weeks in Ontario not looking like me.Samantha [00:59:44]:
Yeah, that's pretty much what she said.Lisa [00:59:46]:
I'm done. Need to go back to looking like me again. It was thick and it was. Ugh.Samantha [00:59:51]:
Uh huh.Lisa [00:59:52]:
Okay. Okay. So no to the clock Clip?Samantha [00:59:54]:
Yes. No.Lisa [00:59:56]:
Saying you wore the clock, that people would be like, oh, it's the clock. They'd know it.Samantha [01:00:00]:
You're being this. Don't stop being weird.Lisa [01:00:03]:
Why is that weird?Samantha [01:00:04]:
Because you have an odd fascination with people's hair. No, I mean, it's odd, to be honest, but you have an odd fascination with your own hair.Lisa [01:00:15]:
So.Samantha [01:00:16]:
Because you obsess about it all the.Lisa [01:00:19]:
Time, I don't think I.Samantha [01:00:20]:
Frankly, Michelle and I want nothing to do with you and your haircuts anymore. Because we told you you need to grow out your hair in order to have a new style, and you're not doing that.Lisa [01:00:31]:
I'm not.Samantha [01:00:31]:
Right. So shut up and just get your hair cut the way it is.Lisa [01:00:34]:
I meant to be sporty, spiky and fun. Sporty, spiky, sporty, spiky and fun. That's what I'm meant to be. Right?Samantha [01:00:41]:
Oh, my God. Okay.Lisa [01:00:42]:
That's what I'm meant to be. All right. All right. You guys can have your buns. I'm not trying to do that.Samantha [01:00:47]:
Excellent.Lisa [01:00:48]:
Right. I'm just not going to try. Okay, but you know what? Here's some of the friends of the podcast. You maybe don't know this about our Samantha, right? She hates being critiqued.Samantha [01:00:58]:
I hate being critiqued by you.Lisa [01:01:00]:
You hate being critiqued, period.Samantha [01:01:02]:
No, I hate being critiqued by you.Lisa [01:01:05]:
I don't want to get into it because it could get ugly. We're trying to make our Instagram pictures look nice. We're trying to make them look good. Right. Trying to follow the advice of smart people who say, try this.Samantha [01:01:23]:
Huh?Lisa [01:01:24]:
I try to explain to Samantha you. Yes, Lisa, and show her the pinch. And I will say, Monday's was much better.Samantha [01:01:38]:
Oh, thanks.Lisa [01:01:39]:
Good job. Right. However, she hates being told when. When something can be better.Samantha [01:01:48]:
You are picky.Lisa [01:01:51]:
Yes, I am. As are you. When it's something that you want done.Samantha [01:01:56]:
And then I think, do it yourself.Lisa [01:01:58]:
And then I think, because that's what you're trying to have happen. Right? You know, you're one step away from not having to do it.Samantha [01:02:06]:
Whatever.Lisa [01:02:07]:
Nope, not happening. Not happening. Because you're that picky to me, too. You know?Samantha [01:02:12]:
You know what it is? It could be your delivery of how you're talking to me about it.Lisa [01:02:18]:
Really? Like today, when you were at least.Samantha [01:02:20]:
No, perfect. There's a little halo above her head.Lisa [01:02:26]:
Totally.Samantha [01:02:27]:
And she's like, I'm doing this for your own good.Lisa [01:02:30]:
Let me help you to you.Samantha [01:02:33]:
So that you understand that you could be better.Lisa [01:02:36]:
Right.Samantha [01:02:36]:
And I know that you can be better.Lisa [01:02:38]:
I know you can. And you did. Which just proved my whole point.Samantha [01:02:43]:
Oh, my God, shut up.Lisa [01:02:45]:
Right? Because sometimes you're rushed. Yeah. Believe it or not, friends, we get along. Oh, Lord, give me strength, huh? That's what I say to that, huh?Samantha [01:03:00]:
You know what I gotta say?Lisa [01:03:02]:
Tell me.Samantha [01:03:02]:
I think Fallon might be getting canceled.Lisa [01:03:05]:
Jimmy?Samantha [01:03:06]:
Yeah.Lisa [01:03:06]:
Why?Samantha [01:03:07]:
Ah, he did something dumb.Lisa [01:03:09]:
Oh, I didn't see.Samantha [01:03:10]:
Well, apparently it's trending on Tick Tock and God knows if it's trending on Tick Tock, it's got to be gonna happen.Lisa [01:03:15]:
Sure.Samantha [01:03:16]:
So people are like Canadians. Us. We, us Canadians got a little pissed at him.Lisa [01:03:24]:
Oh, at the Jimmy Fallon.Samantha [01:03:25]:
At the Jimmy Fallon. Last week he made an ill advised joke about Canada becoming the 51st state and being taken over before the Super Bowl.Lisa [01:03:35]:
You know, we don't find a lot of humor in that joke. Wait, we have like, Canadians, We've, we've got, we've got like the best comedians in the world come from Canada. Yeah. But we don't appreciate that joke.Samantha [01:03:46]:
We do not appreciate that.Lisa [01:03:48]:
So not one of them is making that a joke.Samantha [01:03:50]:
Yeah. He said over 180 countries and rewatching the Super Bowl. Well, actually 179. If we take over Canada by Saturday.Lisa [01:03:57]:
No, not funny.Samantha [01:03:58]:
Not funny.Lisa [01:03:59]:
Not funny.Samantha [01:04:00]:
Not funny.Lisa [01:04:00]:
Not a funny joke.Samantha [01:04:01]:
It's not. So it's is like, is it funny, not funny or was it just sarcasm?Lisa [01:04:06]:
It's not funny.Samantha [01:04:08]:
It's, it's still just a joke.Lisa [01:04:10]:
It's just a joke. But it's not a funny joke.Samantha [01:04:12]:
It's not funny.Lisa [01:04:12]:
It's not a funny joke.Samantha [01:04:13]:
Right.Lisa [01:04:14]:
We don't take that funny. We don't take that. We don't take. We, we don't find humor in that comment. Because as much as we love our neighbors, we don't want to be them.Samantha [01:04:23]:
No.Lisa [01:04:24]:
Right.Samantha [01:04:25]:
We do not.Lisa [01:04:26]:
And did you see I posted a meme on our Instagram on maybe it was Sunday and it was all the things that, that, that I trust more than, than I trust about Trump.Samantha [01:04:38]:
Yes.Lisa [01:04:38]:
And it was funny, right? It was like, like lots of like, things. Right. I trust that I'll get food poisoning from Taco Bell more than I trust Trump. Right. Like, like, no offense to, like, no offense to the American people. I don't think it's them. Well, maybe it's some radicals.Samantha [01:04:57]:
Well, it's, it's the percentage of the.Lisa [01:04:58]:
Apparently it was the majority of the American people.Samantha [01:05:01]:
Yeah.Lisa [01:05:02]:
However, I feel that he's crazy, but he's done one good thing. Donald Trump did one good thing that I heard about yesterday. And I'm like, okay, maybe it's turning around. Signed off. Guess what's. Guess what is no longer banned in America. Straws. He signed off on it.Lisa [01:05:23]:
And you know what he said? Because he's so smart, I don't think the whales will be disappointed with this. I'm like, it's the turtles, Dawn. The turtles, not the whales. Right. He signed it off at his desk. Not. He complained about why he didn't like paper straws too, like everybody else. And he said no more ban on plastic straws.Lisa [01:05:45]:
And I'm like, maybe it's turning around. Maybe things are getting. Maybe things are looking up, right?Samantha [01:05:51]:
Yes, maybe. Yes, maybe it is looking up. For sure.Lisa [01:05:55]:
Goodness. Right. Thing is, when they. It's going to be a never ending conversation for the next four years.Samantha [01:06:01]:
It will be, it will be the reality show we never thought we would have.Lisa [01:06:04]:
Right. And we never wanted.Samantha [01:06:06]:
And now we're being a part of that reality show which sucks ass.Lisa [01:06:10]:
Right. Because now we're getting dragged into it. That's what Canadians don't like. Right. We're sorry. Not sorry people. We don't like being dragged into. We don't, we're.Lisa [01:06:17]:
We don't like being asked to pick a side. We're like Switzerland. We're just neutral.Samantha [01:06:22]:
We just try to stay neutral. But now we got to pick a side and we pick our side.Lisa [01:06:26]:
Our side. Right. So we're keeping with Canada. Yeah, Keeping with Team Canada all the way. Right.Samantha [01:06:31]:
But people, I just. Word of warning. You guys should really be paying attention to what's happening in your Congress and the legislation that's trying to be passed. There's some weird stuff happening.Lisa [01:06:43]:
Some weird.Samantha [01:06:44]:
It's affecting, it's a, it's going to affect bigger parts of your population than you would have anticipated.Lisa [01:06:51]:
It's going to affect a lot. Right. And it's just, I don't know, I feel that. Yeah. I. Stay tuned.Samantha [01:06:59]:
Yeah. So just word of warning, however. Jimmy Fallon. Choose a different topic.Lisa [01:07:04]:
Use a different topic. These, these two Canadians. Not, not loving that. You know what I was amazed at though is that a lot of our listeners didn't hate the cherry blossom.Samantha [01:07:18]:
I know. So anticipate. I was. What is it?Lisa [01:07:22]:
Just Canadian. Because a couple people in America said that they'd never heard of it.Samantha [01:07:26]:
Oh, it may be.Lisa [01:07:27]:
I don't think it is. I feel it's everywhere.Samantha [01:07:30]:
I don't know. But Andre was like, I was forced to eat them because my grandmother always bought them for me. And I'm like, you're a good granddaughter for eating that.Lisa [01:07:40]:
Just like. Like the Chiclets. Right? We all ate Chiclets because Nana had Chiclets.Samantha [01:07:46]:
I loved Chiclets.Lisa [01:07:47]:
I know. I did, too. But that was only because my grandma had them.Samantha [01:07:50]:
Grandma's. And they always had the peppermint candies.Lisa [01:07:53]:
I was never a fan of that.Samantha [01:07:55]:
No. I would take a peppermint candy.Lisa [01:07:57]:
Was it in a wrapper or from her pocket?Samantha [01:07:59]:
No, it's. Or. Or is it the scotch mints?Lisa [01:08:02]:
Oh, they always had scotch mints.Samantha [01:08:03]:
They always had.Lisa [01:08:03]:
I like a good Scotchman. Yeah, I like a good Scotchman, but. Yeah. So the Cherry Blossom people didn't have that big of an issue with. No, they did. But. But more. It wasn't that people didn't.Lisa [01:08:15]:
But I was surprised that there were more people that did like it.Samantha [01:08:18]:
Apparently, even though this company is getting rid of their Cherry Blossom Purdies makes one. And I'm like, thanks for sharing that, Cindy. Wow.Lisa [01:08:30]:
And why. Why, why do we need that? Why do we need the Cherry Blossom in our life?Samantha [01:08:35]:
I don't know. People love that. I'm like.Lisa [01:08:38]:
So sweet and just like.Samantha [01:08:41]:
It makes me think of cough syrup.Lisa [01:08:43]:
It totally is like cough syrup. Right. But with chocolate. With a side of chocolate.Samantha [01:08:48]:
Yeah. This seems wrong.Lisa [01:08:49]:
Did you ever drink Buckley's cough syrup as a kid? Oh, yeah, right. I can't believe. Or no. Buckley's was. It tastes. It tastes bad, but it works.Samantha [01:08:58]:
Yes, it tastes bad, but it works.Lisa [01:09:00]:
It tasted like heated up vomit.Samantha [01:09:02]:
Ugh.Lisa [01:09:03]:
With a side of like, like menthol Adam in it.Samantha [01:09:06]:
Yeah. It's just nasty.Lisa [01:09:07]:
That was tough. That was tough. That tough.Samantha [01:09:09]:
Go. Tough go.Lisa [01:09:10]:
It's tough. Go, Samantha. Well, okay, so team Cherry Blossom. Sorry. Sorry. Those who love it, right? It's going, going, gone.Samantha [01:09:16]:
Yeah, Right.Lisa [01:09:18]:
That's what they say.Samantha [01:09:20]:
And for those who played in Facebook this week and did our Tuesday one has to go.Lisa [01:09:27]:
Everybody that hates cinnamon, cinnamon hearts. It's like, we're not. It's not our first rodeo playing this game, guys, Right? They cut me no slack every year, guaranteed. If I do one and I put elf in it, they're gonna hate elf and the blue freezy for sure.Samantha [01:09:42]:
They will, right?Lisa [01:09:44]:
They never cut any slap, but they. They. There was lots of things that they didn't like.Samantha [01:09:48]:
There was a lot that they didn't.Lisa [01:09:50]:
Like, which is awesome.Samantha [01:09:52]:
Yeah. So it was awesome, right?Lisa [01:09:54]:
No, they didn't like flowers.Samantha [01:09:56]:
Well, because you can't eat them. And they die.Lisa [01:09:58]:
And apparently you were like, team I too, hate cake pops. It's. It is a ball of cake. It's a timbit with icing.Samantha [01:10:05]:
I know. It's cake pop, though.Lisa [01:10:07]:
Well, I'll take cake pop. And Kelly. And Kelly. Kelly Ann kicked cupcakes to the group. Don't ever kick a cupcake to the curb. Ever. Ever. Yes.Lisa [01:10:19]:
Right. So always fun, right?Samantha [01:10:20]:
Always fun for the 5 year old. And Lisa.Lisa [01:10:23]:
Yeah, Perfect.Samantha [01:10:25]:
All right, guys, Connect with us on our social media or visit to sign up for newsletters, read our blog, leave a message, or check out our episodes. Support us by sharing our podcasts on your socials and become a podcast ambassador. And big thanks to those who already have. Catch our video of the podcast on YouTube and subscribe. Shout out to Lori, who just became our 119th subscriber. Thanks a lot, Lori. Join our Patreon for exclusive content, early access, and behind the scenes footage, all for as little as $2 a month. Visit ishakemyhead and looking for.Samantha [01:11:00]:
I shake my head. Swag. Head to and search for us. And we just want to thank John Domingo for editing our podcast each week.Lisa [01:11:08]:
Week. And yay, his Eagles finally won.Samantha [01:11:11]:
Yay.Lisa [01:11:12]:
I didn't realize it was only the second time that they ever had won the Super Bowl.Samantha [01:11:16]:
No, they've won it a few times.Lisa [01:11:18]:
Yeah, second. Two times.Samantha [01:11:20]:
Oh, I thought it was more.Lisa [01:11:21]:
I think it's only two. I think that's what I heard. John Jimingo, you can chime in on this one.Samantha [01:11:25]:
No, I feel like it was more. He told me.Lisa [01:11:27]:
I feel like it's two.Samantha [01:11:28]:
The last time they won it, though, it was quite some time ago.Lisa [01:11:31]:
No, it was two years ago. Oh, that's years ago.Samantha [01:11:34]:
No, but then before then it was in the 90s. Or was it the 80s?Lisa [01:11:37]:
Or maybe not at all curious. Okay, John Jamingo, we're gonna need you to weigh in on this. Right.Samantha [01:11:43]:
All right.Lisa [01:11:43]:
I'm sure your girlfriend's right, but I feel maybe she's not.Samantha [01:11:47]:
You never think I'm right, so I don't kiss my ass.Lisa [01:11:49]:
I'm never gonna think you're right. Right?Samantha [01:11:51]:
No.Lisa [01:11:52]:
Right. Well, just. Okay. I'm sorry. Do you think I'm right?Samantha [01:11:55]:
No.Lisa [01:11:55]:
No. Right. So, hi. So kiss my ass. Right? It's very similar that way. And we're too old to tell each other to kiss our ass. 56 years old, almost.Samantha [01:12:05]:
I am old enough to say whatever I want.Lisa [01:12:08]:
Oh, I'm not going to become that person at 56. I'm not going to lose my filter. I'm going to tell you that right now.Samantha [01:12:16]:
Alrighty, Lisa.Lisa [01:12:17]:
All right, Samantha. Gotta stay warm, right? Minus 44 in Saskatoon. Pardon me. As I got the hiccups, that must mean it's time to end the podcast.Samantha [01:12:26]:
It is.Lisa [01:12:28]:
I've just been drinking water, honestly.Samantha [01:12:30]:
Huh.Lisa [01:12:31]:
Right. Anything else you want to add this week, Samantha?Samantha [01:12:34]:
I'm good.Lisa [01:12:35]:
I'm better. All right, friends of the podcast, have a great week, please. We're looking for some reviews, some subscriptions, and maybe just somebody could just send us a little a voicemail so we can play it. We were doing so good for a while. Where are you trying to get to with your YouTube? Right. If we're at 119, what's our goal? 120 by. When did we hit? Hit that?Samantha [01:12:59]:
The end of the year.Lisa [01:13:02]:
One more person. Just one more, right? Just one more. Oh, yeah. You got this, guys. All right. All right. Samantha, always a pleasure.Samantha [01:13:13]:
It should be.Lisa [01:13:24]:
Who's a pretty girl? I'm a pretty girl.