May 13, 2022

I Hate You Already!

I Hate You Already!

I hate you already just thinking about it! Who do you think said that Lisa or Sam? What do you think they were talking about, would you believe it was about tenting. Lisa is looking for a new Tuesday show to make her cry. Sam can't stand foodle and L...

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I Shake My Head

I hate you already just thinking about it! Who do you think said that Lisa or Sam? What do you think they were talking about, would you believe it was about tenting. Lisa is looking for a new Tuesday show to make her cry. Sam can't stand foodle and Lisa is contemplating trying avocados. The world will never be the same! Has Adele been guilted into going to the Vegas version of McDonald's, and will Lisa buy all the jubilee trinkets? What is the perfect ballpark meal and should we start charging our friends for hosting a dinner party? Tune in to the latest episode to find out what's up with Lisa and Sam!

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