Sam asks a very serious question, are we shallow bitches? If laughing at life and all the crap it throws at you means you are a shallow bitch, then pick us! Ever wonder why the Pope doesn't have a pinch hitter? Why do seniors menus mean less choices? What would a 75 yr old Lisa and Sam look like? Got a soft spot for deviled egg dip? Why are we letting GenZ dictate what's in or out for 2025? What is next on the chopping block for Trump's sidekick? Are you up for another version of Lisas 'new' diet plan? Google what's up? Join Lisa and Sam as they unravel these quirky conundrums and remind us all to shake our heads at the delightful absurdity of daily life.
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Lisa [00:00:06]:
So I'm just gonna get this right off my chest. Get it right out there. I. By no means I'm trying to offend anybody. I'm not trying to be controversial. Okay? So before you lose your. Samantha, just be calm. I got this.Lisa [00:00:18]:
Okay? I just got a couple questions. The Pope is down, he's sick, and nobody, like, nobody's pinch hitting. And I don't know what we're supposed to do. The world is in peril and nobody seems to care.Samantha [00:00:29]:
Okay, this is what I need you to do. I need you to count to four.Lisa [00:00:32]:
I need counting to four.Samantha [00:00:33]:
I think you need to take.Lisa [00:00:34]:
I'm not counting. I'm not taking a breath.Samantha [00:00:37]:
You are severely worked up about a man that you don't really know about because. Not Catholic.Lisa [00:00:44]:
I know, but do you remember when I invested all that time in learning about how he became the Pope? Right. I feel I'm. I feel I'm on a journey. Right? This is like the final chapter.Samantha [00:00:55]:
Your journey is going to lead you somewhere you shouldn't go.Lisa [00:00:58]:
No, because I am team Pope right now. I'm totally team Pope as.Samantha [00:01:02]:
As we all are. Because who doesn't love the Pope, right? However, he is an 88 year old man.Lisa [00:01:08]:
So this is what I wonder. I know. So this is what I wonder. Maybe this is the problem. Maybe I have the solution for the Catholic Church, maybe because. And if I offend, I'm sorry. Remember, coming from a place of goodness, it's not meant to be offensive. If you hired a good pope that was young, A young, good Pope, like a John F.Lisa [00:01:29]:
Kennedy Pope or a Barack Obama Pope that was like in his 50s, early 60s, we probably wouldn't find us in this predicament where the Pope is down with no pinch hitter. Because the Pope wouldn't be down because he'd just only be 57.Samantha [00:01:44]:
Well, okay. Potentially, sure. Why not? However, I do believe that in order to become the Pope, you need to be of a certain age, have a certain level of experience being in the Catholic religion.Lisa [00:02:02]:
Okay, so what, like, it's like flying. So is it like being a pilot? I have to put in 3, 200 pope hours. I have to put in 32 hours of praying.Samantha [00:02:10]:
It's like priest, cardinal. Okay, Something, something. I don't know.Lisa [00:02:15]:
Okay, so I don't know anything.Samantha [00:02:16]:
But.Lisa [00:02:16]:
So let's put it in terms we know of, right? Sales associate, assistant key holder, assistant manager, manager, supervisor.Samantha [00:02:27]:
He's a supervisor, right? No, he's the district manager.Lisa [00:02:33]:
He's the district manager. Right. And he's Got nobody he can depend on.Samantha [00:02:38]:
No. Because you, you're. If you're the district manager, you're doing it on your own, but you shouldn't have to.Lisa [00:02:43]:
If you go down, there should be some help. Yes.Samantha [00:02:45]:
Let's break it down.Lisa [00:02:49]:
Was what we know. It's what we know. Samantha.Samantha [00:02:51]:
Yes, sorry.Lisa [00:02:52]:
It's what we know.Samantha [00:02:53]:
Oh, my goodness. Okay. Sure. Lisa. Right. We could, we could get him a. Get him young.Lisa [00:03:01]:
Get him young.Samantha [00:03:01]:
Get him young.Lisa [00:03:02]:
Let's get a young Pope.Samantha [00:03:03]:
But realistically, and be honest, if you had a young district manager.Lisa [00:03:13]:
I would think I, I would think I knew more. Right. And I guess you shouldn't try and think you know more than the Pope, right?Samantha [00:03:21]:
Nope. That's wrong. It's really, really wrong.Lisa [00:03:24]:
I guess that's, I guess. And I don't know because again, right. I'm not Catholic. I don't know anything about it. But I assume that's not the answer. That it's probably a commandment, thou shalt not pretend. You know more than the Pope, right?Samantha [00:03:36]:
Probably.Lisa [00:03:36]:
It's probably like, it's probably like, like 9A or something, right? Little subtext side, like little star. Star. Right. Maybe that's what they need to do with the commandments. They need to do some. And update things.Samantha [00:03:49]:
Yes, let's.Lisa [00:03:50]:
Right, let's update. Let's update. Slap in some star. Stars. Maybe at the end of the star. Star. In case somebody's not sure. You had a little winky face.Lisa [00:03:59]:
Right. So winky and a thumbs up. Let's modernize this. Right. Bring in a young pope. I feel bad that there's an old pope and there's nobody picking up his slack. The world needs prayers. Who's praying?Samantha [00:04:14]:
I, I, I feel like the cardinals that are around him are probably picking.Lisa [00:04:19]:
Up, you think the birds.Samantha [00:04:21]:
There's like the bird underneath the Pope are some cardinals.Lisa [00:04:26]:
Oh, I don't know, stuff like that. I'm not Catholic. Not Catholic.Samantha [00:04:29]:
And they wear robes.Lisa [00:04:30]:
Oh, yeah. Okay. I didn't know that they had a special name. I thought they were just like, not you. I don't know. Am I starting to offend?Samantha [00:04:38]:
No. Even if you just watch like a fictitious show about Catholics, I'm not really.Lisa [00:04:44]:
That interested in it. I'm just, I'm just curious in current things going on. And this is a current thing. Right.Samantha [00:04:50]:
I know he's, he's not.Lisa [00:04:51]:
Well, the Pope is down and nobody's. I feel he has no support system in place.Samantha [00:04:56]:
He has no support system.Lisa [00:04:58]:
Right.Samantha [00:04:58]:
He needs a vp.Lisa [00:04:59]:
He needs a vp.Samantha [00:05:01]:
And, and we just feel like, you know, like there's no pinch hitter.Lisa [00:05:05]:
Like, is somebody taking on some of his responsibilities? Is some. Are some people. Like, I got mass on Sunday, right? Cardinal Bob. Cardinal Bob stepped up. It's okay. I got mass, right? And it's Cardinal Joe, like. And I guess I'm just short forming. Forming it, but it's Cardinal Joe saying, you know what? Okay, Bob, you got like the next two Sundays.Lisa [00:05:22]:
I can do the following two. I'm open, I'm open the following two. I can get somebody to help out in my area. Like, that's how the world works.Samantha [00:05:31]:
Yes. And I'm sure that they've got that all covered, Lisa. They're just not consulting you, are they?Lisa [00:05:36]:
Or are they not doing a math? Are they not praying for the people?Samantha [00:05:39]:
I'm. I feel confident that that is still happening.Lisa [00:05:42]:
Prayers are still going on.Samantha [00:05:44]:
Prayers are still happening.Lisa [00:05:45]:
There got to still be prayers, right? We can't live in a world right now in this crazy ass world with nobody doing prayers.Samantha [00:05:52]:
I feel like it's still happening, right.Lisa [00:05:54]:
It's the wrong time for the Pope to get sick. Actually.Samantha [00:05:57]:
It is. It's. You know what? It's not the best.Lisa [00:06:00]:
It's not the best, right?Samantha [00:06:01]:
Not the best.Lisa [00:06:02]:
I feel like maybe the good Lord has maybe taken a vacation and maybe he's like, oh, shit, what's going on? I must have missed that.Samantha [00:06:08]:
I.Lisa [00:06:08]:
Sorry. I was like in Cuba and. No, I missed it. Took a three month hiatus. I don't know.Samantha [00:06:14]:
Dear God, don't listen to Lisa. Everything's fine. You're doing a good job.Lisa [00:06:19]:
Well, okay, but. Well, we're not that podcast, so I'm not going to get into what I. Maybe sometimes I think. Because sometimes I think maybe God could be doing a bit better. But that's also why I'm on the D list. Right?Samantha [00:06:30]:
This is also why you're on the D list.Lisa [00:06:33]:
It's also why God has issues with me.Samantha [00:06:35]:
Oh. You know, if again, I'm always surprised how you live this long in your life. I don't know how you got here.Lisa [00:06:43]:
Right. Just not sure first rainy day when I get struck with a lightning bolt will be able to remember why.Samantha [00:06:49]:
I just have to remember to never stand beside you.Lisa [00:06:52]:
Right. I don't. I could be a really good conductor of electricity, Samantha. Who knows? Just saying. Right? I can't be the only person wondering who's picking up the Pope slack.Samantha [00:07:01]:
Oh, okay. That's excellent, excellent, excellent thought, Lisa. But you know what? We're gonna move on now we're gonna. We're gonna start. We're gonna start. We're gonna just.Lisa [00:07:10]:
All right, let's go.Samantha [00:07:11]:
Let's go.Lisa [00:07:12]:
I feel I got my point across, and I feel I didn't offend. If I offended. I'm sorry. Star, Star Winky, thumbs up. Hello, friends of the podcast.Samantha [00:07:23]:
Hello, everybody. If only she would take a breath and then the rest of the world could talk.Lisa [00:07:29]:
My mind is just always going, hey. It's always just in. It's always just in, like, perpetual movement. Is that it? Or motion.Samantha [00:07:38]:
It's always in motion. And there's always something coming out of your mouth.Lisa [00:07:42]:
Always. Right? That's. That is the brain. That is me. Right?Samantha [00:07:46]:
This is true.Lisa [00:07:47]:
That is true.Samantha [00:07:48]:
Very, very true. Okay. But I do need to remind you guys that August 16th in Collingwood, Ontario, I Shake My head. Presents the Bare Bones Tour. Yes, we're doing a show. You can catch us live at the Simcoe Theater and stay tuned for tickets. I just wanted to remind you guys again, in case you didn't hear it the last two times we mentioned it, because we are going to be those people in your ear telling you every chance we get.Lisa [00:08:11]:
Right.Samantha [00:08:11]:
All right. And we.Lisa [00:08:12]:
Literally. 15 seconds.Samantha [00:08:14]:
Yes, we would love to. We would love if what you like or what you like to hear from us, you share with others. You can download and subscribe, but just make sure that you listen to it wherever you listen to your podcast.Lisa [00:08:26]:
I feel Samantha's a little tongue tied now that we were talking about because you keep interrupting. I don't think it's that. I think you're worried that I've just implicated us into a whole heap of trouble or something.Samantha [00:08:36]:
No, I think you just keep talking and I can't. I cannot get a word in edgewise.Lisa [00:08:42]:
Well, you gotta be more assertive. It's because I have fomo. Member?Samantha [00:08:45]:
Excellent.Lisa [00:08:46]:
Shut up. Right? You just. And that's fine. That's all you have to just sometimes say.Samantha [00:08:52]:
All right.Lisa [00:08:53]:
Shut up, Samantha. May I speak now, please?Samantha [00:08:54]:
Yes, you may speak right this minute.Lisa [00:08:58]:
Friends of the podcast. I gotta share a story, right? We went. We went out and we watched the hockey game, right? The Canada versus the States with the fake fan with us. We had Fancy Nancy with the hhg. And funny, the fake fan made the real fans look like the fake fans because the fake fan is a little ridiculous, actually. I told Wild. She's like the orangutan out in the wild. And it's like, what?Samantha [00:09:33]:
You do not want me at one, a live event or two, watching it In a bar scene or any kind of, like, outdoorsy place.Lisa [00:09:43]:
And she's not lying. You don't want that.Samantha [00:09:45]:
You don't want that in your life. Because I may not know what the hell is going on or who's playing, but I will always have an opinion.Lisa [00:09:53]:
She has an opinion. And it's funny, right? You don't want to squash your spirit because you're thankful she's there and she's got some. Samantha, could you just give us a live reenactment of the phrase? The phrasing that actually caught, that stopped everybody dead in their track and looked at you when you hit the perfect note.Samantha [00:10:11]:
I believe, I believe I said power. Power. Play that shit up.Lisa [00:10:17]:
You played that shit up.Samantha [00:10:18]:
Yeah. And you and the HHG looked at me like, what are you talking about? And I'm like, they're in a power play. They're doing nothing.Lisa [00:10:25]:
Right. Power that. Power play that up. And at a decibel level that's quite high.Samantha [00:10:32]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:10:33]:
Right. Almost giving Fancy Nancy a run for her money.Samantha [00:10:36]:
Well, she was really loud.Lisa [00:10:37]:
She's just loud. Right. I swear. Fancy Nancy. I think we need to test this. I feel she could break a wine glass.Samantha [00:10:43]:
I, I think she could.Lisa [00:10:45]:
Right. When she gets going. Because she gets deep and then she brings it out in a.Samantha [00:10:50]:
Hey.Lisa [00:10:51]:
It's like, it's like a mini, it's like a mini tornado or something. Like the word like, like everything shakes.Samantha [00:10:58]:
Yes, that's true. And your watch kept, your watch kept going.Lisa [00:11:03]:
Right. It kept saying loud environment. Loud environment.Samantha [00:11:07]:
Because you were sitting right beside Nancy.Lisa [00:11:11]:
Right. You shouldn't get a warning.Samantha [00:11:14]:
No.Lisa [00:11:15]:
When you're just hanging out.Samantha [00:11:17]:
No, but I do, I, I, I am. You know what? It's just, I get so excited about watching the game that's in front of me. I prefer to watch end.Lisa [00:11:29]:
You're a play. You're a playoff end of season.Samantha [00:11:31]:
I am a playoff end of season kind of person. So I was very invested in the Canada US versus US game. And I was like, run that puck. No, skate that puck.Lisa [00:11:45]:
Yeah. Like, she, like, she's not making sense. Right. She's not saying phrases that necessarily align with the sport.Samantha [00:11:49]:
No.Lisa [00:11:49]:
But that's saying whatever comes out of her mouth. She's just saying because she's passionate.Samantha [00:11:54]:
Yes. And I, I was having, you know, I was having a bit of fun until you and Michelle started to make fun of me.Lisa [00:12:01]:
Because we couldn't help ourselves. Right. Because it was definitely a make fun of somebody's situation. Because sometimes that happens. Right.Samantha [00:12:07]:
Oh, I Can't I. Sorry. That if I was in the live situation, it would be totally worse, right?Lisa [00:12:12]:
Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. You would. You would. You would be crazy. And then I had to laugh that the next day when I heard you speak.Samantha [00:12:20]:
Oh, I lost my voice.Lisa [00:12:22]:
Somebody had a little bit of laryngitis going on. The gravel voice.Samantha [00:12:26]:
I had gravelly voice. I still kind of have a little bit of it, too, right?Lisa [00:12:29]:
Because you. Because you were working deep down in your chest.Samantha [00:12:32]:
It was guttural, like, it was.Lisa [00:12:35]:
It's a sight. It's a sight to see. And I know. I wish I would have recorded it. We'll have to get it when the Jays make the World Series, We'll. We'll relive it.Samantha [00:12:43]:
Well, if they get there, let's just see, right?Lisa [00:12:46]:
We'll see.Samantha [00:12:47]:
100,010 games to go.Lisa [00:12:50]:
We still have some. We still got some time. We still got some time, Samantha. I just. But I tell you what you see here, friends, the podcast, right? Like. Like, amp it up, man. Amp it up.Samantha [00:13:05]:
It was. It was. It was a good game. I enjoyed myself, but I was tired and tuckered out by the time I got home.Lisa [00:13:12]:
Well, it was like you played it. It was like you played it.Samantha [00:13:15]:
I was in it to win it.Lisa [00:13:16]:
And I got emotional when we won.Samantha [00:13:18]:
Yes. Oh, my God. She cried at oh, Canada.Lisa [00:13:21]:
And I'm like, the emotion. I'm like, the emotional friend now at the age of 55, right?Samantha [00:13:25]:
She cried when we won. But you know what? It was emotional because, you know, we kind of needed to win.Lisa [00:13:29]:
We needed to win, right?Samantha [00:13:31]:
We needed this as a.Lisa [00:13:32]:
We did. We totally did. Right?Samantha [00:13:35]:
But it was fun. It was good times.Lisa [00:13:36]:
100%.Samantha [00:13:38]:
You know what I need to bring up, though? Are we shallow bitches?Lisa [00:13:43]:
What do you mean by shallow?Samantha [00:13:45]:
Are we shallow? Like.Lisa [00:13:46]:
Like definition.Samantha [00:13:50]:
Shallow definition? You.Lisa [00:13:53]:
Me. I'm the shallow. Is it because I'm judgmental?Samantha [00:13:59]:
You know what? It might have something to do with that.Lisa [00:14:02]:
Okay. Because I think that you're judgmental, too. Right? So don't just pin this new phrase on me, like, at all, right? Shallow.Samantha [00:14:11]:
Not. You know what it. You know what it is. I'm not taking it as a negative connotation.Lisa [00:14:16]:
Okay?Samantha [00:14:16]:
It sounded like you were shallow.Lisa [00:14:21]:
Right? It'll be our next podcast. Shallow.Samantha [00:14:25]:
Because you know what? There's enough in this world that makes you go bonkers sometimes. You got to do what you and I do, right?Lisa [00:14:35]:
And I think that the world forgets that laughter is really, really important.Samantha [00:14:39]:
I think that people are so attached to hearing stuff about politics, what's happening in that, and the different things that are happening around the world that have very. It's rough out there, folks, right? What you need is shallow bitches in your life.Lisa [00:14:55]:
You need a couple shallow bitches in your posse.Samantha [00:14:57]:
You need the funny. The funny. Shallow in your.Lisa [00:15:01]:
Right. That's what you need. Because guess what? Life is tough enough.Samantha [00:15:06]:
Right?Lisa [00:15:06]:
And that's why we started doing the whole podcast, because we just. We laugh when we're together.Samantha [00:15:11]:
We do.Lisa [00:15:12]:
Even though we fight and argue and bicker, there's also some laughter in there, too, right? And we do all of that, and it's important that people do that. So I don't know, are we shallow? I guess we do a comedy podcast.Samantha [00:15:23]:
Well, I mean, honestly, uh, we don't really talk about big stuff. We just talk about whatever is popping into our minds on a given moment.Lisa [00:15:32]:
But I'll be honest. You know why we don't talk about big stuff, people? We don't talk about it because I don't want the backlash. When we talked about people being mad at Kate. Kate. Kate Middleton, the nastiness that came out, it's like. And this is why we don't dive into a lot of controversy.Samantha [00:15:50]:
And that's why I hate when we talk about politics.Lisa [00:15:53]:
Right. Even though some.Samantha [00:15:54]:
I got my ass handed to me by someone who listens.Lisa [00:15:56]:
You totally did. Right?Samantha [00:15:58]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:15:59]:
That's why I don't talk about my hair very often.Samantha [00:16:02]:
You got your ass handed to you.Lisa [00:16:04]:
I was told that that was the worst thing in the world to do. So all we try to do is just make people laugh at what we're laughing at or at us and at our ridiculous things. So I don't know, maybe we're shallow.Samantha [00:16:17]:
You know what? We're shallow. We're shallow with a purpose.Lisa [00:16:21]:
Yeah, totally. Right? And, yeah, if you want to listen to serious stuff, it's out there. There's lots of it. If you want to just, like, laugh and just think, oh, God, I didn't think about that. Oh, I never really thought about that. Oh, yeah, Maybe a young pope would be kind of cool. I don't know, right? We just have conversations.Samantha [00:16:39]:
That's it. That's all. That's all we're doing. We're talking to each other. And, hey, if that makes us shallow, so be it.Lisa [00:16:47]:
So be it. Right? I feel that. That. That then people are missing the point. Right? Because you just need to laugh, and that's all you're trying to do. We're just trying to make. We're just trying to lighten people's day. Good.Lisa [00:16:59]:
Goodness gracious, Samantha.Samantha [00:17:01]:
Just hang out with us. We're always a good time.Lisa [00:17:02]:
Yeah, we're always a good time. Right? I'm sure that's a song, right? We don't even have to try. It's always a good time. Like, people stop and tell us this when we're out and about, right? And that's like people who don't know us, who we don't know. So guess what? If being. If. If lightening up somebody's day or making somebody's cancer treatment go a little bit better or. Or making somebody's tough covet year a little bit more enjoyable makes us shallow bitches.Lisa [00:17:31]:
Guess what? I guess we're pretty shallow.Samantha [00:17:33]:
We're shallow. That's our new tagline. We're shallow.Lisa [00:17:37]:
Sung by us, right? Sung by us, Samantha. Okay, listen, I got a nice shake my head, all right?Samantha [00:17:44]:
Throw it out there.Lisa [00:17:45]:
Seeing it everywhere. And I've Shake. I've shaken my head at this before, but the world didn't stop, take notice and fix the problem. So it circulated itself back in. I'm shaking my head at people, at the smokers. I don't care if you smoke. Smoke, whatever. That's up to you.Lisa [00:18:00]:
What I care about is why have we decided, and this is a long standing decision that's been made, that it's okay to put your cigarette butt just on the ground and then grind it into the ground and grind it into the ground? Because I know what people are going to say, oh, it's biodegradable. Not on the cement. Not on the cement. It's not.Samantha [00:18:20]:
Is it biodegradable?Lisa [00:18:21]:
I don't know. Right.Samantha [00:18:22]:
I don't think it is.Lisa [00:18:23]:
I don't know if it is. I don't know. Is that. Is that something that the chipmunk wants to eat?Samantha [00:18:28]:
I don't think so.Lisa [00:18:29]:
Do I want to drag it in on my shoe? No, I don't think so. And I. To me, is it not like it just. It makes zero sense. It just makes zero sense.Samantha [00:18:39]:
I shake my head. I shake my head at that as well.Lisa [00:18:42]:
Right? It's. It's. We're.Samantha [00:18:43]:
Are we.Lisa [00:18:44]:
Are we or are we not littering?Samantha [00:18:46]:
Oh, I. Well, potentially.Lisa [00:18:48]:
Is it a form of littering?Samantha [00:18:49]:
It could be, yes.Lisa [00:18:50]:
Kind of like, why have we. Why is nobody. Why has nobody been brave enough to tackle this? Guess what? We'll tackle it.Samantha [00:18:57]:
Better yet. It's. It's watching those people who are smoking and then they flick it in the snow or they flick it in the water or they just, you know. And I'm just like, do you got to be that person?Lisa [00:19:07]:
Because they got attitude behind the flick, right? There's attitude there. It's kind of like, fuck you. That's. That's how I perceive it. It's not like a kind, gentle flick. It's like a.Samantha [00:19:18]:
Is that a fuck you, motherfucker? Is that a fuck you, Mother Nature? Like, what is it?Lisa [00:19:22]:
I think it's motherfucker. Yeah, I think it's motherfucker. I think it's fuck you, motherfucker. Right? Fuck you, people. And I guess, I mean, we've allowed that.Samantha [00:19:33]:
Well, I mean, am I.Lisa [00:19:34]:
Am I offending?Samantha [00:19:35]:
Maybe, but in some places, there are ashtrays where people.Lisa [00:19:39]:
Right. Can you do their thing?Samantha [00:19:41]:
And then it's disgusting, and then that's gross, too. And I don't know.Lisa [00:19:45]:
I don't know. Well, what's the solution? Is there a solution to this problem?Samantha [00:19:48]:
People should stop smoking.Lisa [00:19:50]:
Well, I mean, it's not good for you, but you're not. But. But we're not here to. We're not here to parole that.Samantha [00:19:54]:
We are not.Lisa [00:19:55]:
We are not here to judge. Well, I'm not judging on people smoking. My parents smoked forever.Samantha [00:20:01]:
So did mine. And.Lisa [00:20:02]:
Right.Samantha [00:20:02]:
Siblings and aunts and cigarette on the.Lisa [00:20:06]:
Plate and let the ashtrays overflow and then vacuum them up on Saturdays. And it was all disgusting.Samantha [00:20:13]:
On a good Saturday night In the 70s, there was like a blue haze kitchen.Lisa [00:20:18]:
Right? And if you hadn't been home for a bit and you walked in the door, you were, like, taken aback. So I'm not here to judge. Smokers smoke. I'm amazed that you can afford it. But that's just me.Samantha [00:20:29]:
Oh, yeah, because it's.Lisa [00:20:31]:
Somebody told me. Is it like 30 bucks a pack of cigarettes? Now, I know it's really expensive.Samantha [00:20:37]:
So expensive.Lisa [00:20:38]:
I just don't get. I don't know. It's like. It's like we pick up the dog's poop on the walk.Samantha [00:20:42]:
Oh, why can't we have a little.Lisa [00:20:44]:
Bag where we can just put our cigarette butt in? Little bag with sand in it. Put your cigarette button there.Samantha [00:20:52]:
No one's ever gonna do that.Lisa [00:20:53]:
No, but. Yeah.Samantha [00:20:54]:
What?Lisa [00:20:54]:
But we'll pick up dog poop for sure.Samantha [00:20:56]:
Because that's more.Lisa [00:20:57]:
I personally am more apt to pick to put my cigarette butt in a bag of sand than I am to actually pick up my dog poop. How excited would you be? Are you picking up your dog poop?Samantha [00:21:09]:
Well, I don't have a dog, so.Lisa [00:21:11]:
No, if you had one. Because guess what? I'm hoping that dog better not poop. That's what I'm thinking. Like, don't just poop, because. Hi.Samantha [00:21:18]:
This is why you don't have animals, Lisa.Lisa [00:21:21]:
Or kids. Right. Because I don't want to clean your ass. That's essentially what we're doing with the dog, right? We're cleaning their ass. Yes. And now we're just picking up their poop.Samantha [00:21:31]:
Okay. All right.Lisa [00:21:32]:
Anyways, that's what I shake my head at. Sorry, I got on a tangent.Samantha [00:21:36]:
She did. Because she's very passionate about it.Lisa [00:21:38]:
Passionate about my eyes. Shake my head. So I'm very passionate.Samantha [00:21:41]:
Okay, well, may I shake my head? Because, you know, I got one, guys.Lisa [00:21:44]:
Of course.Samantha [00:21:45]:
It's. It's about being a Saskatchewanian as someone who's lived here for a very long time.Lisa [00:21:53]:
Sure.Samantha [00:21:56]:
I have become the person who opens their window when it is plus 2 outside.Lisa [00:22:03]:
Definitely.Samantha [00:22:04]:
Finally, it is not minus 50 anymore. It's not horrible to go outside.Lisa [00:22:10]:
And little fresh air is good for the soul.Samantha [00:22:12]:
Little fresh air is good for the soul. So like everyone else in Saskatchewan, we wore a lighter jacket.Lisa [00:22:20]:
Right. Lighter coat came out. Spring coat came out, and we opened a window. And I am so tempted to ditch socks tomorrow, too. Right. Because I see that look is everywhere. It's been around all winter.Samantha [00:22:31]:
I know, but don't. It's not. We're not there yet.Lisa [00:22:33]:
No. But people don't care inside. Inside, they feel they're there.Samantha [00:22:37]:
Oh, really?Lisa [00:22:38]:
Inside. I see a lot of ankles inside. Not outside, but inside. Right. Okay. You're right. Because it's beautiful.Samantha [00:22:47]:
It is beautiful right now. Hopefully it stays like that. But I do have breaking news. In case anyone didn't know. It is officially 20. In 23 days, spring will be here. Oh, 23 days. March 20th.Samantha [00:23:01]:
March 20th. At 3:01am the sun will come out and it will be spring.Lisa [00:23:08]:
Huh? Because it feels like spring today. I messaged you today saying it's really hot. Do you want drinks on a patio?Samantha [00:23:15]:
Yeah. No.Lisa [00:23:16]:
You said no, not yet. No, not yet. Kind of squashed my spirit. That's kind of what you like to do, right?Samantha [00:23:23]:
I try.Lisa [00:23:24]:
But you know what the problem now is? A snow mold.Samantha [00:23:27]:
I am sneezing up a storm.Lisa [00:23:29]:
Right? So now are we snotty with a cold or snotty because it's moldy? I'm team moldy, right? I'm like, I don't care. Because people are all like, everybody's looking at you, it's like. It's snow mold. Right? Sniff, wipe, whatever. Who cares? Who cares?Samantha [00:23:46]:
There you go.Lisa [00:23:46]:
Beautiful weather. So we went on Saturday to our new. Well, I guess it's still kind of our new favorite breakfast place.Samantha [00:23:55]:
Yes, it is, Greenfields.Lisa [00:23:57]:
But for some reason, we decided not to order off the seniors menu.Samantha [00:24:00]:
No. Because apparently we were hungrier than a seniors menu.Lisa [00:24:04]:
We were. Right. And. And. And as we started that journey into humming and hawing, we.Samantha [00:24:10]:
It.Lisa [00:24:10]:
One thing became really, really, really, really noticeable to me, and I. And I started to get a little bit concerned about it. Right. I think I feel like as though I figured out the whole seniors menu facade, because that's what I think it is. It's a facade. They start to take away our choices. They are weapons. The choices are less.Lisa [00:24:29]:
Right. And I might now be a senior according to the grain fields, but I still like to choose from 15 breakfast items, not three. And that's what they're doing, right? Because that's what we do to old people. We start to take away their choices. Right. Old, old men. We let you shovel. You can push the snow.Lisa [00:24:49]:
You can't lift the snow. You can. You can shovel, you can't go on the roof. Right? These are all the things you can't do anymore. Right? Right. Because we take away your choices. And that's. That's.Lisa [00:25:02]:
That's essentially they're doing that with our food too, now as seniors.Samantha [00:25:07]:
So how do you propose we go around that?Lisa [00:25:11]:
I don't know. How do you. How. I don't know. Like, do we start a petition?Samantha [00:25:15]:
Please add more to your senior.Lisa [00:25:17]:
Why can't there be more choices?Samantha [00:25:19]:
Why couldn't. Why couldn't every item on the menu have a senior option?Lisa [00:25:24]:
Right? Because you're just. You're just taking away a sausage link, a piece of toast and egg, right?Samantha [00:25:32]:
Yeah. It's just a size portion, right.Lisa [00:25:34]:
You don't need to do selections. You don't need to do choice portion. You just need to do size portion.Samantha [00:25:41]:
Right?Lisa [00:25:41]:
That's my thing. Right.Samantha [00:25:43]:
Even though I will say this, we did not finish our breakfasts.Lisa [00:25:48]:
No. But what if we would have.Samantha [00:25:50]:
What if that was the day.Lisa [00:25:52]:
What if that was the day that I was gonna eat the omelette with the hash browns and the toast and the pancakes?Samantha [00:26:00]:
Right. And. And you ordered extra pancakes.Lisa [00:26:04]:
Because I felt I could eat two. I couldn't. But what if that was. And then what did we decide? Because you were like, can I have a little bit of the pancake? So I actually shared My food with you. No hesitation bites. But I gave you no grief. I gave you no grief like you give me. I'm like, of course you can, because I'm that friend.Lisa [00:26:22]:
Right?Samantha [00:26:22]:
You still had a plate of food.Lisa [00:26:24]:
It doesn't matter. At, at the Earl's, you have a plate of food and you're like hijacking your food.Samantha [00:26:30]:
Yes, because it's mine.Lisa [00:26:32]:
Right. Okay, so pancakes were mine.Samantha [00:26:34]:
However, actually, technically, I paid for breakfast.Lisa [00:26:37]:
They were your pancakes, but that's not nice. If that's how this friendship goes in the next few years, that's, that's not gonna work.Samantha [00:26:47]:
Oh, might work for me.Lisa [00:26:48]:
Well, it won't work for me. I tell you, there'll be a whole new thing to start fighting about.Samantha [00:26:52]:
But I mean, seriously though, because we are of a certain age and we, we can eat off that side of the menu.Lisa [00:27:01]:
Right?Samantha [00:27:01]:
But it's in all things. As you get older, people think you can't do stuff. Like when realistically, if that person can still function and do things, you let them.Lisa [00:27:13]:
Or you find the things that make a difference that I can't do. You want to say I can't vacuum? Fine. I can't vacuum. You want to say Sam can't do dishes. She's not going to oppose that.Samantha [00:27:23]:
I will not care.Lisa [00:27:24]:
Sam can't do dishes. But don't say, Sam can't choose four things to have for her breakfast selections. She certainly still can do that. Right. I think that's the thing. Right. If you're going to limit me, maybe I should get some say in what gets limited. I'll give you the list of my limitations.Lisa [00:27:40]:
I'm willing to give up all these things. I will not put mushrooms in my omelet. I won't do that. I will limit myself to no mushrooms. I will not eat cottage cheese. And even though the hot honey is a big on trend food, I will stay away from it.Samantha [00:27:54]:
Yes.Lisa [00:27:55]:
Right. How many calories must be in that shit?Samantha [00:27:58]:
Hot honey.Lisa [00:27:59]:
Hot honey.Samantha [00:28:00]:
Hot honey is super, super full of sugar.Lisa [00:28:03]:
Yeah, right. Because I tried hot honey. I tried it and it's hot honey. Because hot. It's hot.Samantha [00:28:11]:
It's chilies.Lisa [00:28:12]:
And then what I was wanting so bad from it is I was wanting it to not have the consistency of honey. Because that's my issue with honey is the consistency in the name is honey. I know.Samantha [00:28:25]:
How did you not think it was going to have the consistency of honey?Lisa [00:28:28]:
I just thought maybe they were just like doing a play apply on words or something. And then there it was. Honey. Hot honey. Which made it worse than honey. Honey. Right.Samantha [00:28:44]:
I cannot. I cannot. And then all I do.Lisa [00:28:47]:
I don't know. And they say honey is, like, not. You know what the issue is with honey? My issue. My number one issue. Other than the fact it made me throw up when I was 5 years old and proved that I was allergic. My other number one issue with honey, Samantha, is the fact it doesn't expire.Samantha [00:29:01]:
It does expire.Lisa [00:29:02]:
It says it does not. It says it's the only food in the world that does not expire. Oh, well, that's disgusting.Samantha [00:29:09]:
It does come out of a bee's ass.Lisa [00:29:11]:
Right? And that's weird too, right? Although I get it, right? Milk comes out of a cow's tit and that's weird. I get all. I get. All of it is weird if we break it down like that, right? I get it. Yeah. I get it pretty much. Yeah.Samantha [00:29:28]:
Okay, let's. Let's move along from our senior moment.Lisa [00:29:32]:
Okay.Samantha [00:29:33]:
Shall we?Lisa [00:29:37]:
Are we going on a journey?Samantha [00:29:38]:
Yes. We're going back to our teenage years. Back to our early party days.Lisa [00:29:43]:
Like, I'm drooling today. Maybe because we were talking senior talk or something.Samantha [00:29:47]:
Maybe. Maybe talking about food again.Lisa [00:29:49]:
Yeah. We're going back to partying teens.Samantha [00:29:51]:
Yes. Partying teens.Lisa [00:29:52]:
I did it.Samantha [00:29:53]:
Well, what is the music that still gets you bumping?Lisa [00:29:57]:
That gets me bumping. Get you bumping, like from, like the 80s, wherever.Samantha [00:30:03]:
Like, I like. Do you remember Jump, jump, jump.Lisa [00:30:06]:
Yeah. Crisscross Gonna make you jump, jump, jump I like. Let's talk about sex, baby let's talk about you and me. I like that one. Let's talk about all the good things and bad things that maybe. Let's talk about sex. Let's talk about sex.Samantha [00:30:22]:
I like. Whoop, there it is.Lisa [00:30:25]:
There it is. I always still just like the one winged dove sings a song, sounds like she's singing. I still love that one a lot too.Samantha [00:30:35]:
Right. Well. And who doesn't love any AC DC song, right?Lisa [00:30:38]:
No, I don't love acdc.Samantha [00:30:40]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:30:41]:
Seriously, I don't. I'm not heavy metal like you.Samantha [00:30:44]:
Well, I don't mind the heavy metal.Lisa [00:30:46]:
No, but you also like Bon Jovi, right? And I don't.Samantha [00:30:49]:
Is not heavy metal.Lisa [00:30:51]:
I was not a hair bands girl.Samantha [00:30:53]:
Really?Lisa [00:30:53]:
No.Samantha [00:30:55]:
Like, no. Def Leppard.Lisa [00:30:56]:
Like, I mean, they're fine. But I was not my thing. I was like. I was like Euro. I was like. Right? I was like. Like a little trendier that way.Samantha [00:31:06]:
I. I liked all the Euro bands too, but I Liked a lot of music. I wasn't singular in my taste.Lisa [00:31:12]:
I was totally singular.Samantha [00:31:14]:
I perhaps had a little more culture in my life.Lisa [00:31:16]:
I had no culture. None. None at all. I wanted nothing to do with culture. I just wanted what I liked. They were playing in the Co Op the other day. The Pet Shop Boys.Samantha [00:31:27]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:31:28]:
I'm like, sweet. I said to Mike, you know who this is? He knew. Like, look at you. Heavy Metal Mike, knowing the. The Pet Shop Boys. Right.Samantha [00:31:38]:
Well, they were so popular back in our day, right?Lisa [00:31:41]:
They were. Sure they were. But. But, yeah, I mean, like, nothing wrong with a good song that gets you going, right? Right. You gotta have that. Right.Samantha [00:31:49]:
We're gonna have it all on our Bareborn. Our Bare Bones tour. Spotify.Lisa [00:31:54]:
You're gonna want to download that. You're gonna want to download that playlist.Samantha [00:31:57]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:31:58]:
All the songs that make Lisa and Sam happy.Samantha [00:32:00]:
Anne Murray, for sure. Right.Lisa [00:32:02]:
Because who doesn't need a little snowbird in their life?Samantha [00:32:04]:
Abba.Lisa [00:32:05]:
Abba. But there's lots of songs for you, too, right?Samantha [00:32:09]:
Like whomp. There it is, right?Lisa [00:32:11]:
Oh, there it is. Right? You got lots of songs. We both got lots of songs. You got lots of people.Samantha [00:32:17]:
I got one Pit Bull.Lisa [00:32:19]:
Oh, that's fine. Right? Is it the Holiday Inn?Samantha [00:32:22]:
Yeah. Hotel, motel. Holiday Inn.Lisa [00:32:27]:
Really? You know what? People need to get to the show at, like, three hours early because it's a great playlist. Hey, but listen, Gen Z's on the warpath. Samantha.Samantha [00:32:39]:
Oh, God. Again?Lisa [00:32:40]:
Yeah, Gen Z's on the warpath, and they've got a list of things that are not acceptable in 2025.Samantha [00:32:48]:
Great.Lisa [00:32:49]:
Kind of. They're saying, like. They're calling it kind of like. Like, not the back half of 2025, but I guess. Must be for spring, I'm guessing. Okay, can I share? And some of this doesn't make me very happy. They're saying no to skinny jeans. I thought skinny jeans were making a comeback.Lisa [00:33:02]:
Can we make a choice on skinny jeans, please? Can we just call them jeans? Remember them when they just were jeans? When I bought the only first pair.Samantha [00:33:10]:
That you can wear. Yeah.Lisa [00:33:11]:
So, yeah. And now we have to label them uncool and unfashionable. Right. When I first bought them from Old Navy, they were just. They were actually rockstar jeans. Right. And that made me feel pretty darn cool. Yes.Lisa [00:33:24]:
Okay. So no skinny jeans, no show socks. That'll.Samantha [00:33:29]:
I'm okay, world.Lisa [00:33:30]:
No, you are a. No. You're a no show sock girl.Samantha [00:33:33]:
Yeah. Oh, I. Oh, they. Why they want me to show my socks.Lisa [00:33:37]:
They're saying no show socks. Not. Not cool anymore.Samantha [00:33:40]:
Kiss my ass.Lisa [00:33:41]:
Right, Sorry. Not cool. Mascara that makes the cat eye or the wing tip.Samantha [00:33:48]:
There is no mascara that gives you a wingtip.Lisa [00:33:51]:
The, the, the, the, the. The artistry it takes to make that.Samantha [00:33:54]:
Look, I don't have patience for that.Lisa [00:33:57]:
Right? Because they're saying they want some softer edges and less harshness.Samantha [00:34:01]:
Congratulations.Lisa [00:34:03]:
So why did they get to come up with all this? What if Gen X came up with our list? What would our list be? Right? I want you just drinking from the hose. Stop buying water. Stop paying for something that's free. Right? You drink from the hose. Drink from your tap at home. Yeah, right. That's. That's what I'm going to get you to do.Samantha [00:34:18]:
Get musically inclined, right? Go back to the 70s and listen to the good stuff.Lisa [00:34:24]:
Listen to the good stuff, right? Stop whining, stop complaining about everything. Right? You get to go home during the day. On Saturday, we didn't. We had to stay outside till supper, right?Samantha [00:34:35]:
Oh, my God, yes.Lisa [00:34:36]:
Right? There's so many things.Samantha [00:34:39]:
There's a lot.Lisa [00:34:40]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:34:40]:
You know what? If Gen X had a list, it would be, how about you just go about your day?Lisa [00:34:46]:
Just go about your day. How about just mind your business, Go about your day. And if you think you should, don't you dare.Samantha [00:34:52]:
And if you think you have an opinion, think again.Lisa [00:34:56]:
Think again. Right? Because shallow are saying. No, actually, you don't.Samantha [00:35:01]:
Shallow want nothing to do with that.Lisa [00:35:04]:
We want nothing to do with you and your opinion. Gen Z, However, I do want you to download, subscribe, the podcast.Samantha [00:35:12]:
And if we piss you off, that's just an extra. That's an extra, right?Lisa [00:35:16]:
Yeah. Right. One more thing to not like about us, but still come back next Friday for the next episode.Samantha [00:35:22]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:35:23]:
We don't have to end the relationship. We can just put it on pause every now and then.Samantha [00:35:27]:
Well, you know, like, maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll learn resiliency, maybe, or a sense of humor, maybe, right?Lisa [00:35:34]:
But okay, now, now you're going to offend them.Samantha [00:35:36]:
I'm.Lisa [00:35:37]:
I'm going. You're the offender. It's funny, right? Because I think in this friendship, it started off with me being the offensive one because I slip up and say stupid shit, but I don't. I think you're calculated. I think you're very calculated. Samantha, this girl Lisa, she don't know, sometimes she just says. And then she's like, oh, Samantha, she's smarter sometimes she's smarter in Some things than me. She knows.Lisa [00:36:03]:
She totally knows.Samantha [00:36:04]:
I go for the jugular when I know I got a direct hit.Lisa [00:36:07]:
Right? I like. I weave and bob and somehow. How'd I get there? Oops. Right? Not Sam. I know. She pulls the arrow back and lets it go. Ah.Samantha [00:36:21]:
Yeah. If only. Okay, well, you know, you guys, I'm sure you're aware at. Lisa and I have been friends for 125 years.Lisa [00:36:29]:
125.Samantha [00:36:31]:
At least 125.Lisa [00:36:32]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:36:34]:
And we have been almost friends for 25 years, actually.Lisa [00:36:37]:
Totally.Samantha [00:36:37]:
So it's a really long time to irritate each other.Lisa [00:36:40]:
It's a long time. Just ask my husband. He feels the same way.Samantha [00:36:43]:
And we've spent, like, eight years of it podcasting and 11 years and 11.Lisa [00:36:49]:
Years of it working together.Samantha [00:36:52]:
So we're just. I'm curious, is, what is this going to look like when we're 75?Lisa [00:36:59]:
Oh, I think it's going to be embarrassing.Samantha [00:37:02]:
I think I'm still going to swear.Lisa [00:37:04]:
Oh, I think so. I think so. I think.Samantha [00:37:06]:
I think I'm still. I'm never going to dress in polyester.Lisa [00:37:09]:
You saw a lady on the weekend that you thought you might have gone to school with, and I, like, laughed hysterically. I'm like, shut up. And I'm the first one. If I can make a crack at you, if I can poke fun at you for something, I'm all over. I had to take your side. I'm like, you are not that old. This lady looked like she was 15 years older and walked out of. I don't know, I think she was still kind of in 1987.Lisa [00:37:33]:
Yeah, just older version. Right?Samantha [00:37:37]:
It was weird.Lisa [00:37:38]:
It was weird.Samantha [00:37:40]:
It was very weird.Lisa [00:37:41]:
Yeah. But I. You're not. No, we're not going to. We're not. Like, I'm not just going to. Even though I have a hard time finding jeans, I'm not just going to say it. I'll go to Slacks.Lisa [00:37:51]:
Right. And out we go. I'll meet you for breakfast. You like my new slacks, right?Samantha [00:37:59]:
Oh, my God. I'm never going to. I. Please. Like, huh.Lisa [00:38:05]:
We have to promise each other that we got each other on this one. Samantha, I can't.Samantha [00:38:09]:
Like, I need us to not get stuck in our age. Like, I don't know, like a.Lisa [00:38:17]:
Can't do it.Samantha [00:38:18]:
Like a Capri sweatpant or.Lisa [00:38:21]:
They look so comfy. I know, because I was looking at them online, actually thinking, God, looks so comfy that I just feel like.Samantha [00:38:28]:
Like, promise me that if we go out at the age of 75 that we are not in our casual. Like, we're going to make an effort. We're going to put like a cool pair of jeans on. We're going to still wear cool shoes.Lisa [00:38:41]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:38:41]:
We're going to have nice jacket. We're going to have like, like a cool purse. We're still going to look fun with the glasses and the hair. Like.Lisa [00:38:49]:
Right.Samantha [00:38:49]:
We're still. We're not going to have a blue rinse in some type like, I don't.Lisa [00:38:54]:
Want to have a little bit of pink in my hair. I don't want a little bit of pink in my gray. Right. And there's nothing wrong if that's what you have. But it's not what I want.Samantha [00:39:04]:
No, I can't. I can't. Please don't.Lisa [00:39:07]:
I still want to just wear my T shirt and a pair of jeans.Samantha [00:39:10]:
Like I. Yes. I still think we can be cool and be older, but be cool.Lisa [00:39:15]:
But still just like, like, are we dressing much differently now than what we did 25 years ago?Samantha [00:39:21]:
Not really. I just really. We can afford different things.Lisa [00:39:24]:
Right? I guess. Right. I'm still pretty cheap with things, so I don't want to afford those things.Samantha [00:39:30]:
I'm like, I just, I feel like how people dressed at our age 20 years ago, 30 years ago. It just is not how we're going to dress.Lisa [00:39:41]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:39:41]:
It's not how we're going to be in our older years.Lisa [00:39:43]:
My seamstress told me today, oh, you look like you're 20 years younger. I'm like, K, 20 is a stretch. She's like, but for sure 10. I'm like, I'll take for sure 10. I'm like in my plaid checkered pants and my fancy pants. My fancy pants and my black sweater that I felt was not. It was too heavy. It was not the right sweater for those pants.Lisa [00:40:07]:
Oh, you know when you do that right? When like the top is just. It's like way too thick.Samantha [00:40:12]:
Was it the one you wore at breakfast on Sunday that was dirty?Lisa [00:40:15]:
Yeah, but I cleaned it. I cleaned it. Yeah.Samantha [00:40:19]:
That's too heavy for those pants.Lisa [00:40:21]:
It was too heavy for those pants. It felt too heavy for those pants. But I did it anyways.Samantha [00:40:25]:
You should have just done like a soft.Lisa [00:40:27]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:40:28]:
Non patterned.Lisa [00:40:29]:
Yeah. That was the problem. Right. Is because it's got a pattern kind of. Yeah. Yeah. It didn't. It, it was fine.Lisa [00:40:35]:
Nobody said anything so it couldn't have been that bad. That's what I think. Right?Samantha [00:40:39]:
Let me guess. Did you wear your boot?Lisa [00:40:41]:
I wore my boot. That's my only winter shoe. Right? What. What other shoe? I don't. I don't have a dumb little shoe like you. Right. Because what do you wear with that shoe? What's. Are you putting a sock in that shoe?Samantha [00:40:53]:
I'm putting a half sock in that shoe.Lisa [00:40:55]:
And showing your barefoot? Yeah. Ten minutes ago you just said it's too soon for them.Samantha [00:40:59]:
I'm not. I'm not wearing that now. I'll start wearing it in like.Lisa [00:41:02]:
Okay, well, that's different. Right? Of course I'm not wearing. Not wearing my boot then. I got into my boots before you got out of boots last year.Samantha [00:41:09]:
I. That's true.Lisa [00:41:10]:
Right. You were, like, holding on to boots like you didn't have ankles or something anymore. You lost your ankles over the winter or something. Right. It's almost May, and Sam's still got her big boot on.Samantha [00:41:19]:
Yeah.Lisa [00:41:20]:
Let it go.Samantha [00:41:20]:
Enjoying my boot, right?Lisa [00:41:22]:
Let it go.Samantha [00:41:23]:
Let it go.Lisa [00:41:24]:
But you also extend boot. You extend shoe season longer. Right. Like, you'll wear your shoe.Samantha [00:41:30]:
I feel your judgment.Lisa [00:41:33]:
Shallow.Samantha [00:41:34]:
I don't need that from you right now.Lisa [00:41:35]:
Shallow, shallow, shallow. That's what I am.Samantha [00:41:40]:
All right.Lisa [00:41:41]:
Yes. Sorry. Can't do much about. Just is what it is. Right.Samantha [00:41:46]:
How are you feeling about shopping carts, though?Lisa [00:41:49]:
Oh, you know what? I don't understand why people leave them and don't put them away. Like, do you get that?Samantha [00:41:59]:
I don't. I always put away my grocery cart.Lisa [00:42:02]:
You always put it away?Samantha [00:42:04]:
Yes. All the time.Lisa [00:42:05]:
Always. Always. Right. If you don't put it away, it's like littering. You're like littering your cart.Samantha [00:42:09]:
We are littering.Lisa [00:42:10]:
Right. And like, somebody else has to. There's a reason why they. Why they started charging people a quarter. I want them to take the quarter away. I want them to trust that I will take my cart back.Samantha [00:42:21]:
You know what I saw? I was at the Sobeys on the east end over here, and I saw someone who had a grocery cart. And instead of going that way to the stall where it should go.Lisa [00:42:36]:
Yep.Samantha [00:42:37]:
They went to the light and parked it in front of the light. Why the parking lot? I have no clue. Because the distance to the light and to the. To where you should.Lisa [00:42:50]:
I don't understand people.Samantha [00:42:51]:
Was literally the same distance.Lisa [00:42:53]:
Right. It makes no sense. Stuff like that makes no sense. It's a pet peeve. I think it's. It's. I think. I think it's bad that we have to pay a person to.Lisa [00:43:02]:
What is your job on Saturday? To pick up the shopping carts from people. Like, it's fine if you pay him to take them from their little holders, that's fine. But to have to go around the whole parking lot, like, if that was my job, I'd be pissed. I'd be like, you, that car can stay. Right? I would do that job half assed mad. Because I'd be mad.Samantha [00:43:21]:
Well, and if it's minus 50 and you're having to walk through the whole parking lot picking up other people's shit, right?Lisa [00:43:28]:
Because you. Hi, you took the cart. It's not like a free for all. So when you pull up to go shopping, all the carts are just out there. You just find a cart and grab it. It's not like that. Come on, people. We're classier than that, Samantha.Samantha [00:43:40]:
Well, you would think so.Lisa [00:43:42]:
Well, you would think so, right? But I don't know. I don't know. It's hard to say.Samantha [00:43:46]:
Do you. Do you feel at our age that we know everything we're supposed to know, that there's nothing yet to learn?Lisa [00:43:52]:
I just asked a million questions about.Samantha [00:43:54]:
The Pope, so apparently.Lisa [00:43:55]:
No, no, I, like, I want to say, like, some days I feel like, okay, like, let's be honest, right? I always feel like I'm really smart. Right.Samantha [00:44:05]:
Even when you're not?Lisa [00:44:06]:
Well, to you, I'm not. But to me, I feel like I'm always really smart. So I feel like I know a lot of things or no, I know a little about a lot. I will.Samantha [00:44:18]:
I will say that that is true.Lisa [00:44:19]:
Right. And because I don't, I'm not investing the time to learn a lot about a lot. That's extra work. And I'm not prepared to put that in. Right. But I'm okay to learn a little about a lot.Samantha [00:44:30]:
Yes. You are prepared to do that.Lisa [00:44:32]:
Right. And then every now and then, something piques my interest, like, right. So like when we were finding a new Pope, I was prepared to learn a little about that. And now that there's the Pope situation, it piques my interest. I'm prepared to learn a little bit more about that type of thing.Samantha [00:44:46]:
You should learn about the Conclave then.Lisa [00:44:48]:
I don't want to. That's too much. I don't want to say that word. It seems like a lot. It seems like it's all policies. I'm good things, I'm good. But I do feel sometimes though, I feel we should know things that we don't know.Samantha [00:45:02]:
Well, when it comes to you. There is. There are some blank.Lisa [00:45:06]:
There's lots of stuff.Samantha [00:45:07]:
There's some blank moments in your life.Lisa [00:45:09]:
Right.Samantha [00:45:10]:
Should have caught on to already.Lisa [00:45:15]:
I just. I don't know where those moments went.Samantha [00:45:17]:
I don't know either. Because again, you know, when I have to use the phrase, how have you lived this long not knowing that?Lisa [00:45:24]:
Don't think I'm not surprised by that sometimes, too, you know? Right. Like, sometimes I'm completely caught off guard. Like, how did I not know that?Samantha [00:45:31]:
Like, how did you get through this world not knowing what taint was?Lisa [00:45:35]:
Well, I can give you a ton of reasons why I don't know why I didn't know what taint was. How come you seem like you do know what taint is now?Samantha [00:45:43]:
I don't.Lisa [00:45:45]:
Interesting, right? Interesting. Friends of the podcast, if you're not sure what we're talking about right now, taint is the area on a man between his rectum and his anus. And sometimes it's formerly known as yuckiness.Samantha [00:46:04]:
Thank you for explaining it one more time.Lisa [00:46:06]:
So I was surprised that I didn't know much about that, actually.Samantha [00:46:09]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:46:10]:
And then thankful, actually, to. In turn.Samantha [00:46:13]:
Yes.Lisa [00:46:14]:
Right. Like, are there things that we should know? Like, is there things in our life that we're missing that we just don't know that we should be like, oh, yeah, I probably should have known that.Samantha [00:46:21]:
Well, we won't know it until we're in. Until we need to know.Lisa [00:46:25]:
Right.Samantha [00:46:25]:
So how do you know what you're missing until you need to know it?Lisa [00:46:28]:
Yeah. Like, I feel fairly well rounded, but I don't know.Samantha [00:46:32]:
Well, I wouldn't go that far.Lisa [00:46:33]:
Really. I think I'm smarter than you. I totally feel I'm smarter than you.Samantha [00:46:39]:
Oh, that's not fair.Lisa [00:46:41]:
Hey, really, like, if we had a trivia contest, who would win? And who. Who was it? Was it Tina? Tina. Friend of the podcast. She thinks we need to redo our trivia contest from a hunt from 2018.Samantha [00:46:51]:
Bring in John as the co host.Lisa [00:46:54]:
Right. Bring in John as the co host. And let's see. Because I think Lisa won that one.Samantha [00:46:58]:
No, you didn't.Lisa [00:46:59]:
I'm sure I did.Samantha [00:47:00]:
No, you didn't.Lisa [00:47:01]:
I think so. I think you won hopscotch, But I think I won all the major things. Right. I mean, is there more we can learn? For sure, for sure. Right. But do we want to. I don't know. At some point.Lisa [00:47:15]:
Right. Like, my brain is tapping out. Right.Samantha [00:47:20]:
At some point. I don't know.Lisa [00:47:23]:
You know, but I Guess you know.Samantha [00:47:26]:
What, I will say this, that we. We should always remain curious.Lisa [00:47:31]:
Gotta be curious, right?Samantha [00:47:33]:
Right.Lisa [00:47:33]:
We just wonder because you get questions. Right. You get frustrated with all my questions sometimes.Samantha [00:47:38]:
That's because they're annoying most of the time.Lisa [00:47:40]:
I'm a curious soul. Hey, curious soul. Samantha. Yeah, but I've got this. I've got something that I want to share with people and it's food related. Surprise.Samantha [00:47:52]:
If you hate this, start fast forwarding.Lisa [00:47:55]:
Yeah, Just. It's going to be not really a story. It's a recommendation. If you like chicken pot pie or if you don't. Here's one. And God knows we're not being sponsored by her because we got no sponsors.Samantha [00:48:07]:
We got no sponsors.Lisa [00:48:08]:
Got no sponsors. Apparently nobody wants to sponsor us or we haven't tried to find sponsors. I don't know what the deal is with us. We have to do something about that. Marie Callender, have you seen her pot pie? I don't eat pot pie in the frozen food section. It's delightful. It is a flaky crust. It is the perfect ratio of all things.Lisa [00:48:30]:
Oh, it's really, really good. I'm recommending it. And I don't just make recommendations. I'm recommending it. Recommending it. Right. Marie Callender chicken pot pie takes an hour and 40 minutes. So.Lisa [00:48:45]:
Right. It's. Goodness. Oh, goodness. Right. Because it's. And it's. It's good.Lisa [00:48:50]:
It's good pie. It's a good one. Can you try it, Samantha?Samantha [00:48:54]:
No, because this is just bringing me back.Lisa [00:48:56]:
No, it's better.Samantha [00:48:57]:
All the pot pies that lived and died in a fridge at work.Lisa [00:49:02]:
Yeah, but it's better.Samantha [00:49:04]:
And. And you were like, oh, I love them. Oh, I love them. And then two days later, oh, I hate them. Oh, I hate them. Which is basically the secular life of Lisa and food. So I'm surprised that you will go, like, will you go back to Marie Calder Po.Lisa [00:49:21]:
I've done it, too. I've done it two times, but I don't know if I'm going to do a third.Samantha [00:49:24]:
Right.Lisa [00:49:25]:
But not because I don't like it. Just because I'm over it now. So I'm sharing. It's kind. I'm drooling. So I'm sharing it with the world, setting it free and sharing it.Samantha [00:49:36]:
All right, well, world, this is Lisa's gift to you.Lisa [00:49:40]:
Marie Callender chicken pot pie in your frozen food section. Let me know how it is. Let me know what you think. The egg crisis, right? Oh, my God, that's all I keep hearing about. The eggs, the eggs, the eggs, the eggs. First off, why do I have to care so much about eggs?Samantha [00:49:57]:
Eggs are good for you. Eggs make a lot of things.Lisa [00:50:00]:
Okay.Samantha [00:50:01]:
Eggs are good for baking. Eggs are just.Lisa [00:50:04]:
And do they need to be like, like the main news story on, on whatever channel? David Muir, right? Hottie, hottie, hottie. David Muir, NBC, abc. I don't know which one he does. The egg crisis and how it's affecting America. Denny's, owning more than 137 outlets, has now officially decided to charge more for dishes that contain eggs.Samantha [00:50:33]:
And that is their right.Lisa [00:50:35]:
But that is not world earth shaking news.Samantha [00:50:38]:
Well, according to America, it is.Lisa [00:50:42]:
Well, okay. I thought you moved your America. I thought you just hired a president to fix the egg prices.Samantha [00:50:47]:
It's apparently.Lisa [00:50:49]:
What's the problem? I know, it's the avian flu. Anyways, Elon Musk can't fix that.Samantha [00:50:54]:
I don't know.Lisa [00:50:55]:
He can't grow chickens. You can't make chickens.Samantha [00:50:58]:
We can't do some 3D here, 3D chickens.Lisa [00:51:01]:
He can go to space. He can put people up in space, but he can't, he can't help chickens.Samantha [00:51:06]:
He can't, like, you know, free range that.Lisa [00:51:08]:
He could be a raging lunatic with a, with a chainsaw at a rally. But he can't, can't, can't find, find a way to help the chickens figure.Samantha [00:51:18]:
Out how to make eggs cheaper.Lisa [00:51:20]:
All right. Seems odd, right? Mr. Business. Hello, Mr. Business.Samantha [00:51:24]:
Well, could. Maybe he could buy up the chicken farms and start correcting that problem because.Lisa [00:51:29]:
He claims to be able to do everything better than everybody.Samantha [00:51:33]:
Yeah. So he should try that out.Lisa [00:51:35]:
Why does he not buy Denny's and say, you know what? Hey, Denny's, Elon Musk here. Right. I've just fired all of the people working in the government. I'm going to fire you now and take over the eggs problem with your pancake house.Samantha [00:51:47]:
I, I don't think he wants to own a restaurant. It's just a sinking ship.Lisa [00:51:50]:
But, you know, people always got to eat, Samantha. People need their breakfast.Samantha [00:51:56]:
I think he's more interested in going to space than he is trying to fix chickens.Lisa [00:52:00]:
Right. And taking away people's benefits and making sure that you don't get to come back to work. Right, Right. He's a. He's a good man. He's a good man.Samantha [00:52:09]:
He's very busy right now.Lisa [00:52:10]:
He's very busy. Right. Because he's. He's turning the world upside down. Right? Yeah. Yeah.Samantha [00:52:17]:
Anyways, not In a good way.Lisa [00:52:19]:
Not in a good way. Right. And I'm going to say this and this probably get me in trouble. Probably. Maybe it could even land me in jail. I don't know. But when he was there with the chainsaw.Samantha [00:52:28]:
Huh.Lisa [00:52:29]:
I'm gonna say what other people think. Right. I'm not hoping that he got hurt. All I was hoping, all I was thinking is, God, wouldn't it be a shame if it kicked back? It would be a shame. That would be a shame. That would have been a shame.Samantha [00:52:43]:
Yes.Lisa [00:52:44]:
If that chainsaw kicked back. Because you sometimes hear of those horrific stories.Samantha [00:52:48]:
Yes.Lisa [00:52:48]:
Or things like that happen.Samantha [00:52:50]:
Thank you for sharing that thought with the world.Lisa [00:52:52]:
Just saying. Right. I'm glad. Thank goodness. Thank goodness didn't happen. No, thank goodness. Right. Because.Lisa [00:52:58]:
Because you know, thou shalt have the right to bear arms and carry chainsaws wherever you go. Jesus. I'm leaving it now.Samantha [00:53:07]:
Talking. Oh, my God.Lisa [00:53:10]:
I'm tippy toeing away.Samantha [00:53:12]:
Yes, you should. You should.Lisa [00:53:15]:
He's a nut job, man.Samantha [00:53:17]:
Yes, of course. We all know that and no, no, actually that. Listen to us.Lisa [00:53:21]:
Actually, we don't.Samantha [00:53:22]:
Okay. But people who listen to us know that.Lisa [00:53:24]:
Yes, they do. I'm not. Our people are. They're good people. And even if you, even if you voted in for Donald Trump, I don't think you're horrible people. I don't think you saw this coming.Samantha [00:53:35]:
I don't think anyone saw Elon Musk.Lisa [00:53:37]:
That's what I think. I think you didn't see this coming. Right.Samantha [00:53:40]:
So that was a wrinkle that no one saw.Lisa [00:53:43]:
It's a long four years.Samantha [00:53:44]:
And I just want to throw out there like now that we're talking about this, if you've never heard of Project 2025, give it a read. Probably want to look it up because they're following it like it, like it's a playbook.Lisa [00:53:57]:
Totally. Right. Because that's exactly. It's their manifesto, throwing that out there. Because every good dictatorship has a manifesto.Samantha [00:54:05]:
Yeah. And there's some bills that are trying to be passed in the Senate and there's some going down in those bills that are going to cause a lot.Lisa [00:54:12]:
Of problems, a lot of trouble.Samantha [00:54:13]:
Right.Lisa [00:54:14]:
You know what I want? I want to not have to talk about American politics. And I love American politics.Samantha [00:54:19]:
Lisa, it's the reality show that gives us good content.Lisa [00:54:23]:
Right.Samantha [00:54:24]:
Every week. It's going to continue.Lisa [00:54:26]:
It's going to continue. Right. As much as you hate talking politics, we're going to keep talking about it. Samantha. Right. Oh, my Goodness.Samantha [00:54:33]:
But I gotta move on to something that will shock you.Lisa [00:54:36]:
Okay, I'm ready.Samantha [00:54:38]:
I. I dived into the O.J. simpson document.Lisa [00:54:42]:
Shut up. You did not.Samantha [00:54:43]:
I did, too.Lisa [00:54:45]:
Kept your promise. After you broke your promise, then you kept a new promise, and then I kept a new.Samantha [00:54:49]:
And then I broke it again.Lisa [00:54:50]:
Oh.Samantha [00:54:51]:
Because, Lisa, it's boring as.Lisa [00:54:53]:
It's not boring, it's interesting. Oh, my God. You watch Miss Marple and Murder, She Wrote with Angela Lansbury. Rest in Peace.Samantha [00:55:04]:
It was so boring. That. And. And all I kept seeing on the screen was evidence that didn't make it to the trial. To the trial. And I'm like, how did this. And then I kept thinking, you're idiots.Lisa [00:55:20]:
Right.Samantha [00:55:20]:
How did that happen?Lisa [00:55:21]:
Right? That's what that was. The whole gist of the show was to leave you shaking your head at the O.J. simpson people.Samantha [00:55:28]:
Like, those cops handled it so badly.Lisa [00:55:31]:
So badly. Right. And they were blanket. Let me just throw it over top of you.Samantha [00:55:35]:
And they were pointing the fingers at each other.Lisa [00:55:38]:
But.Samantha [00:55:38]:
But.Lisa [00:55:38]:
Okay, did you think it was. Do you think it's planted? Do you think it was a. Do you think it was a. The cops did it. No, OJ did it. Yeah, OJ did it.Samantha [00:55:48]:
Of course he did it all. If all of that evidence was him after what he did.Lisa [00:55:54]:
Yeah.Samantha [00:55:55]:
To Nicole and to. To. What's. Ron Goldman. How could he not have been convicted?Lisa [00:56:04]:
Right. Executed. And the trial would have never gone on for a year.Samantha [00:56:07]:
Oh, my God. Like, there was so much that could have just put him in jail.Lisa [00:56:14]:
Totally. Like, right now on General Hospital, the same type of thing's happening. Right? Cyrus Renault was killed, murdered, and Jocelyn Jacks did it. Right. But Jocelyn Jack made a deal with. With the wsb saying, okay, no, I'll do whatever. And now they frame Jason Morgan. They have his hair at the scene, just like O.J.Lisa [00:56:35]:
Mr. Simpson, can you explain why your blood, her blood, and his blood are all in the Bronco? No, I cannot. Okay. Right. It was crazy and bogus. I thought it was really cool.Samantha [00:56:49]:
Okay.Lisa [00:56:49]:
Apparently the next good one to watch. I don't remember what it's called, though, is about the one who pretended that she had, like, some fatal disease and, like. And, like, did all these GoFundMes and stuff.Samantha [00:57:00]:
Okay. Is that the apple cider lady or is that. Oh, is it. No. Or is it Scamanda?Lisa [00:57:07]:
Oh, I don't remember what one. I don't know the name. It's one of them a lot.Samantha [00:57:11]:
There's a whole lot going around, I.Lisa [00:57:13]:
Think Those are both going to be good. I think Scamanda sounds awesome. Right? Just saying.Samantha [00:57:19]:
Oh, my God.Lisa [00:57:20]:
Okay.Samantha [00:57:20]:
I'm just saying. I tried. I may go back.Lisa [00:57:23]:
You didn't finish.Samantha [00:57:24]:
Nope.Lisa [00:57:25]:
How far did you get?Samantha [00:57:27]:
Episode two.Lisa [00:57:29]:
You still have more.Samantha [00:57:30]:
I know.Lisa [00:57:31]:
Still have two.Samantha [00:57:31]:
And it's boring. I just. Because I got. I got. So, like, how can this. How could this have happened? Right?Lisa [00:57:38]:
Because you just want fluff.Samantha [00:57:40]:
It's back in the 90s, right?Lisa [00:57:42]:
DNA evidence was just new.Samantha [00:57:44]:
Right?Lisa [00:57:45]:
You just want fluff. That's the difference.Samantha [00:57:46]:
I don't want fluff.Lisa [00:57:47]:
You want fluff. Ms. Marple is fluffy.Samantha [00:57:50]:
No, it's not fluffy.Lisa [00:57:51]:
Right. Murder she Wrote is fluffy.Samantha [00:57:53]:
It seemed pretty evident from the first episode that he should have been convicted.Lisa [00:57:59]:
True, right. Good point. I'll give you that. I'll give you that. Samantha. Okay, listen. I don't want to talk about Seymour. I got a.Lisa [00:58:06]:
I feel that there was a fair amount of pushback, mostly from you last week, about my combo diet. I feel you ripped it apart. I feel. Haley, Sam Sims, she. She. She voiced her opinion on. She appreciated my logic, but maybe it didn't really make sense. And that's fine.Lisa [00:58:28]:
I get it. I hear you all have moved on. I'm moving on because now I'm moving. Carnivore seems very, very winter now that it's getting summery and spring outside. I'm going on the cucumber diet.Samantha [00:58:40]:
Excellent.Lisa [00:58:41]:
Right? Because they say it takes more energy to eat a cucumber than it does for you to collect the calories. So it's free food. It's free food, right?Samantha [00:58:50]:
Oh, my God. Just chew on a piece of celery. Okay?Lisa [00:58:53]:
No, I don't. I hate celery. I hate celery. So that's what I'm doing. Cucumber diet. Pencil man. I'm in. Right? I'm off the other one.Lisa [00:59:02]:
I'm into this one. You know, I haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.Samantha [00:59:06]:
Yeah, because you're ridiculous. It's.Lisa [00:59:09]:
How is a cucumber diet ridiculous?Samantha [00:59:11]:
You can't sustain on a cucumber diet.Lisa [00:59:13]:
I feel like I'm eating. I feel like I can.Samantha [00:59:15]:
Okay, so you're gonna do one part cucumber, two parts donut, three parts potato chips, and one part chocolate bar.Lisa [00:59:25]:
And wash it back down, back to cucumber, repeat. Right? Not always chocolate bar, not always a potato chip thing.Samantha [00:59:33]:
Okay, I'm just saying.Lisa [00:59:34]:
I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Don't start poo pooing it already. Because you don't.Samantha [00:59:38]:
Are you throwing a coffee in there somewhere? Like, are you. Yeah.Lisa [00:59:40]:
In the morning, right?Samantha [00:59:41]:
Double.Lisa [00:59:41]:
Double.Samantha [00:59:42]:
Oh. With sugar.Lisa [00:59:44]:
With sweet. Oh, yeah. If it's at the Tim Hortons. If it's at the Starbucks, I do sweetener, but I don't trust the Tim Hortons to doctor up my coffee like that. I. I feel it's. No, I feel it's not going to go well.Samantha [00:59:56]:
Yeah. And who caught you at Grainfields? Me. Hi. Watching you dump.Lisa [01:00:01]:
What was your comment, smartass?Samantha [01:00:04]:
Like, enough sugar in your coffee?Lisa [01:00:06]:
I like. They didn't even have a sweetener choice. They don't even care about their seniors and their diabetes.Samantha [01:00:12]:
At least I care enough that, you know you're about your diabetes. You apparently do not care about it, but you cared.Lisa [01:00:19]:
Too late. I already had it in the. In the. In the cup.Samantha [01:00:22]:
It was huge.Lisa [01:00:24]:
Caring would be.Samantha [01:00:25]:
Here.Lisa [01:00:25]:
Do you want a sweetener? Caring would be. My friend has diabetes. Can you help her?Samantha [01:00:30]:
Can we get her a sweetener?Lisa [01:00:32]:
Can we get her a sweetener, please?Samantha [01:00:34]:
I'm not your caregiver. You can handle that on your own.Lisa [01:00:37]:
Right. So I felt sugar was fine. Thank you. Right. Sometimes a girl needs a little sweetness in her life.Samantha [01:00:43]:
Whatever you do. Weird. And nobody understands it.Lisa [01:00:48]:
It's the beauty. It's the beauty right there.Samantha [01:00:50]:
Is it, though?Lisa [01:00:51]:
Yeah. I feel. I feel.Samantha [01:00:53]:
Huh. All right. Now, I don't know about you and I don't know about anybody who listens to us. If you watched the SAG Awards.Lisa [01:01:01]:
I didn't. Because I didn't know it was on the Netflix.Samantha [01:01:03]:
Yeah, it's. It was. It was. Apparently that's where it was being shown.Lisa [01:01:07]:
Right. Because why wouldn't I just know that? I heard that it was on. I saw my phone. It said, they're on the red carpet. I went to TV and I didn't see it, and then I was like, guess it's not on tv.Samantha [01:01:18]:
It was on the Netflix. So I watched it the other day and the one thing that really impressed me, first of all, Kieran Culkin.Lisa [01:01:27]:
Yeah.Samantha [01:01:28]:
Is one weird.Lisa [01:01:31]:
I think he comes from that. Right?Samantha [01:01:32]:
And he. But you know what he is saying? Really kind of hilarious.Lisa [01:01:37]:
Okay.Samantha [01:01:38]:
He's funny and it made me laugh.Lisa [01:01:40]:
Good.Samantha [01:01:41]:
But I was like, dude, you're so weird.Lisa [01:01:44]:
Yeah. I think. I think it's genetic. I think so.Samantha [01:01:47]:
But it was funny to watch. But the big showstopper of that whole show was Jane Fonda.Lisa [01:01:53]:
Oh, for sure.Samantha [01:01:54]:
Getting her lifetime achievement award.Lisa [01:01:56]:
Yeah. And Oi.Samantha [01:01:57]:
The speech she gave.Lisa [01:01:59]:
She's amazing.Samantha [01:02:01]:
So good. So good.Lisa [01:02:03]:
She says we're in our documentary years.Samantha [01:02:05]:
Yes. She spoke the truth. It was good.Lisa [01:02:07]:
Yeah. And people listen to her, and she.Samantha [01:02:10]:
You know, because she's. She's like. And I'm loud, and I'm like, damn straight, girl.Lisa [01:02:14]:
She totally is, right? She totally is. But her words were so good. So if you haven't seen it, friends, the podcast, you should, like, look it up on the YouTube or on the TikTok or something. Yeah, right. Because it's. It's a.Samantha [01:02:26]:
It's very empowering if you want to be inspired to. To do the right thing, to be an activist, to speak when you need to speak because you don't understand what's happening around you. Yeah, it's definitely inspiring.Lisa [01:02:42]:
Just. Just do it right? Look, like, have a listen. She's. She is so awesome.Samantha [01:02:46]:
She is. And she's 88, and she is so on top of things.Lisa [01:02:50]:
They should give her, like, 15 lifetime achievement awards.Samantha [01:02:54]:
I know, right?Lisa [01:02:55]:
That's what they should do. You know what else they should do, Samantha? They should ban. Ban the deviled egg dip.Samantha [01:03:05]:
Where did that come from?Lisa [01:03:06]:
Because I saw it somewhere, and it's literally like the part of the egg, like the. The. The top part of the egg. Of the deviled egg.Samantha [01:03:16]:
Yeah.Lisa [01:03:16]:
In a bowl, and people are putting their chips and their carrot sticks in it. There's not one thing I can. There's not one food item that I can think of that belongs dipped into.Samantha [01:03:28]:
The deviled egg other than maybe toast.Lisa [01:03:34]:
No.Samantha [01:03:35]:
Yeah.Lisa [01:03:36]:
No. Yeah, into the deviled egg.Samantha [01:03:39]:
Well, it's still egg, technically.Lisa [01:03:42]:
Mayonnaise and paprika. You're messed up. You're just messed up sometimes on your. Like that, right? I mean, it depends all you avocado toast people, right? You cannot deviled egg toast. There's not deviled egg toast. Right. There's no such thing as deviled egg toast. There's deviled egg or nothing.Samantha [01:04:04]:
Is this because you can't handle change?Lisa [01:04:06]:
I don't think we need to enhance or change things that are unchangeable. The deviled egg has been a staple since 1952, right? At homes, at parties, at functions, at funerals. And. And. And. And all you people that right now are thinking it's just like an egg salad. It's not egg salad. It's different.Lisa [01:04:28]:
It's different. It's not made the same as an egg salad. It's a devil's egg.Samantha [01:04:32]:
It's got pa.Lisa [01:04:39]:
Which makes it different.Samantha [01:04:40]:
Of course it does.Lisa [01:04:41]:
Okay. They might be cousins but it's not the same.Samantha [01:04:44]:
Yeah, they're not twins once we're moved cousins.Lisa [01:04:48]:
Right, right. Because it doesn't have paprika. That's all I'm gonna say about that. That's all I'm saying about it. Right.Samantha [01:04:53]:
Just. You're being weird. It's all right. So calm down. Take a breath.Lisa [01:04:58]:
No, you know what? Do you know how much I hate when you tell me to take a breath? It picks my ass, like, so badly sometimes when you say that. I wish I was close by. Right. Because I would, like, probably hit you.Samantha [01:05:13]:
Oh, don't.Lisa [01:05:15]:
And why?Samantha [01:05:16]:
That'll get you in trouble.Lisa [01:05:17]:
Because you're gonna hit back. I know. Right? Because you are. You. You do. You. You punch. She's got bony little knuckles.Lisa [01:05:25]:
It's not very good. Friends of the podcast.Samantha [01:05:26]:
I got bony little fingers, too.Lisa [01:05:28]:
She's got point. She's got heavy. Heavy, like, steel fingers. Right? Crazy. Okay, you know what? Okay. All right. We asked the question on Sunday, and people delivered. Right.Lisa [01:05:42]:
What type of pajamas are people wearing? I didn't know it was going to be this much of a hot topic.Samantha [01:05:48]:
I know, but are you matchy matchy or are you a hot mess?Lisa [01:05:50]:
It was. I think. I think it was almost an even split.Samantha [01:05:53]:
I think so.Lisa [01:05:55]:
Right. Like, I think I feel that I'm most kindred spirit with your mom.Samantha [01:06:00]:
Yes, my mother is a hot mess.Lisa [01:06:02]:
Which seems like I just put on two pieces, a top and a bottom. Right. Which I agree. Totally, totally got that. So that's when I feel like I'm her child. I'm like, oh, I got you, mom.Samantha [01:06:16]:
She is totally not matching. Nothing ever is. It's hilarious.Lisa [01:06:21]:
Yeah. I feel. I'm. I feel Sheila and I have a lot in common like that. Yeah, you do. But people delivered. Right. Some people.Lisa [01:06:28]:
Some people feel uncomfortable if they're not matching.Samantha [01:06:30]:
Yeah.Lisa [01:06:31]:
Right.Samantha [01:06:32]:
And then there's Haley, who said that she doesn't sleep with pajamas on.Lisa [01:06:36]:
Right. I didn't see that. What is Haley sleeping? Is she sleeping in? Nothing.Samantha [01:06:39]:
I. That's. I believe what she alluded to.Lisa [01:06:43]:
Really? Huh. Interesting. Oh, natural.Samantha [01:06:47]:
Oh, natural.Lisa [01:06:48]:
Because we didn't give that option. No, we didn't. No. Right. So look at how comfortable she feels just sharing that with us.Samantha [01:06:56]:
It was pretty good. I liked it. It was fun.Lisa [01:06:58]:
Yeah, it was good. I think I appreciated the fact that everybody kind of pulled, played and. And. And we had a bit of fun with it, too.Samantha [01:07:05]:
Yeah, it was good. And then we did baked potatoes. You guys have some very interesting thoughts about what goes On a baked potato. And you know that potatoes are close to my heart, right?Lisa [01:07:15]:
People hate a tomato on a potato.Samantha [01:07:17]:
Because you don't put tomatoes on a potato.Lisa [01:07:19]:
It was a choice. It was in the top 10 of things like potato, tomato. You put salsa, you put chili. They all have bits.Samantha [01:07:27]:
I would not put salsa on. On a hot potato.Lisa [01:07:30]:
But you'd put chili on it.Samantha [01:07:31]:
Of course I would.Lisa [01:07:32]:
That's disgusting.Samantha [01:07:33]:
No, it's not.Lisa [01:07:34]:
Yeah, I like just, you know, I like just a basic potato. Like, I like just butter, some sour cream. It's really my best.Samantha [01:07:42]:
Well, you are pretty, basically, Seth.Lisa [01:07:44]:
I am. Right. Especially when it comes to. Like that. Right? Totally. Samantha.Samantha [01:07:49]:
I. You know what else I'm gonna bring up? I'm gonna bring it up. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Lisa. Don't stop me.Lisa [01:07:54]:
Oh, I know what you're going to do, and I'm going to want to stop you, but I'm not going to.Samantha [01:07:58]:
I saw on the Tick Tock, a lady was like, go to Google, check out your provincial parks and see if they say state parks. I did. I went to Google and I looked up Canada's provincial parks here in Saskatchewan, and it says state parks Underneath black strap. It should be Blackstrap Provincial park. Not state park. Not a state park. You little piece of shit.Lisa [01:08:24]:
Right. It made the news this morning on the radio.Samantha [01:08:27]:
Yeah. So it should. Because you know what? Google. That's not right.Lisa [01:08:31]:
No, And Google. Google's claiming that, oh, it's just a glitch. One of two people told you to do it. Either dawn or Elon. Right. Told you to change it because you're starting to think you're taking over Canada. You're not. There are parks.Lisa [01:08:46]:
Back off. Get your own. You got your own parks.Samantha [01:08:48]:
Yeah. And just. Just so you're aware, guys, this is just another tactic to get us looking over there.Lisa [01:08:56]:
Yeah.Samantha [01:08:56]:
Instead of looking over here.Lisa [01:08:57]:
Right.Samantha [01:08:58]:
All right, so he's going to keep pulling this.Lisa [01:09:01]:
And that's his M.O. to get everybody so worked up and confused about something stupid so he can wreck the world around you. Right? Yeah, totally.Samantha [01:09:09]:
So I'm just saying, if you will.Lisa [01:09:12]:
Go to Google, report it out, and maybe it's been changed. Let us know if it's been changed yet.Samantha [01:09:17]:
I'm sure that there's tons of people that let Google know you did something dumb.Lisa [01:09:21]:
Yeah, totally.Samantha [01:09:23]:
Don't do it again.Lisa [01:09:24]:
Because it's not a mistake when it never was like that before. It might have been a mistake if it was just a Brand new piece of information. Maybe it was a mistake. A typo. Oh, sorry, we got it wrong. Not. Not. We had to purposely.Lisa [01:09:36]:
You had to make a change to it. You had to change something to delete some words. That's not a mistake. Deleting is not a mistake. That's a. That's. That's a. That's an action that you did on purpose.Samantha [01:09:47]:
That's somebody who has too much time on their hands.Lisa [01:09:51]:
Hi. How about get back to work, Google, Right? Get back to work.Samantha [01:09:55]:
Go do your job.Lisa [01:09:56]:
Yeah, go do your job. Google whatever that might be. Right. But find it and do it. Right?Samantha [01:10:01]:
Find it and do it and do it better.Lisa [01:10:03]:
Do it better. Right? Leave us out of it.Samantha [01:10:06]:
Oh, but when I looked that up, but I was like, don't, Jim.Lisa [01:10:09]:
I know. You messaged me like, oh, no way.Samantha [01:10:13]:
Don't mess with us. But then I was like, oh, it's a tactic.Lisa [01:10:17]:
Right? Right. And I'm falling for it. I'm falling. I'm falling for it. Damn it. Totally. So crazy.Samantha [01:10:26]:
Anyways, on that note, if you love what you hear.Lisa [01:10:34]:
And why wouldn't you. Because we're some shallow.Samantha [01:10:37]:
Shallow. Connect with us on social media or visit our www.ishakemyheadpod.com to sign up for newsletters, read our blog, leave a message or check out our episodes. You can catch our video of our podcast on YouTube and you can subscribe. We are at 120 now.Lisa [01:10:56]:
Yay. We met your goal one year later.Samantha [01:10:58]:
We met our goal a year later. If you would like to join our Patreon, we have exclusive content. You get early access, behind the scenes footage and for all as for as little as $2 a month, you can visit patreon.com I shake my head. If you happen to be looking for. I shake my head. Swag. Head on to threadless.com and search for us. You can also support us by sharing our posts on your socials and become a podcast ambassador.Samantha [01:11:23]:
We would really appreciate it. And we just want to thank John Domingo for editing our podcast each week.Lisa [01:11:30]:
He does such a good job.Samantha [01:11:31]:
He does.Lisa [01:11:32]:
Thank you, John. Thank you, Samantha. We're in spring training.Samantha [01:11:37]:
Hey, you are.Lisa [01:11:39]:
The Jays have won the first three games.Samantha [01:11:42]:
Oh, that's a fluke.Lisa [01:11:44]:
Bed rest. I don't know. I don't know. I'm just saying.Samantha [01:11:47]:
Shh.Lisa [01:11:49]:
Don't jinx it.Samantha [01:11:49]:
Okay, you shut up then, right?Lisa [01:11:52]:
No, I'm saying good things. When you bring negativity into it, I want you not to.Samantha [01:11:57]:
I need you to not talk to me until they're actually playing.Lisa [01:11:59]:
I need you to stop talking to me right now because we. The show's over. How about that? How about that? How about we just do some of that? Okay. How about I stop drooling on my chin?Samantha [01:12:10]:
Yeah, that'd be great.Lisa [01:12:11]:
That's weird. Hey, maybe that's gonna be my new thing. If that is my new thing. If I'm starting to drool on my right side, will you be the good enough friend? Because I'm counting on you to say you. We just need a signal. Like, tap your chin. Can we just rehearse? You just tap your chin. And then I'll be like, right? And I'll be like, thank you.Lisa [01:12:30]:
Because I don't know, maybe. Maybe that's. Maybe I'm gonna be drooly in my 60s.Samantha [01:12:34]:
Oh, good God.Lisa [01:12:36]:
Right?Samantha [01:12:37]:
All right.Lisa [01:12:37]:
I don't know. We'll have to see. So anyways, Samantha, right? Good show. Good show, my friend, as always. Shallow and all.Samantha [01:12:46]:
Shallow, shallow.Lisa [01:12:48]:
That's our new. Okay, Right. Let's sing us out. Shallow, shallow, shallow, shallow, shallow. All right. Samantha, always.Samantha [01:13:01]:
Wonderful week, everyone.Lisa [01:13:03]:
Everybody have a great week. Download to subscribe and promote. K C. Samantha, always a pleasure.Samantha [01:13:09]:
It should be.Lisa [01:13:21]:
Who's a pretty girl? I'm a pretty girl.